‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 2-I love her So Much.

I tried sleeping in as much as I could, since I haven't really had time, but that didn't seem to happen because I was woken up by my soon-to-be-step sister, Annika jumping on my bed.
"Mommy and Davy left, you have to get up!!" she said giggling.
"Okay, give me a couple Minutes..." I said trying to get the sleep out of my eyes.
"But Nick Jonas is downstairs for you!" she exclaimed.
"Oh crap..." I said shocked. I jumped out of my bed and ran down the steps, not recognizing what I was wearing which was, a pair of rubber ducky PJ pants Kaylie had gotten me for christmas a couple years ago, an orange and pink tank top and my hair was crap in a ponytail. I got into the kitchen and he was sitting on a bar stool.
"Hey, I like the outfit..." Nick smiled. his smile is to die for.
"you know what...I just got up...so yeah..." I acted angry. 'Way to finish your sentence Alex...gosh.' I thought to myself.
"Sorry..." He got off the stool and wrapped his warm arms around me.
"I'll let it slide this time." I smiled looking up at him.
"Thats good. I thought we could go somewhere today and just chill before we both have to go to school...and you know...learn." Nick let go of me and all the sudden I got chills because his warmth wasn't there anymore.
"Well, how about after Annika goes to dance practice and Micheal goes to Football practice. they both have carpool coming around Noon-ish. is that good for you?" I asked. Stupid Soon-to-be-step siblings being active...
"Yeah, I'll come and get you are about 12:30." Nick smiled "See you then!" and he went out the door. I quickly got Annika changed for her dance and helped Micheal out with his football pads and locating everything he needs. After I was done helping them, I changed myself into a pair of denim capris and a purple and pink striped tank top. I put on a little make-up and wore my purple converses. I sat in the living room with Annika and Micheal until they both left. then I went and sat on our front poarch swing we have.
"Hey, Ready!" I voice said from a few feet back.
"Yeah. lets go." I said knowing it was Nick, I got up and walked over to him.
"Where should we go?"
"I dunno, where ever is fine." I smiled politly.
"Well, we could go get something to eat, shop, anything!" We walked down the sidewalk.
"Up to you!"
"Well, lets go eat, because I'm starving."
"Alrighty Pig..." I giggled a bit.

We went to a local diner in town, and the waitress sat us down at a booth in the back on the small place. We ordered our food and began talking about how 'excited' for school we were. we both agreed though, that it was going to be good, because we were going to be with each other for the whole year. The waitress came out a while later, and gave us our food. we ate and socialized, of course Nick got regognized a few times, but not as much as we thought he would. He signed a few autographs and we left.
"Well, that was great fun..." I smiled smally.
"It was." Nick walked me up to my doorstep and we hugged. Again, his arms we warm. we said our goodbyes and he went back across the street. I went up to my room and turned on my Ipod. After a while of listening to one of my top played songs, Handlebars by FloBots, I got a text message from Nick.
N- Aleexxx, I'm so bored.
A- Me too.
N- Lets do something again!
A- Like what?
N- I dunno... just chill I guess?
A- alrighty! be here soon! bring your guitar also...its my lover XD
N- Your so weird...weird-o.
A few seconds later, My door bell began ringing continuously. I ran down the steps and Nick was at the door with his beautiful acoustic guitar what I loved.
"Hey!" Nick said hugging me tightly. Gosh, I missed those arms since the two hours I was last in them.
"Hi!" I smiled.
"I want your help with something..." Nick said letting go of me and walking through the door. "I wanna write a song for someone...I am just having major creative block."
"Okay cool, lets go upstairs and figure it out." I smiled leading him upstairs. I grabbed my guitar when we walked in and my songwriting notebook. I threw the book onto the bed for Nick to take but instead, he just read the songs instead.
"These are really good...Your extremely talented..." Nick flipped through skimming each of the word-filled pages. But he, for some reason, stopped on a perticular page. "Normal...whats that one about?"
"Oh, that was for Ben...He was really angry about my parents a few years ago, and He wanted help getting his feelings out, and those are some things he said...I just put it into song..."
"Oh wow. can you play it?" Nick gave me an adorable look what said 'Please, pretty please with sugar on top.' I couldn't refuse the look to I went downstairs into the living room and sat at the piano. Nick came shortly after and sat on the stool with me.

