Parallel Universe


When his lips touched hers, I swear I felt my heart break into a million pieces. People say heart break doesn’t hurt as bad as it's described, people say that you can't feel it, it's just an emotion- nothing physical. People also lie. I felt my heart shatter, my chest felt empty and my lungs felt like they were being pierced by shards of glass. I couldn’t believe my eyes, which were now clouded with tears that were running down my face, ruining my fresh makeup.

"Oh God, no."

Tony's deep voice came from behind me and I felt a hand on the small of my back. I let the hand support me as I felt my knees give out. Everything was going in slow motion and I felt like I was breaking in half, my left and right sides pulling apart from each other with such force; I was tearing at the seams. Victor Fuentes just broke my heart yet I still wanted him. How masochistic could I get?
♠ ♠ ♠
All the chapters are relitively short but I think they're alright.
It might get confusing though, I'm doing a lot of flash backs, I guess.
Give me feedback & subscribe if you'd like (: