Sequel: Starlight Addiction

Camp Richland

Chapter 3-Red Bull and Swiss Cake Rolls.

Alex P.O.V.
We all woke up at 3 in the morning for different reasons. Kaylie couldn't sleep, Allie was way too excited for Nick, and I kept having nightmares. We all gave up on sleep for the night so we stayed up. Allie grabbed several things of nail polish what she brought along with her, shades of Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red and Black. She started painting her nails and offered to do Kaylie's and Mine. Kaylie said yes but I turned it down, I never really liked having my nails painted. I sat on my bed reading "Maybe A Miracle" By Brian Strause, my favorite book; it’s about like 4th time I've read it. I listened in on the conversations though; they talked about Music, our songs, Nick, Jordan (the cute guy all three of us have our eyes on), and all these other things what I could care less about. I quickly fell back to sleep while my face was dug into the book.
I was sitting on the ground, wet, rain falling down on my head, I was crying, like my dreams I had when my mom first left me. But someone came from behind me, Dark brown curly almost straight because of the rain hair, Chocolate brown eyes and a beautiful smile lending me a hand up. I took the hand and I finally noticed it was Nick. He put his soft hand on my cheek and kissed me lightly, I kissed back and when we both pulled apart, the sky finally cleared up, the sun was out, birds were chirping and flowers everywhere. I looked down to see that I had an outfit transformation also; I went from wearing gray sweats to a beautiful sundress. I smiled at Nick and He smiled back.
"ALEX!! WAKE UP!!" Allie was rolling me. I threw my pillow at her.
"We have to meet Nick in 15 minutes!" Kaylie chimed in.
"OH CRAP! I'M NOT EVEN CUTE YET!" I yelled, jumping out of my bed and into the bathroom "GET CLOTHES FOR ME!" I yelled with a mouth full of toothpaste and a brush in my hair. I heard them rummaging threw my things and fighting over what looked cuter. I decided to leave my hair down and I just put on some eye shadow. When I came out, I had an outfit lying on my bed; I ran into the bathroom and put it on. I threw on my normal converses and Nick started Knocking on the door. Allie and Kaylie fought to get it but in the end, I did.
"Hey..." I smiled at Nick.
"H-hey...Are they okay back there?" Nick pointed at the girls who were fighting behind me.
"Yeah, their fine..." I kept staring into his eyes. Picturing my dream, smiling uncontrollably.
"Are you okay?" Nick laughed taking me out of my gaze.
"Oh yeah." Kaylie and Allie were already outside waiting for me. Nick and I walked out of the room and caught up with the girls. We went outside to see a black Jeep waiting for us. I saw Kevin in the drivers seat and Joe in the passengers seat. We drove into the small town in Maryland. Where they actually had a lot, a Movie theatre, and a bunch of little shops. Allie and Kaylie decided difficultly to let Nick and me go to a movie...alone.
"What do you wanna see?" Nick asked as we looked at the posters.
"It is totally up to you." I said.
"No choose, now! I'm paying the least you can do is pick the movie."
"No, and your not gonna pay for me."
"Come on, it was my decision to take you on a date." Nick smiled.
"So, this is a date now?" I said flirty.
"Yep. So pick the movie."
"No, you pick it, I am not going to make any decision." I put my hands on my hips.
"Fine, see how it is...we will see..." Nick scanned the posters. "We are gonna see...Mamma Mia!"
"Because its a...MUSICAL!" Nick sang.
"What was that?" I laughed hysterically.
"I don't know...really I don't...I think I’ve been hanging out with Joe too much." Nick laughed along. "Lets go..." We walked over to the ticket booth he got 2 tickets for Mamma Mia and Unfortunatly paid for both of them. We both got Sweet tarts and Mountain Dew and sat down in two chairs since we had a while until the movie started.
"So..." Nick said sipping his beverage.
"So." I smiled.
"How's life?"
"Life is if life for you?"
"It's been very relaxing."
"That’s good."
"Tell me about your family." Nick blurted.
"Well...I live with my dad, his PHYCO girlfriend and her son and daughter in Memphis, Tennessee. My dad's got a PHYCO girlfriend who did I mention is PHYCO?!" I emphasized psycho each time.
"Well, what about your mom?" Nick asked bluntly.
"Uhm...Well...She left my dad, brother and I when i was really young." I looked down; it’s always been a touchy subject for me.
"Oh sorry if I brought back bad memories of her or something." he looked concerned that he hurt me.
"No, you didn't I barely remember her. But she does try to contact me, but he left my dad hurt so there’s so way I could forgive her."
"Oh...I see...So your dads girlfriend is...psycho?"
"Yeah...she drives me INSANE!"
"Because she hates it that I am way into music and I go to this camp every summer. She says that the money can be used to go to something more useful, like her 'Wedding.' but my dad's not gonna propose..."
"How do you know?"
"Because I know my dad, he would never do anything like that too me, I'm his princess..." I smiled widely. Nick just laughed.
"We should probably get into the theatre." Nick got up out of his chair and took my hand and helped me out. Our hands still intertwined, we got into the theatre and we both got seats. The movie started about 5 minutes after we got there. We sat through the whole movie with out moving, our hands stayed together like they were glued that way. It was actually surprisingly good. We went out to the lobby and Kevin, Joe, Kaylie, and Allie were all impatiently waiting for us.
"About time!" Kaylie yelled across the room, tapping her foot. Then she looked down and saw our hands together and her eyes widened.
"DUDE. COME HERE!" Joe yelled attacking Nick causing our hands to come apart. They started whispering stuff to him and Nick was looking a little angry. Then they both walked back to us.
"Okay, we need a way to get out of here secretly and back to the camp without anyone knowing, can any of you drive?" Joe said all serious
"I have my permit...if that counts..." Kaylie said quietly.
"Whats going on? Before I answer anything." I said folding my arms across my chest.
“Paparazzi. Swarms of them out there.” Kevin said putting the sunglasses he had in his hands on.
“Well, I have my license…” I said. Everyone looked at me shocked.
“I thought you were fifteen, Alex…” Nick asked.
“You can get your license when you’re fifteen in Tennessee…” I said holding out my hands for Kevin to give me the keys.
“Let me see…” Kevin hesitant about giving over his keys. I got my wallet out of my purse and showed him my License. Then he put the keys into my hands. “Take care of Deloris, she’s my baby…” Kevin almost cried. I put on my sunglasses and approached the crowd of people.
“DID YOU SEE THE JONAS BROTHERS IN THERE?” I was asked numerous amounts of time, but I never answered one of them. I found Kevin’s car and got in. I adjusted everything so I can reach everything and see out of each window, I am a very cautious driver. I pulled out of the parking lot and went around to the back where everyone was waiting anxiously waiting for me with sunglasses on. I turned the car off and hopped into the back and Kevin took over the drivers seat, he had to readjust everything and we were off.
“Wow, we’re really good…” Joe said back to his normal self…wiping imaginary dirt off his shoulders. We all laughed at him.
“Thanks to Alex being such an amazing decoy.” Kevin lifted one fist and shook it towards me.
“Well, that’s just how I do…” I laughed popping my fake collar.
“Since when are we all gangsters?!” Nick asked seriously. We all just laughed at him.
“Since now…For Reals.” Allie laughed. Nick just sighed while the rest of us laughed hysterically the whole ride home. When we pulled into the driveway of the camp, Joe finally realized the basketball court by the entrance.
“We should play basketball…” Joe said seemingly distracted by the court.
“Lets do it!” I exclaimed. I’ve always been an athlete, especially with basketball. Kevin dropped us off at the entrance to our cabin we, including Nick, got out.
“Alright…prepare to be destroyed then.” I yelled back. And they drove away.
“You know, Joe is a really good basketball player. You’re the ones who are gonna get destroyed.” Nick said.
“Uh, Alex used to play for her varsity team back home, she’s good…” Kaylie added.
“So, it will be a close game. This will be Interesting…” Nick said again. Nick dropped us off at our room and we got ready to go play some basketball. I put on a pair of black basketball shorts and a dark green tank top. I tied my converses up really tight, since I didn’t bring my basketball shoes and I went down to lunch. Kaylie and Allie were already there, with the guys. I quickly got my food and sat down.
“Ready to get killed Jonas?” I asked Joe.
“Only if you are.” He nudged me.
“Your going down…” I laughed. We all quickly ate our food and headed to the basketball courts. Joe had a ball with him so we didn’t have to borrow any. I quickly threw my hair into a ponytail.
“So how are we gonna split up the teams?” Nick asked.
“Captains. Joe and Alex since they are the ones who want to play so bad.” Kevin said. I picked Nick and Kevin and Joe had Allie and Kaylie.
“Kevin you just say in the lane and block any shot. And Nick, your point so say with the person with the ball, and I will guard anything else.” We huddled together.
“Okay, what?” Nick asked confused.
“Kev, you say in this area.” I pointed at the lane small so the other team can see. “Nick you just follow the ball and get in their face.” We unbundled and started the game. It was close until Nick made the game winning shot for us.
“THAT WAS AMAZING NICK!” I yelled giving him a huge hug.
“Thank-you…” Nick hugged back and Kevin joined the hug also.
“Come join us guys!” I waved over, Kaylie, Allie, and Joe and they all joined in also…it was a big hug. “Okay guys really can’t breath now…” I said gasping for air and everyone let go. We all walked back to Kaylie, Allie, and I’s room where there was a big box waiting for us.
“Who is it for and from?” Allie asked.
“Its for Alex from her dad.” Kaylie looked at the box. Kevin, Joe and Nick both let out some Ooo’s. We all, including the guys, went into our room to see what was in it.
“Mm-Kay, there is a letter…Pop tarts…Swiss Cake rolls, yessss….” Swiss cake rolls are my favorite. “RED BULL!” I screamed. There were 3 large cases of Red bull in the box, which explains why it was so heavy.
“Read the letter!” Joe blurted.
Dear Alex,
I love you dear and I hope you are having lots of fun and making new friends.
I noticed you forgot this stuff, like you wanted to bring but we didn’t have time to go get it, so here you go. I am doing fine along with Mel and Ryan. Cindy is doing great too. I proposed to her and we are going to get married. Well, I will write to you again soon!

“What I would like to say to you Alex is: You just got Poned…” Nick laughed.
“Not funny, I’m probably not going to be able to come here next year because of the precious wedding…” I said angry.
“Yeah…that isn’t good…Cindy is Psycho…” Kaylie said.
“True Dat Homes.” I laughed giving Kaylie a quickie high-five like we always do. “Anyone want Red Bull?” Everyone said yes so I threw one at each of them. We sipped our Red Bull and conversed about random things.
“We should have a sleepover tonight.” Joe offered.
“Yeah, that would be fun!” Kaylie said.
“Lets do it! Our place tonight.” Kevin said. We were all really excited for tonight.
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P.S. Red Bull and Swiss Cake Rolls are the greatest things EVER.