Just watch my wildest dreams come true

Morning of Last Exam

Peaceful slumber; suddenly ruined by the rude shrilling of my alarm clock. I made a poor attempt to open my sleep-ridden eyes and I lazily stuck my hand out to shut my clock up. Seven fifteen AM the green figures glowed at me. Oh God, why that early? I closed my eyes again briefly to gain perhaps ten, maybe fifteen minutes more precious sleep. “Oh, God! The science exam is today!” I screamed. I was up to midnight last night making about one metric tonne of notes on each topic. I let out a sigh of relief that I made some attempt to cram work in otherwise I wouldn’t have had a chance at all.

“Are you awake, Catherine?” my mum yelled up the stairs. I love my mum, I don’t have a dad really - he cleared off early into my childhood and rarely saw me. Jackass. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“No mother, I am simply just sleep-walking and talking. Of course I’m not awake.”

“What did you say, Catherine?”


“I heard you, young lady; I’ll have less of that cheek coming from you!”

She didn’t sound too friendly. Honestly, can she take a joke? But maybe I shouldn’t be joking just before my science exam. I think I can remember everything, I’m just thankful that no exams fall on my birthday; that would suck. Still, it’s the last exam for me, I’m in a more positive mood about it now.

I stuck on my skinny black jeans, Aiden top and my black Converse. Yeah, I always get called “emo” and hang around with the “emo” crowd. Whatever some people say, I have quite a number of friends who aren’t like me, which is a good thing I suppose. I glanced at my clock again: Seven forty-five. Crap – I better get a move on. I slip my hoodie on and try not to trip down the stairs while reading last night’s notes. I walk into the kitchen still reading my notes and grab some breakfast; I’m supposed to be meeting Pippa in about five minutes. I ran upstairs to finish getting ready and I bounded downstairs again. I kissed my mum on the cheek goodbye and headed towards the front door. “Catherine” I heard my mum say.


“I know you will get that A*” Yes, I am in the “boffin” class for everything.

“Merde” she said smiling. I smiled back and said “Merde”, it is basically our French side – we use it to say “Good luck”. I smiled at her and closed the door behind me, ready to face the exam that must proceed.