Is it normal, to listen to your parents fighting, every night.
Is it normal, to fight with your siblings every day.
Is it normal, to think your family doesn't even care?
thats how my life is, normally...

Everything else seems to be so...Normal.
Everyone else seems to be so... normal.
I just want to be Normal...

Is it normal to lie about your life, to your parents?
Is it okay to never be happy with yourself?
never be okay with the person you are?
Is it alright?
Are you fine...

Everything else seems so...normal.
everyone else seems to be so...normal.
I just want to be Normal.


"That was absoulty amazing, I'm not lying either, you have raw talent." Nick smiled down at me.
"Thank-you...but I mean. its just a hobby, I don't wanna get too serious about it."
"You should be getting serious about your career...its not just talent, its so much more that what you have. you might actually be better than Me...weirdly. Okay now the song." Nick smiled a little wider than before.
"Alright." I focused myself off of Nicks gorgous eyes. "so its about a girl I suppose?"
"How did you know?!" Nick laughed a little.
"It was a guess. so what is your favorite thing about this girl?" I was getting a bit jealous.
"Her gorgous smile...its so amazing."
"Alright so how about this." I started playing his guitar. "She's got a smile that I'd die for, Everyone know's that I'm a prisioner at war for her." I couldn't believe I was helping the love of my life, write a song for another girl...
"Thats great!" Nick said taking his guitar back. "Sometimes I wish, I had a Kung Fu grip, I'd never let her slip away, she'd be my girl, I really wish she knew..." Nick sang still playing.
"What I feel is true, she'd be my doll and I would be her hero too." I faked smiled while I sang, I really didn't wanna do this anymore, it was killing me inside so much.
"I'm so in love...With her." Nick sang with so much energy. 'He doesn't love me anymore...he loves her I wish I knew who this her was, so I could beat her down.' I thought to myself. "What next?"
"Uhmm...I don't care who knows that I'm ready to fight, ready to go, just like a G.I. Joe? just because of the doll part, incorperate another doll..."
"Perfect, and to the chorus!" He busted out singing it again. and after several hours of songwriting and goofing around (Prank Calling Kaylie and Allie on Nick's phone) the song was finally completed. "lets sing the whole thing..."

She's got a smile.
that i die for.
everyone knows, that i'm
a prisoner of war, for her.

Sometimes I wished.
i had a kung fu grip.
Never let her slip,
away she'd be my girl.

Really wish she knew.
what i feel is true.
She'd be my doll
i would be her hero too.

Im so in love
with her.
Dont care who knows
that im
Ready to fight, ready to go.
Just like a G.I. Joe

Sometimes i wished.
i had a kung fu grip.
Never let her slip,
away. She'd be my girl.
I Really wish she knew.
what i feel is true.
she'd be my doll
i would be her hero too.

Sometimes I wished.
i had a kung fu grip.
Never let her slip,
away she'd be my girl.

She'd be my doll
i would be her hero too
"Good job...thanks so much." Nick said hugging me. "I owe you one."
"No...It's just a hobby I have...No big deal..." I smiled still in disbelief that a guy like him, can bounce back from a girl so fast.
"I should probably go though...See you later!" Nick said but I stopped him just as he was going out the door.
"Nick...I was supposed to ask you from my dad...would you and your family like to come over for dinner tonight?" I asked hoping he would say yes, so I can talk to him.
"Of Course we would." Nick smiled and walked out the door. I shut the door behind him and leaned against it. I am in Love with Nicholas Jerry Jonas.
I Love her so much.
♠ ♠ ♠
'Normal' Lyrics are mine, don't take. I'll come get you if you do...
'Kung Fu Grip' lyrics aren't you'res either. poned. they're the Jonas Brothers. so don't take them.