‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 10-Disco Sweat Halloween

The next month went by really smoothly. Nick didn’t mind the press knowing we were together and nor did I. We walked everywhere holding hands and didn’t care who saw. It’s now Halloween time and the guys and I already have our costumes picked out. Kevin was going to be Richard Simmons from the old ‘Disco Sweat’ workout videos, and we were all going to be backing him up. Which his crew also included Allie and Kaylie who were going to fly out for the Jonas’s party they were going to be having. We were sitting in Denise’s bathroom from around noon until around 6 while she was perfecting our 80’s hairdo’s, makeup and outfits. Lots of hairspray and neon went into our day. Which was actually pretty fun. After we were all done, we went downstairs and the guys looked absolutely hysterical. Joe had hot rollers in his hair last time we checked so his hair was HUGE and Nick and Kevin didn’t have to do anything with their hair. Their outfits had a lot of spandex in them, it was pretty interesting. Of course, Denise and my dad wanted to take lots of pictures of us and we let them for a little bit. We sat in their garage and waited for everyone to come. Allie’s current boyfriend Taylor Lautner eventually came later in the night and Kaylie and Joe have kind of been a thing for a while. We caught up with Kaylie and Allie most of the time and got to know Taylor a little better. Allie moved out to California to be closer to her grandparents and whatnot. Kaylie was still the same just looked a bit different, he put some crazy colors in her hair which Joe was just in love with. every time an eighties song would come on, the crew would have to dance and Kevin would be totally obnoxious. It was probably the funniest time ever. Then Nick and I offered to take Frankie trick-or-treating. We held both of his hands as we walked to each house and I would tell him which houses had the best candy.
“No, this house gives out old Valentines Day candy, don’t go…” I told him as we past a house a couple blocks from ours. He listened to me and we kept walking. 2 hours and 3 pillow cases later, we were done. We got back to the house and Kevin, Joe, Kaylie, Allie and Taylor were already party pooped out and watching TV. Frankie immediately went up to his room to devour his candy. And everyone else was downstairs. We joined them shortly after Frankie’s monster hugs and a couple pieces of Candy.
“We should play that Coke or Pepsi game again! That was so much fun at camp!” Joe said after we watched an episode of Family Guy.
“What’s that game and should I be afraid?” Taylor tensely looked at Allie.
“Really fun game, we play all the time at the camp I always go to you know, Camp Richland.” Allie smiled giving him a hug. Kaylie, Joe, Nick, Kevin and I threw our fists up in the air, like we were representing the camp. “No need to worry. Do you have the book Alex?”
“Oh shoot…about that…I kind of lost it while unpacking. But we can just do This or That questions we make up at the tops of our heads….its not the same, but pretty close.” I was afraid they were going to beat me senselessly.
“That’s alright, it works.” Kevin smiled at me. “I’ll ask first…uhh. Taylor, Vampire or Werewolf?”
“Well, I do play a werewolf, and Jacob Black is pretty much the coolest, so Werewolf.” We all giggled at his response.
“Jacob Black pones. Seriously.” I smiled.
“Darn right he does! I get to ask now…Nick, Batman or Superman?”
typical boy question.
“Good question…” then Nick went on this five minute rant on how Superman is like, 10 times better than Batman will ever be. “Okay, Lexi, I know you will like this one…Jacob Bla-” I didn’t even let him finish, I knew the answer.
“JACOB BLACK. DUH!” I yelled and Taylor gave me a high-five.
“You just got like a million cool points, just FYI.” Taylor laughed a lot.
“Okay, Kev-o…Cake or Ice cream?”
“Cakeee…mmm. I love cake…” Kevin dazed off… “Kaylie, MTV or Fuse?”
“Fuse, for sure! Allie, Hot Topic or Pac sun?” Kaylie answered.
“No matter how good Pac Sun’s cologne smells…ALEX. Hot Topic will always win. Epically.” She glared at me. Then I remembered what she was talking about. We went shopping once and I sprayed I bunch of Pac Sun cologne on each of my fingers and had random people sniff the good smelling ones. So I laughed a little. “Joseph Adam Jonas. Morning or Night?”
“Night. Fo Sho. That’s when all the good stuff happens. Concerts, parties, stuff like that.” Joe smiled and put his arm around Kaylie. The game went on and we all eventually fell asleep. Except really for Nick, Taylor and I.
“What should we do?” Nick asked.
“Nooo Idea…” Taylor said.
“Make a video?” I smiled. Nick smiled back and Taylor looked a little worried.
“Lets do it!” Nick got up quickly and got his camera. Taylor and I shared a couple awkward glances because we really had no idea what to say to each other, we pretty much just met.
“So…” I said.
“So…how’s it going?” Taylor asked.
“Stupendous…thank you. Hows it going on your end?” I smiled at him. He chuckled a little at my choice of words.
“Good. Do you always talk like that?”
“Yeah…I really do, a lot. Your going to have to get used to that buddy. So how did you and Allie convene for the first time?”
He laughed again.
“She moved to California you know, and we met thru school…How did you and Nick meet?”
I laughed at his puny words.
“Camp. First we were BFF’s fo life, then we dated for like…24 hours, then we broke up…THEN he asked out this totally schmaltzy girl to homecoming so we weren’t really talking and stuff, but Joe took me to homecoming which was a lot of fun, then we went up to his cabin and then we started dating again. And we went to the High School musical premiere, if you recall that and now, we’re here…” I laughed.
By that time, Nick was back. Taylor was rolling on the ground laughing for some really odd reason and Nick got it all on tape. “Taylor are you okay?” Nick asked.
“Yeah. She’s a catch Nick. Good job picking her over that ‘schmaltzy’ girl.” Taylor laughed even more.
“What is your problem Taylor?!” I began to laugh with him. Soon our laughing subsided and we finally made this crazy little V-log thing. And we went to bed.