Status: Active.

Dear Gravity You've Held Me Down

You're a Classic.

I groaned loudly seeing my own reflection in my bedroom mirror, then I saw Megz walking in from the corner of my eyes. I turned around and frowned.

"You look so gorgeous and I look like cheap whore." I whine as I stare at Megz stunning costume.

"Halloween gives you the right to look like a cheap whore you know. And I don't blame you, you're beautiful Jenn."

I roll my eyes and turn back to look at myself in the mirror.

"And this boots just make me look shorter." I pout feeling miserable and ugly.

"Jenn you look amazing, you're just worried.."

"Why the hell would I be worried for?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

Megz giggles and shrugs. "You look fine, just take a deep breath and don't think about it."
I do what Megz tells me and close my eyes relaxing a bit.

"I feel better, I just have to think about other things."

"That's the spirit, now get your purse because the guys are going to be here any minute."

I giggle realizing that Brendon is going to be in tights. "Okay now I feel much better." I joke and fix my extra wavy purple hair.

I grab my red purse and walk out of my room and then there's a soft knock on the door. Megz increases her pace and opens the door quickly.

"Why hello there gorgeous."

I roll my eyes as I hear Pete's corny line.

"Are you all ready to go? Hey Jenn, nice outfit."

"Thanks." I smile innocently and plop down onto the couch as I hear Pete and Megz giggling about some stuff.

"We'll see you at the party." Pete calls out.

"Pete you know very well the party doesn't start until I get there." I smirk playfully, Pete rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"You know it's true."

"Whatever." He shouts and drags Megz out of the apartment before kicking the door shut.
I sigh and stare at the clock hanging from the wall.

Maybe he's running a little late. I tell myself and pick up the remote control for the television, I turn it on and begin to browse the channels trying to become less impatient. He's only thirty minutes late, and boys, especially like Brendon tend to run a bit late.

Maybe I should call him. I groan and turn off the TV, it's not helping me at all. I sit up and walk to the window and look out of it. I can see kids with their parents walking through the street talking and laughing. I can also see couples holding hands as they talk.

I begin to pace but it's only starting to make me nervous and have a queasy stomach feeling. Just sit down, he's going to be here any minute.

Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into an hour, and hour turns into two, and then three. I pick up the phone worryingly. Maybe something happened to him. I dial Brendon's number, it rings twice before somebody answers.

"Hello?" I question to the unfamiliar voice.

"Hello, who's this?" A female voice giggles, unable to hide her tipsiness.

"Um... Is Brendon there?" I ask

"Duh, this is his cell phone, who is this?"

"This is Jennifer, can I talk to him?"

I hear a hush conversation followed by some laughter.

"He's not here right now," She giggles.

"Oh. Can you just tell him to call Jenn back?"

"I'm his girlfriend not his messenger, but sure I'll tell him." She sighs and then hangs up.
I stare blankly at my phone before flipping it close. I sit on the couch wide eyed and confused about what had just happened. Girlfriend? He has a girlfriend and he never told me. Not that it actually mattered, we were just friends and nothing more.

I lay down and bury my head into a couch pillow and scream at the top of my lungs but it sounds like a muffled cry for help.

Answer your phone! Jenn answer your phone! I hear my cell ringing. I grumble and sit up.

"I really have to change the ringer." I mumble and open it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask casually.

"Where the fuck are you guys!?" I hear Megz shrieking voice.

I frown feeling angry about not being at the amazing party.

"Why don't you ask Brendon that." I grumble angrily.

"Well let me talk to him."

"He;s not here smart ass, he never came."

"What do you mean he never came?"

"Like he never fucking came, he totally just blew me off." I sigh and sink into the couch.

I hear the background music growing and then someone shouting, probably Pete.

"Don't worry, Patrick said he could go for you." She shouts hurting my ear.

"It's okay. Anyway I'm watching this really good show on the discovery channel." I lie.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, have fun and don't do anything crazy." I joke without amusement and hang up.

I toss my cell to the coffee table and get up dragging my feet towards my bedroom.

"I need some tequila shots." I groaned realizing it's going to be a long night.

I sigh and fall onto my bed and stare at my closet doors, anger disappearing as the sadness replaces it.

"Fucking Brendon." I mumble feeling my eyes tearing up.
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I updated faster this time. :tehe: