Sequel: Starlight Addiction

Camp Richland

Chapter 5-'No Class Today, Nick is Sick.'

I could not believe Nick asked me to the dance. I was so excited, but by the time I could tell Kaylie and Allie, It was time for classes. I headed off to my guitar class, like usual I had lots of fun because Kevin is just amazing like that. Then I had to go to dancing. It was pretty difficult because I’ve never been much of a dancer. Then time for lunch, what I’ve been looking forward too, Joe let us out early again and I got a good spot in line again. Kaylie and Allie were quicker than usual.
“Hey Alex, how it do?” Kaylie said.
“It doin’ fantastic! Amazing!” I said zoning out.
“Why is that…”? Allie said snapping me out of it.
“Nick asked me to the dance, that’s all…” I got a huge grin on my face.
“OHHH! I knew it! He loves you!” Allie exclaimed again.
“No he doesn’t, we’re just friends, nothing more, nothing less.” I said back, we all got our food and sat down, Nick was already sitting down. “Wow, you’re early…” I said to Nick.
“Yeah, I wasn’t really feeling well, so I let the class out a little early.” Nick said, he really didn’t look too good. He was very pale.
“Are you going to be okay for class?” I asked again.
“I have no idea, but I feel like I am going to vomit.” He said looking paler than ever.
“Well, come on, let’s get to the nurse.” We both got up and I helped him over to the nurse quickly. Right away when we got into the nurses office, he went into the bathroom and started gagging. After about 3 minutes, he finally came out.
“Yeah, your sick Nick…” I said.
“Yeah, I don’t recommend teaching any classes for a while. Get bed rest, eat healthy.” The nurse said. I helped him to their room and we just fell into his bed.
“I need you to tell the class it’s canceled until further notice.”
“Of course, you just get better. I will be back soon though!” I said walking out of the door, I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from my room and made a sign to put on Nick’s classroom door.
NICK IS SICK (THAT RHYMES…HAHA)’ I wrote down on the paper and stuck it up on the door and went back into his room.
“All done.” I said wiping my hands together.
“Cool thank-you so much.” Nick said.
“Listen, I have to go, but call me if you need ANYTHING.” I said.
“I don’t have your number though.” He said handing me his Iphone. I gave him my phone also and we put each other’s number in it. “ANYTHING Nicholas Jerry. Seriously.” I said.
“Mm-Kay. Now go! Vamoose! Be gone!” He said flicking his hand and laughed. I walked out of the room and went to band practice.
“Is Nick okay?” Kaylie said tuning her guitar.
“Uh, he has the stomach flu.” I said.
“So you guys probably aren’t going to be able to go to the dance?” Allie added.
“Probably not, but I just want him to get better.”
“Your such a good secret Lover…” Allie laughed.
“Shut-up…” I laughed. We had our band practice and I went to go check on Nick. “How are you doing Nicholas?” I asked opening the door. He was asleep. Joe and Kevin were sitting on the floor playing ‘Uno’. “How’s he doing?” I asked quietly.
“He threw up a couple of times, but he’s been asleep for the most part. Would you like to play some Uno with us?” Kevin asked.
“Ew, no, I hate that game.” I said watching Nick sleep peacefully.
“YOU HATE UNO! YOUR INSANE, WE SHALL BANISH YOU FROM AMERICA!” Joe gasped quietly. I sat in their room until I was about to fall asleep and Joe walked me back to my room.
“I thought you were banishing me? Why are you walking me back here.” I smiled.
“Because you are way too nice. You stayed up this late just for Nick…” He smiled back.
“Well, he is one of my best friends probably and I would do that for Kaylie or Allie.” I said yawning.
“Goodnight Alex, get some sleep.” Joe said engulfing me into a giant hug. He let me go and I went to bed.

The days went by and Nick was still sick. It was the day of the Dance and no body had classes. Kaylie and Allie were picking out their outfits and I was texting Nick.
A-How is you feeling??
N-A little better, I am still throwing up though. It’s really gross. What time did you leave last night?
A-Ehh around, 2 AM. Of course its gonna be gross you weird-o!
N-Come over soon…Pleaseeee!! =P
A-Of course, I’ll be there as soon as I can!
I told Kaylie and Allie I was going to go visit Nick and I frolicked off.
“Hola Mis Amigos!” I yelled when I got into the room.
“What?” Joe stared at me.
“I said, Hey My friends!” I laughed.
“Oh…I get it now…Hola Amigo!” Joe said. We all laughed. I gave Nick a hug while he was still lying in bed.
“How are you doing?” I asked.
“I am doing better. Sorry you can’t go to the dance…I knew you were looking forward to it.” He said sympathetically.
“Its okay, we can have fun here!” I said and Kevin and Joe agreed.
“Like by playing Uno!” Joe said taking out the deck.
“NO!” we all yelled.
“You all suck…” Joe set the deck back down. Kevin turned on his Ipod, which my favorite Song conveniently came on, Skyway Avenue by We the Kings. I started singing along.
“You like this song?” Nick asked.
“Yeah, one of my favorites.” I smiled. “Do you like it?”
“Eh, its decent…not one of my favorite We The Kings songs.”
“How could you NOT like this song? Its amazing!”
“Kinda cheesy…”
“And your songs aren’t cheesy…I’ve got this Awesome Amazing Crazy kinda crush on you!” I sang.
“Hey! Those are high quality lyrics coming from a ten-year-olds mind!” Nick laughed.
“Whatever…” I rolled my eyes and laughed. We had more small talk but it eventually went back about the dance.
“Again, I am really sorry about this. How can I make it up to you?” Nick asked.
“Its fine, you don’t have to make it up to me….” I smiled.
“I will take you to Prom, how about that. I promise your Alexandria, one day I shall take you to your Prom.” Nick smiled grabbing my hand.
“Sure Joe…” I laughed.
“What dance do I get to take you to?” Kevin asked.
“Uhm, how about Winter Formal?”
“Now that I have a date to every possible school dance, I should get going, it’s getting late.” I gave each of them a hug and walked out the door. I walked past where the dance was going on and it looked like it was just getting done with. I went back to my room and washed up and went to bed. The next morning, I found Allie and Kaylie pretty much dead on their beds. I quietly left the room making sure I didn’t wake up them and in the hallway I saw Nick!
“Hey, feeling better?” I said hugging him.
“Yeah, so much better. Thanks for all your help.” Nick smiled.
“Yep, anytime!”
“GUESS WHAT!” Nick pretty much yelled.
“What?” I laughed.
“It’s raining…” Nick smiled widely.
“Your so weird…” I laughed. We both walked into the recreation room where there were only a few people considering it was only 6:30 in the morning. A few people were watching T.V. and couple other was playing pool. Nick and I chose to watch TV.
“So, its like a month until your new CD comes out. Excited?” I asked.
“Extremely excited!! I can hardly stand it. We worked so hard on this one…” Nick said. “Our fans I think are really gonna like this album.”
“I bet its going to be really great, most of your music is good.” I smiled. He smiled too mockingly. I think I am really falling for this kid…hard.