Sequel: Starlight Addiction

Camp Richland

Chapter 6-And The Winner Is...

About a month has gone by and it’s August. I only really have one week left of camp and I am feeling sadder to leave Kaylie, Allie, Kevin, Joe and Nick. We have all been partners in “crime” for a while and the guys even invited us to the CD release party the last week of camp. Lame head has been practicing like crazy for the last concert. And the day was fast approaching, this Friday. We decided to play Wanna Go Home so we’ve been practicing that. And Nick and I have been hanging out as much as we could since we weren’t going to be together for a long time. He had a major headling tour he was going on with his brothers and I had, of course, school. We were really running out of time here. Before we knew it, it was already Friday. We got ready all day until we had to get down to the auditorium for the big finale of the summer. We practiced a little more when we got there and then the first group went up, they were pretty good, but they had nothing against us.
“Hey!” Nick said from behind us, we were about to go on.
“Nick!” I said giving him a huge hug. “I’m nervous…” I said.
“It’s okay. Everyone gets nervous. You’ll get used to it.” Nick smiled. “You will to great, trust me…” He put his hands on my shoulders.
“NOW LETS GIVE IT UP FOR LAMEHEAD!!” the announcer yelled. I went out there along with Kaylie and Allie. I was shaking like crazy and I looked backstage where Nick, Kevin and Joe were giving us each thumbs up. We began playing and we all got used to it eventually and rocked out, just like Nick said. We were finally all done.
“YOU GUYS DID AMAZING!” Kevin yelled giving each of us a hug. Nick and Joe each gave us one also. We sat backstage until the rest of the singers, groups, or rappers in some cases were done. Then we all had to go out on stage.
“And third place is…” The announcer started after talk about how we should all be winners and stuff. “Melanie Marcuson!” She was a solo singer who was very talented. She accepted her award and walked off the stage, and then the announcer went on again. “Second place is, Timmy and the beasts!” Timmy and the beasts consisted of a guy named Timmy and his 2 partners in crime, Louis and Jordan the guy who took Allie to the dance and didn’t talk to her since. They jumped around and got their award and went backstage still jumping out of pure excitement. The pressure was getting so hard to manage.
“Sonic pressure…” Allie mumbled to Kaylie and I and we both chuckled a bit.
“First place is…” The announcer said with a very long pause in between words “The winner get’s to record a song with the ever amazing guest councilors, Jonas Brothers and an all expense paid trip to Los Angeles, California…” He said keeping us waiting longer. “The winner is…” My heart was racing faster and faster, we actually had a chance. “LAMEHEAD!!!!” He yelled in the microphone. I started screaming along with Kaylie and Allie and I saw Kevin, Joe, and Nick cheering too, and in the crowd I saw my brother, Ben in the crowd cheering too. I was so excited that he was here. As you can tell, we are really close. The guys came up on stage and gave us each hugs. And took the microphone.
“Congratulations girls, we are glad we get to work with great musicians like yourselves.” Joe smiled.
“You guys did phenomenal!” Kevin said.
“You really did, great job.” Nick smiled directly at me.

