Sequel: Starlight Addiction

Camp Richland

Chapter 2- Was it a date?

The Next morning I woke up to Allies alarm what she set for all of us at 6:00 AM since breakfast was served at 7 AM. I put on a 'To Write Love On Her Arms' shirt and a pair of skinny jeans and threw on my converses. I brushed my teeth and when I was finished I waited for Allie and Kaylie to be done. It didn't take them that long suprisingly, normally they take forever, We left our room at 6:45 and were in the kitchen by exactly 7. It was a rainy day so while we waited in line I looked outside at the tiny droplets of water falling onto the windows.
"Hey. You look focused." A voice from behind me said.
"Oh hey Nick..." I smiled.
"You seem...Quiet today. Whats wrong?"
"I'm not really a morning person..." I yawned.
"Me neither..." Nick smiled. I giggled a little and looked out the window again. We walked through the line in silence. I wasn't very hungry so I just got toast and orange juice. But Nick, was pretty hungry since he got pretty much everything.
"So...what classes are you taking Alex?" Nick asked as we sat down.
"Uhh. Advanced guitar, Singing 101, and Dancing since I have no dance skills of what so ever." I smiled.
"Oh, well, Kevin is teaching Guitar, I'm Poning up the singing part and Joe is doing dancing." Nick laughed. I laughed at his choice of words.
"So I get all the Jonas boys, eh?"
"Yep. Your gonna have fun."
"Totally..." We finished eating then It was time for my first class what was with Kevin, so I went back to my room and grabbed my guitar and ran off to Studio 6 where the class took place. When I went in there people were playing their guitars or tuning them, or talking. I sat down in a chair and waited for Kevin to show up. When he walked through the doors every girl screamed that the top of their lungs, except me. I kept my cool, just because I am awesome like that. He began the lesson with just warming up our fingers then showed us what he does before each concert then we began playing songs. He made the class super fun and I was sad that the class was over.
"Hey Alex, can I talk to you?" Kevin said pulling me away from the rest of the group.
"Yeah, what do you need?" I asked.
"Well, Nick said that you seemed really quiet today and I was just wondering if anything was wrong?" Kevin asked politly.
"No, nothing is wrong. I'm fine." I smiled.
"Okay, but If something is wrong, you can tell me."
"i know Kev." I smiled and he let me leave. I went to my next class what was Dancing. Joe was already in the room when I came in.
"Hey Alex, You okay?" Joe asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, why is everyone asking me that today?"
"Nick just said that you were acting a little weird this morning, so I am just making sure your okay..."
"Thank-you I appriciate that." I smiled. I was getting a little annoyed with them asking but, it was nice of them to make sure.
After the class ended, it was time for Lunch. I got to the kitchen pretty early because Joe was Nice and let us out early because he wanted lunch too. I was one of the first in line so I saved spots for Allie, Kaylie and Nick if he was lucky enough to get here on time, he is usually late. Kaylie and Allie slowly came. then Nick was right after them. we all got our food and sat down.
"Hey Al. You better?" Nick asked.
"Yeah. I'm good. I have more energy now." I picked around at my food.
"Good, so you would want to hang out with me after your band practice and during the beach bonfire?" Nick smiled widely. I looked over to Kaylie and Allie and they nodded.
"Yeah that would be cool." I said. Our conversations lasted for a while until Nick had to leave to get ready for Class. I finished a little early too so I went to the classroom where Nick would be teaching, and where he would be teaching me next.
"Hey." He laughed as I walked in casually.
"Hey Nicholas." I smiled. I sat down in a chair and watched him run around the room picking things up and putting them in random places.
"Excited for class?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, But I am a little more excited to go to sleep. I didn't get much last night." Nick said sarcastically, then sitting down by me.
"Why didn't you get much sleep last night?"
"Joe and Kevin are probably the most loud people on the face of the planet. All they would do was talk about how last night was a 'Date.' Was it?" Nick got a worried look on his face.
"No, never, it was two friends hanging out." I reassured him.
"Okay good, thats what I was telling them last night." Nick was releaved. "So, where did you say you were from?"
"I didn't and I am from Tennessee." I smiled.
"Where in Tennessee?" He asked.
"You go to Graceland often?"
"I used too...not so much anymore though."
"I used to go with my old friend but she conformed so, I really don't have anyone to go with anymore."
"Oh, I see. Class is gonna start soon, you should start warming up your voice, fool." He laughed and I laughed also. I started warming up my vocals like I normally do.
"Wow...You have a voice Alex." Nick pointed out.
"Thanks." I blushed and continued. People started coming in and warmed up also.
"Okay! Lets get started!" We started by doing Voice warm-ups, then we started singing random songs like, Twinkle, Twinkle Little star and songs like that. Class was over, and I wasn't stopped or got out way too early. I went back to the room and Allie and Kaylie were getting ready to start, I pulled out my guitar case and started playing around with the guitar then we started playing our songs. After about an hour of intense practice we were finally done. I started getting ready to go to the Beach bonfire and stuff. I curled my hair without burning my head to a crisp, I put on A nice pair of Skinny jeans and A white Hollister sweatshirt. I kept my make-up how it was before and I left to meet Nick at the beach.

When I got to the beach Nick was already waiting for me, so I felt bad.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting." I apologized.
"Don't worry about it, I just got here." He hugged me. smelled so good, almost too good. The sun was finally out for the first time today, but it was just setting, its beautiful, vibrant colors were reflecting into the water. Something kept brushing against my hand as Nick and I walked. Finallly it grabbed onto my hand tightly. I looked down to see another Hand, Nicks. I looked up to see Nick looking at me smiling. I smiled back at him and we continued to walk along the beach.
"Its weird how it cleared up just out of no where..." Nick looked up at the sky.
"It kinda is." I copied him. We kept walking until we got to a big fire. Kaylie and Allie were already there holding my guitar for me, Allie had her drumsticks and Kaylie had her guitar. We were going to play tonight at the bonfire, like we normally did. I took my guitar from Allie and took it out of the case and started strumming along with Kaylie. Finally we were introduced and Kaylie began to sing.
"It’s last hour
Fifteen minutes to go
I’m still waiting
I have been since 8 whole hours ago

only ten more minutes
Why can’t time just fly
In ten more minutes
I’ll say goodbye
…until tomorrow.

I’m gonna run inside
and jump on my bed
go on the computer
laughing in my head

I’d do my homework later
I’ll be having too much fun
But I have 5 minutes to moan
I wanna go home

I’m walking to the bus
But that just means
I’ve still got half an hour
I wanna change outta my jeans


Pajamas sound like heaven
But I’m still lookin at scenery
I have a project to work on and a ton of chores
But I just wanna be



I am inside
And I’m jumpin on my bed
I’m going on the computer
I’m laughin in my head

I’ll do my homework later
I’m havin too much fun
Now I’m gonna go outside
And catch some sun!

Ending (fade out):
The sun is going down
I’ve got to go inside
Now I have my homework and my project to do
I’ve got to bide
My time…"

We got off the stage and we all sat down next to Nick.
"You guys did great!" Nick said bumping each of our fists. The next group went and they were really good, but then the Jonas Brothers went up. They sang "Burnin' Up" and "Pushin' Me Away." Everyone sang along.
"You guys did amazing!" I told each of them as they got off the stage.
"Thank-you so much." Kevin said as he hugged me.

Alex She is so talented, she can sing, play guitar and from what I hear from Joe, she can dance, and not to mention, extremly pretty. I've hung out with her for the past few days just trying to get to know her. Everytime I would look off into the crowd when we were performing, I could only see her smiling face singing along.
"Dude, do you think Alex noticed me?" I asked Joe when we were getting off the stage. You could say that I was kinda showing off for Alex.
"I think everyone could notice you, you were great!" Joe gave me a high five and ran off.
"You Guys did Amazing!" Alex gave each of us a hug, she smelled so good.
"Thank-you somuch." Kevin said before giving me the chance to say something. I just stood there quietly staring into her beautiful blue eyes. We went back to our spots on the log what we were sitting on and continued to watch the fire burn the chunks of wood. We all had a really good time and her friends, Kaylie and Allie seem really cool too. I walked all three back to their room, and Man, did I feel like a ladies man...
"Well, I will see you guys tomorrow. I mean, we don't have any classes tomorrow so I was thinking we could go do something..." I started. "Like go to the movies or go shopping...."
"Sounds great!" Allie blurted.
"Okay!" Kaylie said excitedly.
"Cool..." Alex said pretty thrilled.
"Okay, see you three then, I'll be at your room at around 10-ish." I gave each of them a hug and left. But I stayed around the corner just to make sure they got in safely, which they did. I got back to my room where Joe and Kevin were sitting on their beds, Joe was lifting weights and Kevin was playing random chords on his guitar.
"Hey guys." I said. lying down on my bed.
"How's it going Brother?" Joe said in a Hulk Hogan voice.
"Its going stupendece, thank-you." I got a huge smile on my face.
"Ask Alex out?" Kevin asked.
"Well, We're gonna hang out with Kaylie and Allie its not really a 'Date'" I explained.
"Ohhh. Where are you guys going?"
"We don't know, we're gonna decide when we get there."
"Very awesome." We all washed up and went to bed. I was very excited for tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
those lyrics. yeah. those are not yours there my bands, written by BFF/Singer Kaylie don't steal them or I will find out and hunt you down...