Status: Active.

Dear Gravity You've Held Me Down

Sleeping Around

Two weeks had gone by, and I haven’t heard from William at all. Pete and Patrick as well have been absent, but with the brief over Jenn had given me, I wasn’t really expecting them to show up much. But William, I was expecting to at least hear from him. He had my address, he knew where I worked and he had my phone number. But as they days went by, and I heard nothing from him I got more and more depressed. It was Saturday night, two weeks after the party, at 6pm I padded across the hall my bear feet dragging slightly, dressed in my pajamas into Jenn’s room to see her buzzing around the room.

I sat down on her bed, letting the teddy I held in my right hand dangle over the edge as I stared at her “What are you getting ready for?” I asked her curiously.

“This boy in my film class asked me out, and being me I didn’t know how to say no,” She sighed fixing her hair “Do I look okay?” She asked.

“Yeah he won’t know that it’s killing you to go out with him,” I nodded before chewing on my lip.

She turned to look at me confused before realizing my attire, and teddy bear. “What’s up hun?” She asked sitting beside me.

“It’s William,” I mumbled.

“What about him?” She asked worriedly.

“I haven’t heard from him in 2 weeks, not even a text since the date,” I muttered.

“Awe hun,” She cooed hugging me tightly. “I’m sorry,”

“Me too, it was only one date, a few kisses, and I actually thought it meant something,” I muttered pulling the ratted teddy to my chest.

“I wish I could stay and have a girls’ night in, but I promised this guy I’d give him one date,” She sighed, just as there was a knock on the door.

We both got up and walked towards the door “Nah go, I’ll just pig out on some ice cream and what not, go have fun,” I smiled weakly at her.

“Okay bye, call if you need me okay?” She asked opening the door.

“Later,” I called out shutting the door behind her.

“Now what to do to stay entertained?” I hummed to myself as I picked up my cell phone and looked through my contacts... “I wonder if good old Joe’s got plans for tonight,”

3 hours later and Joe and I were giggling like school girls while watching Freddy vs. Jason, already into our third bag of all dressed chips. “Hehe, he just cut that guy in half!” Joe shrieked with giggles.

“Awe no! I liked that guy! He was high,” I giggled falling off the couch.

“You’re high,” Joe pointed out before giggling again.

“So, so are you,” I stuck out my tongue at him before grabbing the bag from his hands and stuffing my face.

“Does that mean you like me too?” His face lit up excited as he fell down beside me.

“Of course, you’re Joe, why wouldn’t I like you?” I asked with a mouth full of chips. He grinned and kissed my cheek sloppily while wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

“Good, I like you too,” He nodded before we turned back to the TV. Just as I was getting back into the movie, well as into it as I could be while high, there was a knock on the door.

“I’ll go get it,” I sighed standing up letting the bag of chips fall to the floor, but not the teddy. I shuffled my feet towards the door and opened it quickly to show William.

“Bill!” I grinned up at him.

“Hey,” He mumbled his brow furrowed in confusion. “What’s that smell?” He asked concerned.

“Umm...” I trailed off looking over my shoulder to see Joe popping his head over the couch. “Nothing,” I smiled quickly.

He cupped my face quickly and bent down to examine my eyes “Are you high?” He asked.

“No?” I asked in a small voice.

“What are you doing?” He sighed his hand not leaving my face.

“Trying to have a good time, it’s not like you care though, you haven’t called me or anything in 2 weeks!” I cried waving my arms, and teddy, all over.

“I’m sorry, I was in the studio every day,” He sighed. “That’s no reason for you to get depressed and then get high,” He scolded softly.

I sighed and looked down at my black coated toe nails “I didn’t get depressed,” I mumbled.

“Then why did you get high with Joe?” William asked walking into my apartment and closing the door.

“Okay so I got depressed!” I shouted glaring up at him. “Big deal,”

“I think I’m going to go,” Joe mumbled turning off the DVD player and the TV before quickly slipping by us and escaping from this awkward situation.

“It is a big deal Meghan,” William whispered.

“Whatever,” I mumbled walking into the kitchen, he trailed after me.

“Don’t whatever me Megz, if that’s how you feel I’ll just go then,” he said and I heard him turn around.

“No!” I shouted jumping on his back sending him to the floor. He rolled underneath me so that he was facing up at me instead. “Please don’t go, yeah I got depressed, I, I thought that you didn’t like me or something,” I mumbled looking straight into his eyes.

He reached up and pushed a chunk of my hair out of my eyes, “Of course I like you Megz, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” He spoke softly as he pressed himself up onto one elbow.

“I like you too,” I smiled leaning down towards his face. He grinned and leaned up catching my lips in his own, before rolling us over so he was on top. I cupped his face as he grabbed my hips parting my lips as his tongue darted into my mouth. I brushed his jacket off his shoulders and he threw it across the kitchen along with his shirt. My hands roamed over his chest as I kissed trails up and down his throat, blessing his Adam’s apple as well. He moaned slightly as his hands pushed up my shirt, taking it right off of me.

After a few seconds he pulled away panting, “You’re high,” He reminded me.

“I know what I’m doing William,” I stated leaning up and nipping under his ear lobe. “I know what I want to,” I informed him.

“Well then, not here on the kitchen floor,” He mumbled standing up and picking me up bridal style.

“Awe where’s your sense of adventure?” I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck as he headed towards my bedroom.

“It was replaced by common courteously,” He chuckled placing me on my bed before closing the door.
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haha... the rest is up to your imagination
yeah I hate when authors do that too, but I'm in no mood to write any foreplay so sorry.
But I hope you liked it,
and yeah the whole high thing... idk
leave some love!