Sequel: Starlight Addiction

Camp Richland

Chapter 7- Streblo...or STREBLO!

Nick woke me up when we arrived in New York, because it’s the ‘best view ever.’ He claims. So we both looked outside and the sun was rising also, everything was hitting the buildings in New York at just the right angle. It was stunning. We finally landed shortly after that so we had to wake up Allie, which was very difficult.
“Allie wake up!” Nick started shaking her.
“LEAVE ME ALONE JONAS” Allie said hitting him.
“Look Allie! There’s Luis!! He wants to marry you!!” I yelled. She immediately got up and started looking around.
“You lied…Meany…” Allie said sadly.
“Sorry, but you had to get up. We’re in New York now!” I smiled. We all got off the helicopter and Kaylie, Kevin and Joe were already they’re waiting for us. We got into a taxi and drove to a very nice hotel. I looked up to see what it was called and it was the Hilton!! I have never stayed in a hotel this nice. I was in total shock but the guys acted like it was nothing. A bellhop came and took our bags out of the trunk of the taxi and brought them inside. Kevin was talking on his blackberry to his mom, telling her that we were there and to come down. Just minutes later, Denise was there hugging each of her boys, then unexpectedly, she came up and hugged me.
“It’s so nice to see you again, Alex!” She said.
“Nice to see you again too, Mrs. Jonas.” I smiled.
“You can call me Denise sweetie…” She smiled as she let go of me. “Come on, I already checked in for you guys. I will show you to your rooms.” We grabbed the luggage carts and went into the nearest Elevator. It was a very nice hotel even the elevator was fancy! “Okay, so Kevin, Your room is right here.” She pointed to room 498 and gave Kevin the Key. He threw all his stuff in there quickly and came along to see where everyone else’s rooms were. “Girl’s here is your room.” She pointed to room 401 we threw our stuff in also. “And Joseph and Nicholas, your room is right here.” She pointed to the room right across the hall and gave them the key. She gave the guys one last hug and told them where Her, their dad, and Frankie’s room was. Kaylie, Allie and I decided to Change before we had to go to the beach concert with the guys. I got first dibs on the bathroom and put on a pair of dark sorta faded skinny jeans, and a neon purple shirt. Then I put my hair into a Simple side ponytail. Allie went in next; she wore a pair of shorts and a white Hoodie with multi-colored hearts on it. She kept her hair down but put a headband in. Kaylie was last and put on a similar pair of skinny jeans like mine and a red Hoodie what said ‘Hollister’ across it. We all wore converses in different colors and styles, mine were Green high-tops, Kaylie wore red all stars, and Allie wore Black and Blue one stars. We were all sitting around when Kevin called and asked if we wanted to get coffee with him and the guys before the show. Of course we said yes and he told us to meet them in the lobby. We went out to the lobby four floors down and since I have a thing with elevators, we went down the stairs. The guys were already waiting for us in the lobby missing Joe, he found a cute girl, and so we sat there and watched him make a fool of himself.
“She totally wasn’t into me…” Joe said when he was walking back.
“Ha, it seemed like it…” Nick laughed a bit.
“I even used the end of BB good on her! I don’t see how that didn’t work on her!” Joe shook his head in disappointment. I giggled A bit.
“So, Starbucks everyone?” Kevin asked Impatiently. “I haven’t had it in 3 months…seriously…I am having withdrawals.”
“Yeah! I love starbucks so much…lets go!” I exclaimed.
“Whoo!” Kevin gave me a high-five.
“Streblo!” Kaylie yelled back.
“What is that?” Nick asked.
“Lobster mixed up…streblo…or STREBLO!” Allie laughed. We all walked out of the hotel and Kevin hailed a taxi. We went drank our coffees on the way to Jones beach. And before we knew it, we were already there. Huge amounts of people were there setting up and a couple of lucky fans waiting for the guys to come out. Kevin, Joe and Nick talked to them, took a couple pictures and signed autographs, and then they went to check out the stage. It was pretty large with a big crest hanging up what was their logo. We went backstage where catering was. Kevin, Nick, Joe, Kaylie and Allie grabbed a red bull, but I was still slowly sipping my coffee. The guys made sure each of their guitars got in safely and not a scratch was on them. We all walked into a room in the very back.
“Joe. Me, You. Halo. Now.” Nick challenged Joe.
‘Bring it little brother.” Joe said with a complete straight face.
“This is going to be intense…” I whispered to Kevin.
