‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 3-Dinner, Ice Cream, and A Movie.

Alex P.O.V.

Before the Jonases got to my house, I quickly showered and made sure everyone was presentable. I almost forgot to make myself look presentable. I put on a nice pair of black jeans and a yellow shirt, even though I despise the color yellow. I decided not to put on any make-up because Joe always tells me I looked fine without it. So I went downstairs and helped set the table of 11 people. Dad was making lots of steak for everyone and I finished cooking all the rest of the food. around 6 PM everything was done, and they were here, ringing the door bell. I went to the door to let them in, but love-sickened Annika beat me to it. Mrs. Jonas-I mean Denise brought over a cake for desert, So I took the large plate and set it on the kitchen counter. The food was just finishing up cooking so We all sat in the family room. Cindy, my dad, Mr. Jonas, and Denise were all in the kitchen helping but knowing my dad, he wouldn't let them. Nick sat at the piano playing a song what he learned when he was in Les Miserables and Joe and I got up and started dancing along with the music. After the song was over, Joe and I fell onto the floor laughing. Kevin, Micheal, Annika, and Frankie just sat there watching us. I could tell that Micheal and Frankie were going to be good friends, they were alike in so many ways.
"Time to Eat!!" My dad yelled into the room. We all went into the kitchen/dining room and sat down at the big table. We all talked about anything and everything. Nick was pretty excited about the whole 'having steak for dinner' thing, Joe was just happy to get food, and Kevin was very polite. After we were done, Cindy got out the cake again, and passed it out. It was quite delicious, Mrs. Jona-Denise did a great job. After Nick, Joe, Kevin and I went to get Ice Cream just because we were still hungry and we didn't want to look like total pigs. We went to Ben and Jerry's-My Favorite. Kevin got Chocolate, Nick got normal Vanilla, Joe got Birthday Cake Remix and I did also.
"Nick...Your really boring...Vanilla at Ben and Jerrys...seriously." I asked Nick who was walking right next to me, Joe and Kevin were walking up front.
"Vanilla is classic, you can never go wrong with it..." Nick smiled. I took a lick of my cone and Nick pushed it right into my face.
"JERK!" I was shocked that he would do that, so I pushed my ice cream right back into his face also. After that, it turned into an ice cream fight with us. When we ran out of Ice Cream, we were totally covered in it.
"Can I clean up at your house, I would totally get grounded if my Dad found out..." I said.
"Thanks." We walked up their driveway and they showed me where the shower was Nick grabbed a pair of Basketball shorts and a white tee-shirt for me to wear. I took a shower and put on the clothes.
"Awh. Don't you look adorable." Joe giggle a bit.
"Haha...shut up." I said with a harsh tone. The guys were sittting around the Television in Nick and Frankies bedroom watching some movie. It looked like it was Juno, My favorite movie. So I sat down next to Nick and watched it with them. I cuddled myself against his hard, warm chest. He put his arm around me and I dozed off in his arms.

My Eyes fluttered open to see Nick sleeping right next to me, with his arm still around me. I stayed perfectly still to not wake him. I saw right next to the bed that Frankie was sleeping also. I saw Nick was slowly waking up too, so I quickly shut my eyes again. When I felt him moving thats when I got up quickly and made a wierd face at him.
"Woah...you okay?" Nick laughed rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, I've been up for a while...I just wanted to mess with you." I said getting up a little but Nick made me stay down next to him.
"I love you." He smiled.
"I love you too."
"Then why won't you date me?" Nick asked with a harsher tone.
"Fine..." I finally gave in.
"Fine what?"
"I will date you."
"Really? I don't want to make you do anything you don't wanna do though..."
"No, I want to really..." I smiled at him. I was so happy, we could actually be together.
"So tonight, say around 7 I'll pick you up..."
"Sounds great." I tried getting up but again, Nick pulled me down.
"Stay." He said. keeping me right at his side, he stroked my hair and watched the sunrise. I checked a clock and it was 3 AM. I continued to think about Nick and I until I fell back to sleep again.
I woke up once again, at a more decient time, 7 AM. Nick was lying there to, looking at me smiling, I smiled back at him.
"Morning Lovely." He smiled wider.
"G'morning." I yawned.
"Would you like to go get some breakfast?" He asked politly. I nodded 'yes' and he helped me out of bed. The fresh smell of waffles obsorbed into the hallway where Nick and I were walking, Hand-in-hand. We both sat down at the table and Joe and Kevin joined us, suprisingly Joe was up.
"So we were thinking, Nick." Kevin started talking while he got his waffles. "We all could go golfing today."
"Sounds good. hey can Alex come with?" Nick asked politly. Thats just how I wanted to spend one of my last days of Summer, watching my boyfriend and best friends golf.
"Of course she can!" Joe exclaimed out of pure excitement, right away with Waffle in his mouth. Nick got a grin on his face and I was happy too, just because he was. We ate our waffles while the guys bet on who was going to win. After I was done, I offered to help do the dishes, but Denise said she didn't need help, so I went back home to change for the golf game.
"Be ready by 9:30 Alex!" Nick yelled out the door while I was walking.
"Will do!" I smiled back. I quickly looked at the clock in my kitchen when I got home and it was 8:30, I had enough time to curl my hair and what not. After I sucessfully did my hair without hurting myself or anyone around me I put on a pair of nice white barmuda shorts and a pink polo.
"ALEX! COME ON!" I heard Kevin yell. I quickly took one last look in the mirror and went downstairs where Kevin, Joe, and Nick were waiting patiently. I gave each of them hugs and Nick kissed me on the cheek. We went out to Kevins car. We listened to Kevin's Ipod through the radio speakers until we got to the coarse. the guys asked if I was playing but I said I was just going to be cheerleader for them.

