Silence Screams the Truth

Chapter 2

I jumped out of bed when I heard a bottle shatter down stairs. The sound wasn’t new to me, but I was a light sleeper. I quietly got out of my bed and tiptoed downstairs trying to make sure he didn’t hear me. As I reached the last step he stepped out from (well staggered) from behind the kitchen doorway.

“Well, what are you doing up? Are you trying to sneak in? I knew you were out there whoring around,” my dad slurred as he took a step towards me. I tried to back away, but he quickly grabbed my hair and yanked me back. “Where do you think you’re going? I wasn’t done talking to you!”

"No where,” I said quietly. I had learned from many previous experiences that talking back did nothing but make it worse. So I just quietly layed there holding in my screams as he kicked me over and over again.

“Look how pathetic you are. All you are is a good for nothing slut,” he spat. I tried to get up, but all he did was push me back down onto the ground with his foot. “See. This is why you’re mom is dead. You couldn’t do anything then, and you sure as hell can’t do anything now,” he stated as he stumbled away. “Now get out of my face. I’m tired of looking at you.”

I slowly got up and dragged myself to my room. As soon as I got in I slammed the door closed and locked it. I threw myself on my bed and put my face in my pillow trying to stop the tears from coming. Every night he would come home yell at me, hit me, and then yell at me some more. I was used to it by now. It just hurt when he brought her up. I already blamed myself for my mom's death, but it's just worse having him nlame me also. But this was the last time. Tonight I was going to get out. I had just turned 18 last week (not like any body cared), and I was officially an adult.

I sat on my bed and waited until I didn’t hear him anymore. Just to make sure though, I went and peeked into his room and saw him passed out on his bed. I quickly walked back to my room and put on my outfit before grabbing my bags I had packed earlier. I quickly took everything downstairs and loaded them into my car before taking one quick look at the house and driving off hoping to leave my father along with everything else behind.
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Yeah i know the chapters are short, but they're gonna get longer.
They're knid of slow to but it's just the beginning. They'll get better. Anyways if you read it please tell me what you think. Even if you hate it. Still tell me.
Well anyways that's it. I'll try to get another chapter out tomorrow!