‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 5- You totally just sounded like a girl.

It was finally homecoming week. Nick has made a bunch of new friends, so he is a shoe-in to be homecoming prince for our grade, I mean, have you seen him?! I was proud of my friend but when I heard my name announced for princess, I was in shock.
"Did you have something to do with that Nick?" I asked when we were in the hallway going to our biology class.
"No...maybe you are naturally extremely pretty, have you ever thought of that one?" Nick gave me his beautiful Nick smile.
"Whatever...Hey, Your prince and i'm princess. weird."
"It's like its mean't to be." Nick looked at me lovingly.
"Almost..." I smiled.
"Your scrunching your nose again. Its so cute." Nick smiled. We got into the room and the class was already almost full. We sat down and class almost immidatily started.
'Hello Princess :)' Nick wrote to me in a note.
'Hello Sir Nick/Ty :D'
'Hey, I thought we weren't calling me that anymore!'
'Too bad, I just changed my mind!'
'Your in a really great mood now, aren't you?'
'Kinda! How are you doing prince?'
'BORED!! I really dislike Biology...'
'ME TOO! lets get married!'
'heck yes! HEY! CLASS IS OVER IN LIKE 4.9 SECONDS!!' as soon as I read that, the teacher, Mr. Wolfe, let us out. We went to our next few classes then it was finally time to go home. Joe picked us up as usual, and Did homework over at the Jonases, of course, Nick told them all I was princess and he was prince, so I got lots of hugs. Mr. Jonas wanted me to stay for a congratulatory dinner, but I told them I couldn't, I had to tell my family the good news.
I got home and My dad was sitting on the couch, watching baseball highlights, like usual and Cindy was sitting at the table filing her nails...probably thinking Dinner is going to magically appear.
"I'm home..." I said and nobody answered "As if anybody cares..." I mumbled. Then I was attacked by Annika who wrapped her arms around my legs. "Hey, hows it going?"
"Good, Are you a princess?" She asked.
"Well, YES I AM!" I yelled so everyone could here the news.
"Really?! Like Cinderella?"
"Kinda, I'M HOMECOMING PRINCESS, for my grade this year." I emphised again. My dad came over as soon as I said that and gave me a hug.
"Well, Congratulations honey, I'm so proud of you! Oh! we have a basketball parents meeting coming up don't we." My dad said giving me a small-ish hug.
"Uhm...I was thinking. I really don't want to play this year..."
"Why not?" He sounded angry.
"I want to focus on my music career and Berklee and you know I did win a song with the Jonas Brothers and If they like me...who knows..." It seemed like I was getting my hopes up too far.
"Music is not your career, remember, your going to take over the firm..."
"Uh. I never agreed to that, Ben did...I didn't."
"Come On, working with your brother, wouldn't that be fun?"
"Whatever. waist your life on that crap."
"I will, and I'll be famous, and you'll be sorry." I ran up to my room with tears filling up in my eyes and texted Nick.
A-Is that invitation still availible?
N- Of course! Whats the sudden change of mind?
A- I'll tell you later, I'll be there soon.
I quietly walked out of the house so no one could see me and I was over at the Jonases.
"Hello Alex, you decieded to join us tonight." Mr. Jonas answered the door.
"Yeah...No one really was home there."
"Okay, we just started cooking and they boys are downstairs except Nick, he's up in his room." Mr. Jonas smiled at me with his caring smiled. I went up to Nicks room where he was sitting on his bed, flipping through the channels on his TV.
"Hola..." I smiled at him
"Hey." Nick smiled sitting up a little and making room on his bed for me. "Whats up?"
"Just my dad being a total buttmunch...thats all."
"Oh, its okay. You can always stay here if you need to..." Nick engulfed me into a huge hug.
"I know..."I hugged him and noticed that he smelled really good. "You smell amazing, did you know that? What cologne do you wear?" I kept sniffing is blue hoodie he was wearing.
"Uhh...Axe...are you Okay?" Nick asked a little creeped out.
"Yeah...You just smell delightful!"
"You are very much so welcome." Nick and I sat on his bed and flipped through the TV channels once more, but there was nothing on, so We went downstairs where the guys were playing video games. Kevin and Joe who were in the middle of a football game, gave quick glances over to see who it was.
"ALEX!" they both yelled in semi-unison. I looked around in the basement and Frankie was coloring. I sat down next to him to see what he was coloring and I really couldn't tell.
"Whatcha drawing Frankie?" I asked.
"A dinosaur...Wanna color with me?"
"Of course Frankie!" He gave me a piece of paper and pushed the markers a little closer to me. I started coloring a stick figure with a huge afro, what was Nick, then adding a bunch of random items, like a flower, sun, and a bunch of screaming fangirls. on the top I wrote 'TO NICHOLASSSS!' "Here you go Nick!" I smiled handing him the picture while he sat on the couch watching his brothers attack eachother over a video game.
"It's beautiful Alex...just lovely. I'm gonna color you a picture." Nick laughed a little and took a piece of paper from Frankie who was still working on his Dino.
"So, we were thinking Alex about how you and Kaylie and Allie get to record a song with us and stuff nots, how are we going to do that?" Kevin said with his eyes still glued to the television screen.
"Uhm..." I thought for a while. "OH! We get together every christmas break, so we could do it then."
