
Born For This

This time I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock.
I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I grabbed the full cream milk from the fridge and two bowels, one for Daniel and one for me. The cereal was still on the kitchen table from the morning before.
Mum was sleeping on the sofa while the t.v was providing the weather for us. Melbourne had a little picture of a sun, and beside the picture was the weather, 30 degrees.

I ate my breakfast in silence hoping not to wake up mum. Believe me, wake her up and she'll hate you for the rest of the day. I know from experience.
Once I was full enough I picked up my plate and started towards the sink.
Unfortunately for me, I'm pretty clumbsy. In fact, I'm so clumbsy it's unhealthy. As I was pushing in the wooden, white kitchen chair, I tripped over the leg of the chair. I didn't fall. Instead, the bowel went flying out of my hands, landed on the ground and smashed. Left over cereal and full cream milk went everywhere. My mum yawned, saw what happened, and as you can probably guess, I was hated for the rest of the day...
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again, is this too short?
Please tell me what you think. :D