‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 11- No Game.

It was finally Christmas break. Thank goodness. Nick and I have been counting down for weeks for this beautiful 14 day weekend. Especially because we were going to Los Angeles the night school let out. We could barely sit still all during our classes. I mean, I still had some last minute packing to do, because I procrastinate. Kaylie has been staying at my house and Joe has been keeping her company over there. I was afraid all day of what they have done to my room, because knowing Kaylie…she would trash it. I got home at exactly 2:30, Nick drove me home, its been so nice since he got his license, he’s been driving EVERYWHERE. Thankfully, right before our adventure, I found the Coke or Pepsi book hiding in Annika’s room. As soon as I got home, I went straight into my room and packed the rest of my items, what were all sitting in the corner on my bedroom.
“Alex, love…are you almost ready?” Nick knocked on my door just as I finished up packing.
‘god, how I’ve missed that nickname…’ I smiled and thought to myself. “Uh. Yeah. You can come in!” I recollected my thoughts and managed to get out of my mouth. Nick came up from behind me and hugged me. He kissed the top of my head and let go.
“Ready?” He asked smiling. I felt almost intoxicated.
“Yeah.” I grabbed my bags but Nick took ALL of them out of my hands and brought them out to his car. Him and I were going to ride separately from his family, since they had to bring so much with them. We got into his Mustang and drove to the Airport. We got there and did our normal thing. Got our tickets waited. Kevin of course, found a Starbucks so he offered to get everyone something. We drank our Starbucks and began playing our game of Coke or Pepsi.
“’Kay Nick, your going first…your name given to you at birth.” I said smiling as he groaned about going first.
“Nicholas Jerry Jonas.” He said.
“What do your friends call you? Or your favorite girlfriend in the entire world…” I smiled wider.
“Nick, Nick-o, President, loser…that’s what you call me.” Nick gave a pathetic frown and I gave him a big hug.
“Sorry Nicky.” Joe made fake-throw-up sounds when I said that and Nick elbowed him in the gut. “What do you do when your mad?”
“I write music. Silly head.”
“What is your favorite Holiday and why?”
“Come on Kids, our flight is about to leave.” Denise called out to us by the gate. We walked onto the plan and took our seats. I sat by Nick and Kevin and Frankie, Joe and Kaylie all sat by each other. Us three decided we were much too cool for those other three, so we continued with our game.
“What was the question?” Nick asked me.
“Uhmm.” I looked thru the book trying to find the page. “Oh, your favorite holiday and why.”
“Thanksgiving. Lots of good food!”
“Have you ever won anything?” I asked.
“A soccer trophy, a couple baseball trophies, an AMA, about 6 Teen Choice awards…a Kids Choice award…you know. The normal stuff…” He smiled at me and I laughed. The game went on for another 15 minutes until boredom sunk in and we decided to watch the in-flight movie. Almost instantly I fell asleep right on Nicks shoulder.

“Lex…Lexi…Alex, love…wake up. We’re in LA now…” Nick said quietly and calm. He shook my arm very gracefully and took my hand as soon as he saw my eyes open. “Morning…” He smiled.
“What time is it….?” I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes trying to figure out where I was.
“Its about 1:30ish. You’re still on the plane.” He laughed clearly knowing what I was doing. He helped me get up and put his arm around my waist. We walked off the plane and he got his and my stuff. We walked outside and it was all darkness. He walked me off too a dark car what camouflaged in with the night sky. We drove and I tried so hard to keep my eyes open. Nick clearly saw my struggle so he told me to go back to sleep, we have a bit of a drive. I dosed off for what seemed like mile-seconds but was really 15 minutes. We got back and Nicks arm immediately went to my side. He brought me into the room where I would be staying and let me sleep. I could here him bringing in my things and falling in the bed right next to mine. “Night Lex, if your still up…” He said.
“goodnight Nick.” I said and immediately fell asleep.

