Just watch my wildest dreams come true


I sat there in the tattoo and piercing parlour – the blurriness steadily getting worse with my
shallow breathing and the nervous swilling in the pit of my stomach, everything morphing
into each other.
“I’m ready” I whispered and closed my eyes tightly. I felt them water, a few tears escaping as
the narrow needle passed through my right nostril. I let out a slight yelp at the shock. It felt
like forever. Opening my eyes, I could see there was a little blood pouring out, a trickling,
warm, crimson stream, and sharp stinging with the undertones of the repetitive dull thuds
coming from the open wound.

I let go of the hand I was holding, covered in cold sweat. That hand belonged to my best
mate; Pippa. It was a strain to sit up properly still being possessed by shock.
“It looks so cool” breathed Pippa in awe. Smiling weakly at her I turned to look in the mirror. I
did it, I got the piercing! And Pippa was right; it does look cool, very cool indeed.

I am Catherine, sixteen today. This piercing marks the number of years I have been on this planet. It was also a present from me, to me for completing those horrid GCSEs that British and European kids have to endure for two years. I turned back towards Pippa and smiled again, more enthusiastically this time. “Come on” I said, dragging her up out of her seat and exiting the parlour in an excited hit of adrenaline. I can’t wait to show the other lot.