The day didn't go quite as planned. They thought they were going to get a little peace and quiet...they were wrong. They were swarmmed with Paparazzi, and fans. Nick and I didn't try to act so couply around them, just for his reputation and to keep me safe. After the swarm subsided, we went inside the country club to sign in. Nick calmly looked around to see if anyone was watching, and wrapped his arm around my waist. I was sort of panicked that people would see, but Nick whispered in my ear, "It's okay, Love." I calmed down a bit and it was time to golf! Kevin drove the cart, Joe sat up front and Nick and I sat in the back. the first hole, Joe won, second Kevin won, and the third Nick did. After a while, a few fans showed up and a camera crew for the local news. the crew asked why they were here and if Nick was attending public school...then, the question we knew what was going to pop up...Are you dating her. My heart dropped and I could tell Nick was getting a little nervous.
"No, we're just great friends and neighbors." Nick said into the microphone the news anchor was holding. My heart rate went back to normal and the crew left. Nick came up and gave me a warm hug.
"It's okay...don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you, Love."
"Thank-you." I smiled. He waiting a little longer, and kissed the top of my head carefully. I couldn't help but smile.the continued the game and Nick ended up winning. After the game we went out for some lunch right at the course. I sat by Nick and Joe and Kevin sat across from us.
"You excited for school you two love birds." Joe asked, I could instantly feel my face getting red and hot.
"I am, I don't know about red-face over here." Nick laughed putting his arm around me.
"Yeah, I'm pretty excited."
Nick's phone started singing the 007 James Bond theme. He checked the caller ID and answered it.
"Hi Mommy."
"I killed them."
"Not in that way! I would never literally KILL them!"
"Okay, We're eating."
"Okay, I'll ask her." Nick pulled the phone away from his mouth. "Do you wanna go get your Nails done with my mom?"
"Tell her sure." I kinda had a confused look on my face and Nick gave me the same face, so I laughed a little.
"She said yeah."
"Alight, I'll tell her and Kevin and Joe." and he hung up his phone. "She said that Alex you have to be at our house around 2-ish, which is like right when we get back, and Kevin and Joe she said to start picking up your phones, she called you guys like 10 times." the other two brothers took their phones out of their pockets and checked the calls. Kevin nodded his head and set his phone on the table, and soon later Joe did too. We all ate our meals and went back into Kevins car. Nick put his hand on my knee on the way home and his hands were warm. Kevin pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, Joe and Kevin got out of the car, but Nick wouldn't let go of my knee, thus, making me stay still.
"I love you." He smiled at me.
"I love you too." I smiled at him also, He leaned down and kissed my lips softly. Someone started banging on the windows so I quickly jumped away...It was Kevin and Joe. they know how to ruin a semi-perfect moment.
"QUIT MAKING-OUT IN MY CAR!!" Kevin yelled loud enough for us to just barely hear him. Nick let go of my knee and we got out of the car. I felt like I was about 12 different shades of red when I saw Joe giggling a little.
"You guys know, i've never been inside your new house?" I said trying to change the subject.
"Then we are going to have to change that now aren't we, love?" Nick said grabbing my hand and running inside. There were still a few boxes lying around, but It seems like they were settling in quite nicely. "So as you walk in, the Living room." Nick said. We went through the Kitchen Dining room, Family Room, Kids room, Joe and Kevin's room, Bathrooms, Nick and Frankies room, and Mr. and Mrs. Jonases room. Everything looked beautiful. Just like the family living in it.
"ALEX! LETS GO!!" Mrs. Jonas yelled up the stairs.
"Goodbye Al. Have fun!" Nick said hugging me warmly.
"Be good Nick. don't cause any trouble." I laughed a little.
"Oh you know me, Always causing trouble!" Nick let out a small, low laugh.
"I'll see you later. 7 o'clock. remember" I said walking out of the room.
"7:00!" Nick yelled as I walked down the stairs. Mrs. Jonas was waiting for me downstairs as soon as I went downstairs, We left.
"Thank-you so much for taking me." I said.
"Oh, your welcome Alex, I'm glad I have you to take along with me to do this... the boys wouldn't really enjoy getting their nails done." She smiled. I smiled smally also, playing with my fingers. We got to the nail place and Mrs. Jonas checked us in. I started reading one of those silly tabloid magazines and of course they were talking about 'Nelena', The Non-existant couple. I laughed a little and turned the page. It was talking about how 'serious' they are in their relationship and how in love they are.
"Alex!" A short blonde lady called out. I got up and went to a table. After she was finished, my nails were a dark purple with a white polka dot in the middle of each of them. I looked around and Mrs. Jonas was just finishing up. After she was done, We left. We drove home talking about school. She was saying Nick was extremly exctied to start school with me and make new friends. I lied and said I was excited too. Then it finally hit me. I START SCHOOL TOMORROW.