Afterwards the Ben was waiting outside for us.
“HI!!” I yelled throwing my arms around him and he spun me around in a big hug.
“I missed you so much!” He put me down. And Nick, and Kevin were standing there.
“Guys, this is my brother, Ben. Ben this is Nick and Kevin Jonas. Some of the friends I made here.” They all shook each other’s hands.
“You have more new friends here?” Ben asked.
“Yeah, Joe their other brother, but I’m not quite sure where he is, He’s always everywhere.” I laughed looking around.
“I should better go though. It’s a long way up to Maine.” Ben said giving me one last hug.
“Your going back already, we didn’t get to hang out at all!” I said tearing up.
“I’m sorry, Classes start a little early this year.” He said.
“Its okay, I will see you during Christmas though, right?” I asked.
“Of course!” Ben started walking away. “It was nice seeing you guys again Kaylie and Allie and nice meeting you Nick and Kevin.” Ben waved and walked away.
“He seems nice. Why is he going to Maine?” Kevin asked.
“He goes to college up there.” I said.
“Well, are you girls all packed up, we need to be in New York by about 9 AM tomorrow, so we have to be up and ready for the limo at about 3.” Kevin said all mature and whatnot.
“Yeah.” Kaylie, Allie, and I all said in unison. We gave each of them a hug and walked back to the cabin for the last time.
“I’m gonna miss this place…” I mumbled sadly looking at my feet.
“That’s right, your not coming next year…” Allie said shocked. “We’re still going to have our 3 weeks of fun though. So we’re good.” I laughed. Allie always knows how to cheer me up. Since we had to get up early in the morning, we immediately went to bed since it was already 9:30 when we got back. Then Nick texted me.
N-Goodnight beautiful. :)
I blushed a lot.
A-Goodnight stud! :D
N- Awh. Why thank-you for such a compliment!
A- I am going to go to bed now! Goodnight!
And I turned off my phone so I couldn’t get any more texts or calls, it took me a while but I got to sleep.

I woke up at about 2:30 AM and brushed my hair and teeth. I put those into my bags and waited for Kaylie and Allie to quickly finish up. We were all still wearing our Pajama’s and walked outside to see an enormous stretch limo waiting for us. I forgot that I still haven’t turned on my phone so I took it out of my purse and turned it on. It said I got one text from my dad.
“Hey sweetie I just wanted to tell you to have fun this week in New York!! I am so glad you made some more friends!! ~Dad” It read.
“Thanks daddy, I am going to miss you but see you in a week!! ~Ally.” I wrote back. I go by Ally with my family because my cousin’s name is also Alex so I just go by Ally, I really don’t mind it. The guys came out somewhat after us wearing their pajamas also. Joe was wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and a white tank top and a pair of adidas sandals, Kevin was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a dark green tee-shirt with a pair of brown flip flops and Nick was wearing a pair of red flannel pajama pant’s identical to the ones I was wearing and a plain white tee-shirt and slipped on his converses like I did.
“Hey Nick…Nice pants.” I laughed.
“Haha, we’re twins!” Nick exclaimed quietly because people were still sleeping. We both laughed and put our stuff in the trunk of the limo and climbed in. Nick, Allie and I sat on the longer side of the limo and Kevin, Joe and Kaylie sat nearest to the back. I was dozing off but whenever I would close my eyes Nick would flick my nose.
“Stay up, mean-o!” Nick said after about the fifty-ith time flicking my nose.
“Why?” Nick laughed.
“She always says that, and it’s annoying…” Allie said crossing her arms. I pulled my Ipod out of my pocket and began to listen to it. I was listening to ‘Our Time Is Here’ by Demi Lovato when Nick took one of the ear buds out of my ear.
“This is a good song…” Nick said.
“I like it…” I said then I turned it to ‘Down on the Corner’ by Credence Clearwater Revival. “But this song is better…” I laughed.
“Hmm. Never heard it. Who is Credence Clearwater Revival?”
“YOU NEVER HEARD OF CCR?! YOUR INSANE?!” I almost yelled when we were getting out of the Limo and into the Airport.
“Nope…am I really that insane?” Nick asked.
“Yeah…you are…” I giggled once again. We walked and walked until we got way in the back of the airport and there were about 7 helicopters back there.
“So, Nick, Alex, and Allie are all in one, then Joe, Kaylie and I are in the other. Got it. So your over there in Helicopter 3.” Kevin pointed to us. Nick, Allie and I all walked over to the third helicopter in the long line and threw our stuff in there. We sat in the copter waiting for the pilot to come. Nick started Humming his song ‘Burnin’ up’ and Allie and I sang along. After the rap, we started laughing uncontrollably. Then the Pilot came in and looked at us awkwardly. We continued to laugh, just quieter. After a couple of minutes we were finally in the air. Nick fell asleep first then Allie did, then Finally I did without Nick flicking my nose.