Haunted Dream

Chater Five

"Ah fucker!" I screamed as the zombie knocked me over from behind. I quickly rolled on my side, scraping my knee on the road, but successfully got back to my feet.

I planted a kick to it's leg so that it would fall, allowing me to smash the skull in as I've done for a total of 18 times now in one hour with my trust baseball bat.

I have no idea how they manage to wonder so far out at such a slow pace. It just worried me even more at how the city would be like, if this was isolation.

I sighed and felt the nausea giving in. I hadn't gotten use to killing, even if it was killing the dead. It just wasn't a sight to see. Feeling a bit dizzy, I leaned back onto the car hood. The desert heat was killing me.

I had abandoned my long sleeved shirt a long time ago in the car, leaving me in a tank top. I ruffled my head a little to unstick my hair from my face. I wiped my eyes from droplets of perspiration.

I got back into my car, but not before the hood started creaking. I did a double take to notice that a bunch of zombies were climbing the hood of my car.

I panicked. I've never taken on packs. Just singles. With the door still open, I revved the car in reverse causing most of them to fall on the road in front of me.

Shifting gears as quick as I could, I put the car in drive and sped forward, crushing the bodies under the wheels hearing satisfying crunching and squishes.

However, there were still a few more that had fallen backwards off.

I guess I'd have to do this manually.

I grabbed my field hockey stick and exited the car going towards the trunk.

There were a total of five zombies. Yes. I was worried. But the fact that I was faster than they were and they couldn't run relieved me.

I paced myself to take a few strides forward and knocking zombie one straight in the neck, causing it's head to crack and move painfully 90 degrees.

Another one came into direct contact of me and I moved fast enough to push it off me, not killing it though, for the other three were getting much closer.

I made a 180 degree sweep, knocking all of them down disarming them for a moment and letting me stall for a second.

Something in the air made me glance up. And I thank God that I did, because in the distance was a vehicle driving towards me.

"Thanks Go- shit!" I screamed as the first zombie I knocked over jumped on me hungrily. I stuck the stick out horizontally against its neck to keep it's head and mouth away from me.

Oh Lod it was disgusting. The most vile thing I've ever seen in my life. It's skin rotting and jaw dislocated, it was a sight for sore eyes.

With desperation, since that car, truck, whatever wasn't coming fast enough, I lifted my legs up to flip the zombie over behind my head.

I rolled again, scraping the same knee, which stung like hell and managed to get up.

The other three were gaining so I had to act quickly.

I screamed a bit as I put force into smashing the face of this zombie. It's head gushed out pus and oozed out blood, but I had more to handle.

I swept at them again, knocking them over. I sprinted back to my car and chucked the field hockey stick in and snatched the shovel.

It was heavy, but it would do.

With a heave, I lifted the shovel and stabbed one of the zombies closest to me in the back of the skull, causing it to let out one last moan and fall to the ground. I pressed my foot on its head and yanked the shovel out of it's head.

The van, which I could now see, had parked a few yards away from me. I don't know how long it was there for but I didn't have time to see who was in there because I had two more zombies coming after me.

One of them was incredibly clumsy since it had a limp leg, so I made sure to decapitate that leg altogether.

It was now struggling on the ground moaning and pathetically withering there.

The last zombie however was the most aggressive however. It moved fast, so I would have to move faster.

Heaving the shovel up like a javelin, I charged at the zombie and with one cry I speared it through it's neck causing the head to, with difficulty, discorporate itself.

Breathing heavily, I hunched over hands on my knees. I lifted my head, squinting at the white van with suspicion.

The doors of the van suddenly opened and out emerged a clan of people. I was too tired to try to count how many guys and how many girls there were but all that was apparent that they were young.

Not children young, but young adults, young.

"Holy shit! Are you okay?" A guy with long hair asked me grabbing my arm. Breathing still heavy, I stood straight up and wobble a bit.

"Yeah, thanks for the help," I gasped feeling dizzy.

"If it makes you feel better, you looked fucking bad ass," He said helping me stand.

