‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 12- Merry Christmas Lex! heres a slap in t

The next day we were going to finish the guitar parts and start on the vocals. Which required all of us in one cramped little box. Before we started vocals we had lunch and warmed up our voices by singing to my Ipod. We sang to every song all of knew. Which were Let’s Dance the Joy Division by the Wombats, Folkin’ Around by Panic At The Disco, and so much more. After lunch we sat in the booth for about 3 hours, trying to work on the song, but Nick and I were a bit too hyper and we couldn’t focus. When we got home, Nick and I decided to go on a walk to burn off some of the energy. We go to a park. We talked for hours there.
“Hey, I’m gonna get a soda, do you want anything?” Nick asked getting up.
“No, I’m good.” I smiled.
“I’ll be back then!” He walked off. After about 10 minutes of Nick being missing, I went to look for him. You know, just to make sure he didn’t get eaten by fan girls or anything like that. But what I saw was much worse. Nick and Selena Gomez. Sucking face…
“HOW DARE YOU.” I yelled disgusted by my boyfriends actions. I walked off hoping he wouldn’t follow.
“Alex, wait, its not wha-” He said pulling on my arm.
“It’s not what it looks like?! Then what is it then Nick. Enlighten me. You just happen to be kissing that girl who you dated while you were out with you’re current girlfriend?! That’s low Jonas, even for you.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it. I should’ve listened to my dad, he was right, you’re just a player. Heartbreaker. Another typical guy. I thought you would be different of all people. You promised me Nicholas and you broke that…” I walked away from him with tears swelling in my eyes. I walked back to the house, hopefully Nick not following me. By the time I got back, the tears were flowing steadily down my face and Joe noticed.
“What’s wrong Lex?” He asked curiously.
“Leave me alone Joseph.” I said, I knew he knew something was up, because I never call him Joseph. I went up to my room and Joe came in shortly after.
“Tell me what’s wrong Lexi, please.”
“You’re stupid-lying-cheating Brother is what’s the matter.” I said between sniffles.
“What did Nick do? Want me to hurt him for you?” Joe started to get a little defensive.
“The guy was kissing Selena Gomez right in front of my face.” I started crying harder, just remembering the event.
“What a bad-word-I’m-not-going-to-say…Why would he do that? We didn’t really like Selena, we all love you.” Joe pondered. He stayed up there for hours on end just talking and occasionally getting me food so I wouldn’t have to see ‘you know who.’ I finally dozed off and Joe actually left.

The next few days, it was so hard to ignore Nick while we were in the studio. We had so much stuff to finish up and that required communication with everyone. I didn’t enjoy that one bit. On our last day in the studio and we had to put finishing touches on every possible thing. My dad was coming up that night with Cindy, Michael, Annika and Ben for Christmas. Kevin and I were going to go last minute Christmas shopping together before they got there. I had a present for each of the brothers (I bought Nicks when we were still together.), Kaylie, Allie, and my Dad…its just everyone else I’ve got a problem with buying. So Kevin was going to help finding some for Denise and Paul and I was on my own with Cindy Michael, Annika and Ben. Kevin and I had some pretty interesting debates while shopping, like Pole Vaulting or Basketball, Guitar or Piano, and Hot or Cold…its was pretty fun. I ended up getting Denise a Pretty Necklace and earrings and Cindy the same. Paul I got a really cool wallet and Annika, I got her one of them High School Musical dolls, Michael a glow-in-the-dark-football and Ben I got a couple new shirts. I went into my room to wrap up the last of my presents and Nick was sitting in there and I tried my best to not notice him, but it didn’t work…
“Okay. Don’t ignore me. Don’t talk. Just listen.” He said pulling me down onto his bed so he could talk to me.
“Alright, Talk.” He looked a little shocked that I actually said something to him outside the studio.
“Okay, So, I didn’t kiss Selena, she forced me. I didn’t want to, I didn’t even kiss back. I hated it!” He paused for a bit and just looked at me for a moment or two. “and I hate you being mad at me for this…” He looked like he was about to cry.
“Nick…don’t be such a wuss jeesh!” I laughed. He immediately lit up like a light bulb.
“Not mad anymore?” He smiled. I shook my head ‘no.’ and he smiled even wider. He gave me a big hug and I was so happy that we finally made up.

“ALEX! WAKE UP! ITS CHRISTMAS!” I was woken up by two very obnoxious little children. Frankie and Annika. I was apparently the last one up and they couldn’t wait much longer for me. We went down into the luxurious living room where, the Jonas family, My family and Kaylie’s family was all seated around a huge tree. Nick cleared a spot for me and I sat down next to him. Right next to me was Joe…this was going to be fun.
“I WANNA PASS OUT PRESENTS!” Frankie exclaimed. He got to along with Kevin. We each took turns getting a gift. I got a new journal from Nick, lots of clothes from each of the Jonas Boys because I’m always talking about going shopping with them, because I love their style, Denise and Paul got me an Itunes gift card, and my favorite present for the day. I got my Neon Purple Gibson SG Guitar. From my family of whom I now love. After all the presents were handed out we all gave hugs and ventured off to do our own things for a while. Nick and I almost immediately went upstairs and started playing guitar. Kevin, Joe and Kaylie eventually joined us also. After a few hours of music making, we baked and decorated cookies. After we completed the baking process we devoured them.
“Why aren’t you eating any gingerbread men, Lex?” Nick asked as he nibbled on his Gingerbread man respectively named Jorge Jim Bob III
“I don’t wanna be a cookie murderer…” I smiled sarcastically. Allie, Kaylie and Joe broke out into Rihanna’s song ‘Unfaithful.’ We laughed for a bit and Nick took an exaggerated bite out of Jorge Jim Bob just to poke fun at me. “MURDERER! NICHOLAS JERRY JONAS IS A MURDERER!” I yelled loudly so everyone in the universe could hear the news. After the cookies, we gathered around the grand piano in the formal living room and sang Christmas Carols, then our favorite part…DINNER. So all-in-all…Christmas was probably the best one yet…
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just PS. Nick and Lexi are NOT dating anymore. just friends once again.
and i'm supposed to thank my Bestie Charlie for the idea on the iTunes gift card. :)