Status: Active.

Dear Gravity You've Held Me Down

I'm So Sorry I Didn't Mean To

I groaned loudly as I awoke from my slumber. Clutching my aching head I lifted myself up and forced my eyes to open. Immediately I recognized that we were in Pete’s room, sadly I also realized at that exact moment that ‘we’ consisted of four people and the other two were not Jenn or Patrick. As I lifted myself up higher to look at Pete’s alarm clock the blankets fell down to my waist and I felt a sudden chill.

“Please tell me we didn’t have a foursome,” I muttered to myself.

The blonde beside me giggled as she raised her head, “No, it’s safe to say we just passed out. As we’re all clothed,” At this she lifted the blankets to double check, “Well sort of.”

At that I risked a peek under the covers to see that we were all clad in just our underwear. “What happened last night?” I asked as I laid back down stretching my arms out in front of me.

“We went partying, and obviously got smashed,” Jac mused lightly.

“Uh,” I groaned burying my head into the pillow in front of me, “How sad is it that I can’t remember shit after we got to the club?”

She giggled lightly again as familiar arms wrapped around my naked torso, “Do you normally remember after getting completely smashed?” She asked.

“No, but most of the time I truly get fucked up, the most I know is that I didn’t do anything besides drink last night…” I trailed off, turning to look at Pete who had placed his chin upon my shoulder. “Morning love,” I smiled lightly, pecking his lips quickly.

“Morning girls,” He mumbled before closing his eyes once again.

“No sleeping,” I laughed lightly poking his nose. He cracked open one eye and stared at me, “Do you remember what I did last night?” I questioned, sounding even to myself a bit like a child.

“Uh… yeah…” He nodded sitting up.

I gulped nervously, afraid about what I had done. I sat up onto my knees and took a hold of his hands, “What did I do?” My voice was filled with panic.

“Er,” He looked down and bit his lip, “You should go and call Patrick, see if he found Jenn alright. Then maybe go there and apologize,” He muttered looking up slowly, his brown eyes connecting with mine.

“Awe fuck, what did I do?” I screamed clutching my hair in frustration.

“Hey, hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. You were completely smashed at that point,” Pete cooed prying my hands off of my hands. “I’m pretty sure you weren’t intending to be mean, because it’s you, you couldn’t hurt a fly,” He chuckled lightly pressing chaste kisses to my both wrists.

“What did I do?” I asked dryly, avoiding eye contact.

“You kind of called her a whore, and a loser. Then you left with Audrey and me…” Jac whispered placing her hand on my shoulder.

“She ran away crying, and Rick ran after her,” Pete mumbled.

I bit my lip hard, until I tasted blood and then looked up at Pete my eyes watering, “I’m such a bitch,” I whimpered.

He reached over and got a Kleenex or two before pressing them to my bleeding lip, “No sweetheart, you just made a mistake… but it’s Jenn, she loves you. She’ll forgive you, don’t worry,” He murmured as I buried my head into his neck, both him and Jac rubbing my back in comfort. “How about I make you some breakfast and call Rick so you can go and apologize, how does that sound?” He questioned softly.

“Okay,” I mumbled whipping my tears away. He smiled encouragingly at me before kissing my nose and slipping out of bed, leaving me with a comforting Jac, and a still sleeping Ryan.

I knocked nervously on Patrick’s front door, making sure it was loud enough to be heard but afraid to knock too soon after the last one. After a few moments of pure uneasiness the door opened to reveal Patrick, with a blank expression upon his face. I chewed on my lip softly, lowering my gaze to the floor, “I know you kind of have to hate me now that you’re dating her… but I didn’t do it on purpose,” I muttered sadly.

I heard him sigh before the door opened wider, “I know…” He mumbled letting me in. I walked in and kicked off my shoes and buried my hands deeper into Pete’s hoodie pockets. I walked right down the long hallway that led to Patrick’s bedroom where he had told Pete she had refused to leave. The door was open though and I walked in, but stayed by the door; because I hadn’t been invited into the room by her. I doubted I would be even after I apologized though.

“Jenn…” I whispered into the room, staring at the figure of her curled up on the bed. She didn’t move at all so I continued on, “I’m really sorry. I was drunk out of my mind, I know that’s not an excuse… but you have to know I didn’t mean to be a total bitch,” I muttered. “And I could never choose them over you, I love you and I know you hate Audrey… hell I’m not her biggest fan either. I know I was a total bitch and you have every right to hate me for however long you wish… but it’s not like I was going to hold a grudge against you for lying to me about you and Patrick,” I added softly.

Slowly I started backing out of the room, only to pause as she rolled over to face me. Her make-up ruined from last night, she wiped her nose with her sleeve, “We aren’t dating… we’re pretending,” She mumbled, so lowly I could barely hear her.

“So long as you know what you’re doing,” I nodded before turning to leave.

“You don’t have to go,” She called after me. I turned back and smiled weakly at her, to which she returned the gesture. Slowly I padded into the room and sat down on the bed beside her, “You really don’t like Audrey?” She whispered.

“Hell no, she was only nice to me after Brendon tackled me and Pete to the ground… I’m just nice to her because I may have to work with her again,” I stated rolling my eyes, causing Jenn to laugh slightly. “Do you forgive me for being too drunk to realize my words didn’t sound like they do in Mean Girls?” I questioned lightly, forcing a huge open smile.

She laughed wiping at her cheek, “Yeah… I suppose so, I mean I don’t trust the classifieds to find me a new roommate who’s not a total freak,” Gasping loudly I playfully shoved her, to which she gasped and pushed me back.

We broke out into a pillow fight filled with laughter, only interrupted by Patrick and the flash of his camera, “Well I’m glad that you’ve worked everything out, now please don’t kill my pillows,” He stated, deathly serious. Glancing over at Jenn grinning cheekily, her mimicking my expression we both picked up our pillows and threw them at Patrick. Mine hit him square in the chest, and hers hitting his smack up the side of his face. Life was good once more, for the three of us it seemed; if only it could stay this way forever.
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