"How many times have you had to do that?" A girl asked.

"About," I wheezed, turning around to examine the damage. "27 times,"

"Murmurs of profanity went around the group,"

"This is fucked up," One of them shook their head.

"How many of them have you been across?" I asked the group.

"Not many, we just run over them," Another guy replied.

"I can't imagine having to do what you just did. You're like fucking Resident Evil chick,"

If I had the energy I would have rolled my eyes. That was exactly what I wasn't.

"Help me to my car," I told the guy still holding my arm. He took me over to my station wagon and assisted me into the driving seat.

"Shit," He said peering into the back. "You came prepared,"

The others came to circle around the car as well.

I pulled out some bread, cheese and water for myself and scarfed it down.

"I'm Alex by the way," The one with the long hair said with his hand on his chest. "That's Cash, Alex. . .DeLeon but we call him Singer, Ian, Alex Marshall we call him Marshall though, Lexi, Dana, Sara, and Sonny,"

I shook my head confused, "Too many Alex's,"

"Don't worry about it," The first one said. "Everyone calls me Johnson,"

"Where are you guys headed?"

"To Boston," Johnson replied. Everyone nodded and murmured their agreement.

"Where are you coming from?"

"Las Vegas. . .Nevada,"

"Why?" I asked in a panicked tone. Johnson picked this up immediately.

"The place is fucking swarmed with them. We barely made it out," Johnson said.

"Shit!" I screamed hitting the steering wheel. Everyone was alarmed.

"Why?" One of the Alex's asked worried. Singer?

"That's where I'm suppose to go!" I cried out.

"You can't. You won't make it,"

"But there's a chopper going to California from there!" I told him, distressed.

"What? Why!" One of the girls asked.

"There are camps at Mount Whitney and other valleys that those things can't reach. It's too cold or too high for them or something," I explained.

"There isn't anything taking anyone there," another girl said in a sad tone.

"Are you sure? You didn't notice any helicopters? Planes?" I hoped.

"Nothing. Dead," Sonny shook his head.

I whimpered slightly and hunched over feeling too tired to cry. Johnson rubbed my back.

"Wh-why are you headed to Massachusetts?" I inquired.

"There's a sanctuary there. They built this massive like camp out guarded by a shit load of the army. I think they gave up trying to save the whole US, so like whoever survived would go there," Cash said.

"It's temporary though. It's just for now while they're building a new city underground because the fort won't last forever," Singer pointed out.

"It sound pretty much opposite to what you were saying," Johnson reasoned.

My head was spinning.

"I think you should stick with us," One of the girls stated. Everyone else agreed.

"I mean, it's probably selfish of us to keep you-"

"No," I finally said quickly. "No, it's not. I'll stay with you guys,"

Everybody looked relieved. It scared me. I didn't want them to rely on me. They looked at me like I was some sort of hero or something.

"Where did you guys get the van from?" I asked.

"Uh, we're in a band," Johnson motioned four of the guys. "And we were on tour to come back home and what better way to say 'welcome back' than a house warming party with a bunch of brain sucking zombies?"

"What band?" I asked curiously.

"The Cab?" Marshall spoke finally.

I thought for a moment and then shook my head.

"Sorry," I shrugged. "No wait! I went to a concert! I went to that Hush Sound one!" I recollected.

"Are you a fan?" Singer asked. I shook my head.

"I just found out who you guys were at that concert but I never really bothered to look you guys up that often. I know some songs though? Probably mainstr-rr-"

"What's wrong?" Ian asked. He had funny hair.

"You guys never dealt with those things?"

They all shook their heads.

"Not one?"



"Well, I guess we'll have our first lesson then," I slowly climbed out of my car and turned to face left of the barren desert.

There were about four or five zombies slowly making their way over.

The group panicked and motioned towards the van.

"Girls go back," I commanded. "Dudes stay,"

The guys looked worried.

"Who plays drums?" I asked. All of them raised their hands. I smirked.

"Then this will be fun then,"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm having fun with this.