Status: Complete :)

In Another World

Chapter Seven;

I held onto my mother as she sobbed hard into my chest, the look on her face when I broke the news to her about Kevin heart breaking and unbearable for me to keep my eyes upon.

How everything in our lives had turned upside down in less than a year was so hard for me to believe I know I was the cause but I did not want to think about it. If I did manage to blame myself all over again I would want to turn myself in and I did not want that. The pain and grief that it would cause my family was unthinkable.

Reassuring my parents that I believed Kevin would come back soon; I left the house and went out looking for the nearest payphone. I did not care anymore about the fact that Kevin had specifically stated in the letter to not get in contact with him.

He had made the most stupid decision of his life and I was going to make sure he knew it for himself.

“Hello?” I heard Kevin’s sad tone at the other end of the line.

“You are a freaking dipshit!” I screamed down the phone. “Do not even think about hanging up on me! What have you done? What were you thinking? You did not only break Katie’s heart today but everybody else including Nick’s” I could not help myself but cry.

There was a pause and for the slightest moment I had thought that he had now hung up on me. “I know.” He finally answered, “But I was not left with any other choice Joe. I need to clear my head for a while. I need to get away from it all. It is killing me. I can’t live with that,” he tried to explain.

“So what now?” I asked, “What am I supposed to do? Wipe away everybody’s tears?”

I heard Kevin take a deep breath. “I guess so,”

“That’s not as easy as it sounds dear brother you have no idea.” And with that I hung up on him.

Walking out of the payphone booth, I shivered slightly nearly bumping into someone. Someone who I had been trying my very best to avoid for several months now. Someone who knew my secret. Someone who was a threat to me and my life including my loved ones.

He let out a huge laugh, “Well, well, well!” he gave me a sudden shake. “It’s Joseph!” he exclaimed rather loudly at the top of his voice, “I have been looking all over for you son! I did the job. Now, where is my money sunshine?” he questioned half spitting in my face.

“I’m not happy!” I replied, bitterly.

The man before my eyes stopped grinning at once, “I did exactly what you told me to do. Your brother is dead for good! How can you not be happy?!” he said, now yelling in my face.

I could feel his dirty breath on my face.

My eyes had now begun to prickle with tears, I tried not to show him that I was scared, “it was a mistake! A huge mistake! I was drunk when I did the deal with you!” I cried.

“I do not deal with mistakes kid.” He grunted. “I bury them underground and walk away, I’m a man with much power, and you do not want to make me angry.” He began to threaten me. “My boys have been keeping tabs on you. We know how much money you and your damn family play with so giving us a little fraction of it won’t do anybody any harm.”

I sighed, “I don’t deal with the finances.”

He then laughed again, “I know you don’t kid. You don’t even look bright enough. Boy, you have no idea what you have gotten yourself in,” he said shaking his head, “if you don’t listen to me now. I think I may have to pay your lovely Kodhai a visit tonight.”

I could not stand this at all; he was going to make a move on Kodhai? How was this even possible?

“You do not even know where she is.” I alleged.

“You really think I do not know where that girl is? My boys have been watching her house ever since that night. We have been watching her every move and you are telling me that we do not even know where she is. Very funny, boy. Very funny.” He said, placing his hand upon my left shoulder.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, “what will I have to do to get you off my back?” I asked, rather confidently.

“Give me my money,” he simply replied, “or just give me the girl,” he grinned widely.

“You are disgusting!” I spat back in fury.

He made a step towards me again, “I’m not the one who ordered for his brother to be killed. That was you, my poor dear boy.” He smiled really happily.

I stared back at his horrible face in shock for a few more seconds, there was nothing else that I could do to prevent anymore harm coming to my family. I wish I could have a time machine in my hands right now so I could travel back in time and fix the wrong doings that I unknowingly committed.

But of course, in reality there was no such thing at all.

Closing my eyes, I tried to think. There was only one option left for me out there. Turning around, I let out a huge sigh, “you will have your money by the end of next week” I told him. “If not then I’ll give you the girl.” I said with my jaw tightened.

I would try absolutely anything to keep Kodhai safe and sound; I just had to arrange some money from somewhere and then it can all be over and done with. I took a deep breath in and out and began to walk away in the opposite direction of my living nightmare.

Turning around the corner, I came to a sudden halt. Kodhai was stepping out of the car, she must have come to visit Nick’s grave. I ran as fast as I could towards her. Grabbing her arm, I yanked her around. “You are coming with me,” I ordered and dragged her along, ignoring her protests and screams on the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have come to a conclusion that this story should be at least 10 chapters long.
If I try to extend it, it will ruin it.
Hope you liked it, what do you think of Joe now that you know about the truth of Nick's death?
Feedback anyone?
