Sequel: Starlight Addiction

Camp Richland

Chapter 8-Totally Bluffing.

I got up at around 8:30 and took a shower, Kaylie and Allie were still asleep, and I wondered how late they stayed up since I fell asleep before them. I blow-dried my hair and straightened it secretly with Allies straightener I changed into a dark green tank top and a pair of Bermuda shorts. I slipped on my black converses and walked around the hotel looking for some place to eat. Finally I found the continental breakfast I grabbed a plastic bowl and poured some cereal into it, Corn Pop’s to be a little more exact. I looked around for an empty table to see Nick sitting at a table, eating Corn Pop’s like me and reading the sports section in the newspaper.
“OH MY GOSH!! ITS NICK JONAS!! I TOTALLY LOVEEE YOUUU!!” I said in a high-pitched voice making Nick jump a little.
“Oh, its just you Alex, thank goodness…” Nick grabbed his chest and took a bit of his cereal.
“Yeah…I just wanted to scare you a bit. What are you doing up this early? Its your day off.” I asked.
“I couldn’t sleep, Joe was snoring way too loud.”
“Aw. I’m sorry.” I said giving him a hug from the side. We both at our corn pop and talked about the Yankee’s and Red Sox game what went on yesterday. After we were done, we both went back up to our rooms and Kaylie and Allie were both up and moving around, which was a good sign that they were alive.
“Wow, you guys are actually up, I’m surprised.” I laughed a bit. Neither of them responded, they just kept getting ready. A few minutes later, they were done; I was watching highlights on ESPN about the game Nick and I were talking about earlier. Kaylie turned off the TV on me and I groaned a bit, not wanting to get up…but they forced me. Joe, Kevin, and Nick were waiting outside our room for us. Kevin, Kaylie and Joe were walking up front and Allie, Nick and I were walking at a slower pace, behind them. The first store we stopped at was the Virgin Megastore, A place where they sell a bunch of CD’s and what not. Nick got a Garth Brooks CD, and I got the new Family Force 5 CD. No one else got anything there so Nick and I felt pretty cool. Then we went to a guitar shop, I picked up some strings and Kevin ordered a new guitar. Then we went to a couple clothes stores where Kaylie and Allie went absolutely wild. Joe got a new shirt, and I got a new pair of Skinny Jeans, which was needed very much. We when we finally were finished it was 6:30 PM. We were shopping for 6 hours, that was a new record for me, I normally last about 5 minutes and I get bored, I guess its because I was with more people with my taste in stuff. We decided to go get something to eat, 5 of the 6 of us chose the Olive Garden, personally, I wasn’t a fan of Italian food so I voted no, but I was overruled. We got a table and ordered.
“Whats with you guys and Italian food?” I asked the obvious question. They are Italian… “Don’t answer that I know the answer….” I felt really stupid.
“Yeah, we’re Italian weird-o…” Joe laughed along with everyone else.
“You know what…I wasn’t thinking at the time, m-Kay?” I smiled a little.
“Right…” Nick said with little laughs in between so I hit his shoulder since he was sitting right next to me. Our food came and I think it was the only Italian food I enjoyed. We all chipped in and paid the bill and left. We all went back to the hotel went into Nick and Joe’s room for a ‘party’ which was just watching movies and eating junk food. We went to a grocery store near our hotel and got pop-tarts, French onion potato chips, Pringles, Cheetos, Pizza rolls, pizza, Mountain Dew, and of course, Diet Coke for Nick. The first movie we watched was Camp Rock what was on Disney Channel. Kaylie, Allie and I made fun of Kevin. After we laughed through that we watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The guys didn’t really like that too much. Then we watched Transformers. We drank all of the Mountain dew and ate all the Hot Fudge Sunday pop tarts. The guys made us take the chips and Pringles with us. We went back to our room and Kaylie and Allie immediately went to bed they were so tired. But I think I had too much Mountain Dew because I was incredibly hyper. I knew Nick would be up because he was just as Hyper as I.
A- I am kinda hyper :D
N- hey me too!! We’re twins!! XD
A- you should come over here so we can talk in person; Kaylie and Allie are in the other room sleeping!
N- Okay! Lemme tell Joe.
And a few seconds later Nick was knocking at the door fast and impatiently waiting. I opened the door and he flying-tackle-pounced me into a hug.
“Hi…” I said.
“Hola Mi Amigo!!” Nick laughed a bit.
“May I ask what are you on?”
“I am on…Life.”
“You are so weird.” I laughed. We ended up just watching TV until Nick came up with a brilliant idea of pranking Allie and Kaylie. We took all the make-up I brought and put it all over their faces. After we were done with that we took the food what Him and his brothers forced upon us to take and ate it.
“So Nick, I am going to ask you a series of questions and you have to answer them or else I will read all of your embarrassing text messages.” I said stuffing a Pringles in my mouth.
“All of the texts are from you…so they can’t be that embarrassing…Pick something new to do to me if don’t answer.”
“Okay, I’ll beat the living crap out of you. Is that good enough?”
“Yeah…I am kinda afraid of you, so it will work.”
“Mm-Kay, first question. Have you ever been in love?”
“Yes. Once, maybe twice.”
“With who?”
“I know Miley, but that sure changed after I found out the dark side about her, then someone else I can’t remember.” I could tell he was lying about the last person. “Have you ever been in love?”
“No…at least I don’t think so.” I smiled.
“You’re bluffing…”
“No I’m not…Whats the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?”
“One, yes you are bluffing, and two falling on our first sold out headlining arena tour.”
“I AM NOT BLUFFING!” I laughed then Nick was looking at me adorably. “What?” I continued to laugh.
“When you laugh, you scrunch your nose up…its really cute.” Nick smiled.
“No I don’t…”
“Yeah…you do. Look.” Nick grabbed a mirror and I was still laughing and noticed my nose was scrunched up, just like he said. “I Poned you…”
“That you did…that you did. So how are you taking me to prom if you are on that huge tour?”
“Hm. I really don’t know. You tell me.”
“I don’t know, you’re the one who promised prom on me.”
“Well, we’ll figure it out when the time comes.”
“Who was the other person you were in love with?”
“I told you, I don’t remember, it was a while ago.”
“I think you do know. You’re just lying to me. You know what that means!”
“NO!!” I just laughed and let that one slide…even though I had so many unanswered questions. He stayed in the room until about 3 AM when we both totally ran out of energy. As soon as he left, I was already asleep in my bed.