"Good idea...but go to California? are you sure you wanna spend your Christmas like that?" Nick asked.
"Of course, normally we're in New York...and its a bit chilly...but it'll be warm and awesome because i'll be hanging out with my best friends! Do you guys wanna do it then?"
"Duh, we love being in LA!" Joe said throwing his hands up in the air. "BURN! WHAT?! I WON!!" Joe yelled getting right into Kevins face. Nick and I laughed and he handed me a picture. It was two stick figures, one wearing a dress and another with a huge afro, like the picture I drew for him, The figures were holding hands and had little hearts around them.
"That is just beautious Nick...I love it." I smiled giving him a hug.
"KIDS TIME FOR DINNER!!" Mrs. Jonas yelled. We all slowly made our way upstairs and sat down at the table. They were having Pasta...like usual. I was getting very used to having pasta all the time with them. After dinner, Nick and I went back up to his room. He turned on his iPod and we listened to music and talked about how excited we were for homecoming and my dad being is meany-self.
Jersey Just got colder, and I'll have you know
I'm scared to death, that everything you had said to me
was just a Lie until you left. Now i'm hoping just a little bit
stronger hold me up a little bit longer. I'll be fine I swear,
I'm just gone beyond repair.
"Speak of the devil..." I said looking at the I.D. it was my dad, probably going to yell at me and what not, so I didn't answer it.
"Aren't you just a great daughter..." Nick muttered.
"Darn right I am...I just don't want to talk to him right now."
"Alright..." Nick smiled at me, "You just gonna sleepover than?"
"If i'm not going to be a burden."
"Of course your not a burden Lexi! We all love you here. Lets go grab your things." Nick smiled.
"Whats with calling me Lexi...no one calls me that." I asked as we were crossing the street.
"Exactly, no one else calls you that. I like to be original, if you didn't know that..."
"Oh, I see." I chuckled a little. We got back to my house and My dad was sitting on the steps, looking furious.
"Hello Alexandria." My dad said, he only really calls me that when either something happened or he's really angry with me. "Where have you been?"
"I left you a note, it was on my bed..." I said very matter-of-factly.
"Oh..." My dad said, I knew excatly what Nick was thinking 'You got poned!' "Now where are you going?" My dad asked as I went up the stairs.
"Uh. I'm gonna sleep over at the Jonases tonight, don't worry, we're not going to do anything and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas are perfectly fine with it."
"Be back by 10, we have to go find churches tomorrow." My dad said letting me through, I let out a small groan of dissapointment. I went up into my room and started grabbing random clothes. I tried picking something decient but I could tell from the corner of my eye, Nick was getting a little irritated. I stuffed them all into the first bag I saw, and I started walking out the door. Nick quickly got up and followed me.
"Did you notice that?" I asked when we were crossing the street once again.
"Notice what?"
"He didn't even apologize for being a noob to me today..."
"Hm...weird." We got back in the house and I went up to Nicks room to throw my stuff in there. Nick was waiting at the bottom of the steps for me, after I came back down, We went downstairs and nobody was down there. "Should we just chill down here for the night?"
"Sure." I smiled. They had about a million movies down there, a DVD play and a TV a computer and all that great stuff... We were pretty much set for the night. Nick ran upstairs again, and grabbed my stuff. "Thank-you very much." I smiled very politly.
"You are very much welcome! What would you like to do?" Nick asked.
"I don't care."
"Alrighty...your no help..." Nick looked around and went on his computer. It looked like he was going on Yahoo! to check his email, then it sounded like he was mumbling 'oh crap...' but I might have misheard him.
"What?" I asked walking over to him.
"Ughh...Miley." He said dissapointed.
"What about Miley?"
"She is about to drive me insane...She's asking about you...Why I was cheating on her with you...blah, blah, blah...she found a new man, Justin...blah, blah, blah...She never wants to see me again...You know, the usual."
"You were dating her?"
"LIKE FOREVER AGO!" Nick said in exaggeration.
"You totally sounded like a girl right there..." I laughed a little.
"Shut up...what do I do?!" Nick asked. this was the first time I was ever giving him girl advice, I was pretty stoked.
"Uhmm...My dad always told me, Surround yourself with positive people, and leave out the negitive people, and she is definatly a negitive person, she is kinda being jerky..."
"Nice use of words Lexi..." Nick laughed and closed out of his email. "We should watch a movie."
"Okay, but your picking..." I smiled childishly.
"Fine..." He walked over to the big movie case and picked out Transformers. He called Frankie down to see if he wanted to watch, but Joe came down also. Frankie sat on Nicks lap and Joe attempted to sit on mine before I kicked him, Then he found his own spot. We watched the movie and then it was late, Frankie was already knocked out on Nick's lap and it looked like Joe wanted to do the same. Joe woke himself up enough to carry him upstairs. Nick and I both looked around for a little while. "So..." Nick smiled at me.
"So...How are you doing over there?" I asked, It looked like he was about to fall asleep.
"Super! Lets do something."
"Like what?"
"I have no idea...uhmmmm....Make sundaes?"
"Alrighty!" I laughed. We snuck up to the kitchen and made sundaes, then we played the game, Apples to Apples with Kevin, who was still up suprisingly, and we watched one more movie, Meet The Robinsons, which we both fell asleep to...