I got up around 8 AM the next morning. I looked over to Nicks bed and he wasn’t in it anymore. I walked around trying to figure out how to get to the kitchen or living room or somewhere other than the really long hallway. Then Joe popped out of the bathroom. His hair was already straightened.
“’Bout time you woke up Lexi! We thought you would never get up! You go get ready, I’ll bring you something to eat, we’ve got to get going really quick here.” He smiled at me. I turned around and went back into my room. I changed into a dark purple ‘Hollister’ hoodie and a pair of normal jeans. I put my converses back on my feet, which I don’t ever remember taking off. I ate a bowl of cereal while I waited for the bathroom to be open. I brushed my hair and my teeth and brought the bowl back downstairs I figured out and sat in the living room where Nick was. Almost immediately after I sat down, Denise came in and told us we were leaving to pick up Allie. We went outside and into the familiar black vehicle. We drove about a half hour west and we were in Valencia, California. We picked up Allie at her new home and we drove back to LA and to Hollywood Records. As we got closer and closer, my nerves came more and more. I started to shake a little and I was jumping my knee a lot. Nick put one hand on my knee and the other went over to my hand. He gripped it tightly and started caressing it with his thumb. “It’ll be fine, they’ll love you.” He smiled at me. Those words calmed me down a little but not too much because I was still jumping my knee.
“Taylor…Stop.” Allie frowned at me…apparently Taylor does that often.
“Sorry…I can’t help it!” I almost yelled. We got there shortly after and I felt like I was about to vomit. Nick helped me out of the car and kept his hand securely across my waist. I started to feel a little better when we got inside.
“You guys can just wait over there. We’ll take care of signing in and stuff.” Kevin said. As soon as Nicks arm left me, I felt the vomit coming back up. I sat on a couch and tried to calm myself down. I finally calmed myself down my closing my eyes and relaxing. I watched the boys sweet-talk the receptionist and Kaylie was a jealous rage. I giggled a bit at Kaylie. I didn’t mind Nick talking like that to her, it was pretty funny to watch actually because Nick has like…no game. Shortly after, they came back and Kaylie took Joe’s hand immediately but Nick just sat next to me.
“That was incredibly funny Nick…” I laughed.
“Why?” He asked.
“You have no game Nick, you can’t hit on a girl worth crap…”
“I totally just did, she was so blushing.”
“At Kevin, not you…”
“I got you, didn’t I?”
“Well, yeah…but…”
“Exactly. Poned.” I crossed my arms and pretended to be angry at him for a little while. “I’m sorry Lexi…forgive me?” He asked and gave me a hug.
“Not really.”
“Its not my fault I have such great game!”
“Lamehead and Jonas Brothers?” A man who looked like he was in about his early 40’s said.
“That’s us!” Kevin said. He got up and shook his hand. Same with Nick, and Joe. I got up too and shook his hand also along with Kaylie and Allie.
“I’m Mr. Camboda. Nice to meet you three.” He directed towards Allie, Kaylie and I.
“Nice to meet you also.” Allie smiled. We followed him into a smaller room and he talked with us about what would be happening. He let all of us be so we could pick out a song to sing with the brothers.
“I think we should sing one of your songs.” Joe raised his hand like he was still in school.
“Me too…” Nick smiled at me.
“Three!” Kevin yelped.
“Well…I guess we’re doing one of our songs….” I smiled. “Which one?” we looked through all of our songs and picked ‘I Wanna Go Home.’ That was the guys all time favorite so far. Mr. Camboda came back in and we told him our decision. We gave him the lyrics and he liked them a lot too. We went into another small room with a recording booth inside. First we were going to lay down the guitar parts, which called for Nick, Kevin and I. That took up all the time we had for the day, so after about 20 takes, it was time to go. We rode in the car back to the house and sat and watched TV.
“See, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Nick asked tightening his grip on my hand.
“No…I over exaggerated that.” I smiled at him. We ate dinner and went swimming in they backyard pool. At about 10, Nick and I were already lying in our beds, talking. “Ah! I’m so cold.”
“Well, we’re going to have to fix that.” Nick said scooting over in his bed and patting on it. I gave him a weird look. “Don’t worry…we won’t do anything else. Just going to cuddle to warm you back up.”
“Mmkay.” I said getting up and going over to his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.
“I love you Lexi…” Nick smiled.
“I love you too Nick.” I smiled back.
“I promise you I would never do anything to hurt you…” He kissed the top of my head. “I pinky promise you.” He held out one pinky and I took it and shook it .We sat and talked until about 2 in the morning when I decided to go to sleep…in my own bed of course.