You're My Last Request

Chapter Two

Jacob Black.
“Sorry babe” He said to Kelsey as he winked at her.
Disgusting she thought.
“Here, I’ll help you up.” He said she he helped her.
Kelsey reached down to get her books and oh did Jacob use that to his full advantage to get a good look at her butt.
“Ciya round.” Jacob said before walking down the hall and winking at Kelsey.
Kelsey just rolled her eyes and turned around.
“Well, well, well what was that?” Kelsey stopped right there looking into the eyes of her best friend’s boyfriend, Kyle.
“And I thought you hated him, tisk tisk tisk, and you now he only wants one thing.” Kyle said circling you.
“Gosh, Kyle calm down, I ran into him, dropped my books.” Kelsey said annoyed.
“Did you see that he was checking you out!?”
“He did what!?”
“Yeah, lil sis, I gotta watch out for you now”
“Kyle, relax and leave me alone and I am not your sister nor do I ever want to be related to you.” Kelsey said obviously joking around.
“Gosh, you make me want to cry”
Kelsey just walked away smiling, man was her best friends boyfriend a strange one.
The rest of the day was just as boring.
Getting those ‘I’m watching you’ signs from Kyle every time Kelsey passed him.
It was 6th period the only class she had with Jamie.
“Yeah Jamie” Kelsey turned around.
“Are you alright”
“Yeah I guess but your boyfriend is annoying did you know that.”
“Yeah” Jamie said with a smile on her face.
“Well you’re lucky you even have a boyfriend, like I’ll ever even get one.”
“Wait, we were just complaining about MY boyfriend now you’re complaining about not having one, jeez Kelsey, lighten up a bit wont you.” Jamie said opening the math book.
“Ugh I me-“
“Girls, quiet please.” The math teacher said, Mrs. Rougel.
Kelsey just shook her head, she was so creepy.
The rest of the math class was pretty much the same old same old...
Kelsey trudged down to her locker, where she was greeted by Conner.
“Look, Kelsey, she lives!”
“Why would I not live?”
“You said you were going to die?”
“Oh, what about you if I get an IM from you later on tonight, then I know you lived.”
Connor smiled.
He couldn’t help getting butterflies every time he talked to Kelsey.
Wait, no.
Connor was mentally slapping himself for thinking that.
Conner must have looked unease by the way Kelsey’s face looked.
“Uh, Connor are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m perfectly fine, Come on, I’ll walk with you to your class.”
“Conner yours is before mine.”
“Oh yeah.”
“She’s following me, stalker ahhhhh” Connor was joking around and Kelsey pushed him into his classroom but Connor stole one last look at Kelsey’s smiling face. The butterflies started up again. He had to stop feeling this way. He just pushed his dark brown hair into his light brown eyes and sat in his desk, the last class of the day before he went home, that was one thing he was not looking forward too, but then again the computer would be there, and that meant Kelsey would be on another computer, which meant he would be able to talk to her.
Stop thinking about her.
And there walked in Jacob Black known for having these one night stands with girls.
Strange boy.
Connor wondered why he never tried to go after Kelsey, I mean Kelsey’s beautiful and basically meets most of his rules.
“Hey, hey you” Connor looked up pulled out of his daze only to meet eyes with Jacob.
“So, you’re like friends with Kelsey right?” Jacob asked, with a smirk on his face.
“Uh yeah...Why?” Conner asked really confused.
“Oh because, she’s hot, and has a nice ass, seriously I wonder why you haven’t done anything with her.” Jacob said smirking.
Conner used every single bit of his will power not to beat Jacob up right then and there. Of course every girl fell for Jacob even though they knew he wasn’t looking for a relationship. And of course once Kelsey found out Jacob thought she was hot she would throw herself to him. This angered Connor so much he had to just walk away from Jacob.
“Woah, what’s his deal?” Jacob muttered to himself.

Adriana smirked, oh boy did she have a days of information to tell Kelsey on the bus.
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hahaha ha..
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