‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 1- Open your front Door...

School Shopping with Dad…total torture. I picked out a couple pairs of jeans and a few shirts, none up to Cindy’s standards, just the way I liked it. I’ve been home for about a week and she already grounded me for ‘not doing chores’. I wasn’t grounded from anything important though not like guitar, piano, cell phone or Computer, just from the Television in my bedroom I never watch. When I got home from torture shopping I got a call from Joseph Adam Jonas himself.
“JOE!!!” I yelled, I’ve missed those boys so terribly.
“Hey Alex! How are you doing?” He said.
“I’m grounded but from nothing that will threaten my saneness. How are you?”
“I’m good, I was wondering…when’s your homecoming? Since you know, I’m your date and all.” He said I could so tell he was stiffening himself out and smiling.
“Well, it’s the first Friday in October, but I know you can’t come because you’re on that tour and all…” I said frowning remembering that fact.
“Oh yeah…will you do me a favor?”
“Yeah, what do you need?”
“open your front door.”
I walked down the stairs and opened my front door to see my three amazingly best friends Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas.
“HOLY CRAP!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!” I yelled giving each of them a gigantic hug.
“Surprise!” Nick smiled. “There was no tour, we tricked you.”
“Well, why are you here?”
“We are renting a house out here for the school year!” Kevin pointed to the house right across the street.
“Your living right there…next to me…” I was getting really excited about where this was going.
“Yeah, and another surprise, Mom signed Nick up for public school!” Joe said ruffling Nicks curly locks.
“It’s true, we are classmates now…” Nick laughed again.
“My gosh…that is just amazing! Well, come in, I’ll give you the tour of my house if you would like.” I smiled gesturing them into my house, they filed in, one by one, oldest to youngest. I showed them where everything was and they seemed a little interested. “I’ll let you children get home now so you can unpack…” I smiled.
“Okay, We’ll see you later, neighbor!” Joe waved and they all left. Gosh, this was going to be amazing.