Middle School Success

Moze White and his Seven Dorks

Moze was not the type of guy to let something go, in fact, he never did. That same afternoon, he decided to play out his plan, without Chrissie and Lizzy, all because of what they had done to him. The only problem was, he needed more people for his plan to work…he needed a clique. You can’t join one, you’ve got to make one! Cliques hardly ever get new members; he figured that’s why some of his earlier plans didn’t work. But that didn’t matter to Moze; this was the closest he had been to succeeding in a long time, other than two months earlier, back when Brian was still with them. Moze had made his full proof plan which he said every time, but it was different this time, he just knew it. “Brian I finally got it!!” Moze said running towards Brian’s locker. Brian just rolled his eyes and said, “Well screaming it through the hallway is not the way to do it Moze.” As he shut his locker, “You know I hope one of these times one of your plans actually works, because every time it doesn’t, we all suffer.” Moze wasn’t paying any attention because once again, Stacy, the fairest of them all, walked her way buy with her normal group of girls all fluffing themselves up, for what? Nobody ever knew. By the time he fell out of his trance, Brian was talking to a couple of other guys, six to be exact. One was extremely shy and ran away when Moze came within ten feet of him. The second was complaining how he just got an F on his English exam, along with his friend who fell asleep during it. The fourth was extremely perky, like cheerleader gone insane, perky. The fifth was waiting for his decongestant to work because he had something irritating his nasal cavity, and the last didn’t like Moze very much, in fact, he didn’t seem to like anyone that much. And Brian led the entire troop. Moze could hardly stand the hilarity of it all; he almost burst out twice. He called them all Brian White and his 7 dorks, they didn’t seem to like it very much but Moze thought it was pretty funny. But Brian was gone now and Moze needed more people, and what happened next, well, let’s just say Moze white and his seven dorks, were about to get a makeover.
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Heres the second chapter. Third coming soon. Enjoy!!!