“I know…Its gonna be fun to watch.” Kevin whispered back laughing slightly. The rest of us sat down and Joe and Nick started playing the video game. I had no clue what was going on so I started chipping the nail polish what Allie had put on my nails a few nights before until Allie slapped my hand and mouthed no to me. Kevin tried to explain the background of the game to us, but it was so confusing none of us got it except Kaylie who, after Nick was killed, tried to play against Joe. But she died instantaneously. Allie tried to play and lasted a while longer than Kaylie did, only because Kevin was telling her what to do.
“You gonna play Alex?” Nick asked.
“Uh. No. I am no good at video games. Only Wii bowling…” I smiled a little.
“Come on! Everyone else is playing!” Nick nudged me.
“Sorry, I don’t fall under peer pressure.” I smiled wider.
“I will help you if you need it…Pleasee!” Nick begged.
“Fine, just be a man seriously…you look ridiculous…” I laughed a little. Allie gave me the controller and I began to play. I asked a lot of questions like usual, but Nick helped a lot to the point where I killed Joe off.
“What the crap?!” Joe yelled in disbelieve.
“What did I just do Nick…” I asked.
“You killed Joe…nice!” Nick gave me a high five.
“Is that a good thing?”
“Its an excellent thing!”
“Okay…I don’t think I wanna play anymore…” I set the controller down slowly and carefully onto the coffee table in front of me. I put my hands on my lap and Nick laughed a bit.
“Lets go get something to eat, I’m STARVING!” Joe got up. We all followed him out to the catering again where there was a huge variety of food. There was homemade Pizza, sub sandwiches, hotdogs, even fish. I took a slice of pizza and a water bottle and sat down where Kevin and Kaylie were talking and eating. I sat right next to Kevin, Nick sat across from me and next to Kaylie, Allie sat next to Nick also, and Joe sat next to me. We all ate and held a conversation at the same time. We sat at the tables for a little while longer until the guys had to go do sound check, there were already girls out by the stage listening to the guys play. It was quite funny how obsessive most of the girls were making marriage proposal signs; quotes from them, and some people even put Kevin’s head on a chipmunk. They had a little while until they went on stage about 45 minutes to be exact. The guys dragged us into a room and told us we couldn’t leave until the 45 minutes were up. Their band, family, security guards, EVERYONE was in there. They warmed up for a while and Kaylie, Allie, and I talked about our plans for tomorrow, since we weren’t doing anything.
“Well, why don’t we just chill at the hotel?” Allie suggested.
“Yeah, since you know, we’re in a beautiful city and lets waste a whole day here to sit around.” Kaylie said sarcastically.
“Well, why don’t we go shopping?” I offered.
“Run for cover!!” Nick laughed.
“It might actually be fun for once, I mean, its New York!” I flailed my arms for exaggeration.
“We can all go, it’ll be fun.” Kaylie smiled directly at Joe.
“OHH!! KAYLIE LOVES JOE!!” Kevin yelled like he was in first grade all over again.
“Shut-up, no I don’t!” Kaylie started blushing. The fight went on for the rest of the lock-down and we had to do the Camp Fire deal they always do. They ran out of the room and onto the stage and started with their song: ‘Burnin’ up’ and ending with ‘Year 3000’ They bowed and ran off the stage back at us. The three of us gave each of the guy’s hugs and they went backstage to change. After they were done with that, we went back to the hotel. It was already about 8 o’clock P.M. when we got back, so we decided to go out for dinner. We went to a fancy restaurant called Acappella, an Italian restaurant in the heart of the city right by our hotel. I wore a black and white ‘shirtdress’ white a floral pattern, Kaylie wore a white sleeveless dress, and Allie wore a black Knit dress with braided bodice. Nick wore a pink undershirt with a blue sports jacked and a pair of skinny jeans, Joe wore a turquoise button up shirt with a black tie and white skinny jeans, Kevin wore grey tuxedo with a wicked sweet brown ascot. Even Frankie was coming along! He wore a normal black tuxedo with a red tie, boy did that kid know how to clean up, he looked so adorable along with Nick. We walked down to the restaurant and got a table. We sat at the table and waited for our food to come.
“I feel so under dressed.” I whispered to Nick who was sitting right next to me.
“You look great, don’t worry.” Nick whispered back smiled. We sat and hummed to the music what was playing until our food got to our table. The food was very filling and good. After dinner we went back to the hotel, Nick, Frankie, Allie, and I had a strange urge to go swimming, so we all got our swimsuits on and went in the pool. We played a few games of chicken and one game of Marco Polo before the pool closed and we had to leave. We gave each of the two boys a hug and went into our room. I put on my pajamas and went to bed.