Lost Souls

Chapter One: Welcome To My World

“I am not a very happy person; I hide my depression with fake smiles and laughter.”

Well that’s what I should have told my Mom, Rita, as I left the house this morning. However she was face down on the kitchen table from a night of using hardcore drugs. I hated her with every being in my body when she started. I can’t believe that it has been just a year since she started using them. At first she was being discrete with the drugs but lately she doesn’t care about herself anymore.

As I lifted her she was barely awake, I helped her up to her room and laid her in bed. As I pulled the cover up I noticed all the needle marks in her arms. I was disgusted, I wanted to puke, and I felt like I didn’t matter to her. I was the only one left that cared for her, I kind of felt sorry for her. My father the worthless bum was an alcoholic, he use to beat on Rita every chance he got. What kind of man would do that to his own wife?

I remember the last night I saw my so called father as if it was yesterday. He started drinking about two in the afternoon. After dinner he started to yell at Rita with all his anger that he was bottling up. He recently was fired for drinking on the job; he refused to come to terms with the boss about his drinking problem which leads him to be angry whenever he drank. I was downstairs watching some of my favourite anime when I heard all the yelling and swearing. I heard Rita call my father a drunk and that he should stop and pay more attention to me and my twin sister Vain. I heard a beer bottle smash, I thought that my father was too drunk to hold up his beer bottle, it wouldn’t be the first time he did that. Then I heard him yell “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!”

I ran upstairs worried, and thinking to myself ‘what the hell the matter with him’. Then I saw my father in the kitchen holding up a broken beer bottle to Rita’s throat. I yelled “STOP YOUR GOING TO HURT HER.”

He turned to look at me with his dark drunken eyes and said in a monotone voice, “Shut up you stupid boy, and go play your video games cause that all your good for.”

My eyes filled with rage and tears, my hands had curled up into fist. I stepped closer to him eyeing up his right arm which was holding the beer bottle up to Rita’s throat. I took the phone off the charger that was sitting on the counter and I started to dial 911. I looked at my father looking scared and nervous I had no idea what he would do to me if I called 911. I saw the terror on Rita’s face I had to do something before he seriously hurt her. I backed up to the farthest corner of the kitchen, carefully wording “If you step away from my mom, unscratched and out the door then I won’t call the cops on you”
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Hey everyone, I'm writing a book and this is the first half of chapter one. I hope everyone likes it, and comments are greatly appreciated!