‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 6-Kevo has a girlfriend?!

That next morning, We woke up at 9:45-correction, I woke up at 9:45, Nick woke up at 8 and didn't wake me because he thought I slept 'really adorable'. I couldn't really be mad at him because he is way too cute. I ran up to Nicks bathroom to quickly change. When I got out I had 10 minutes, and Nick made 'breakfast', which was just cereal. I quickly ate and I had one minute to cross the street over to my house. I hugged everyone and said thank-you for letting me come over. I ran over to my house and chucked my stuff in the entryway. We left to go look for churches for the wedding. I was bored out of my mind, So I texted Nick.
A-Hi-a! I'm bored...
N-Be Be Good Lexi...No Texting in church...
A-Your no fun...good joke by the way...
N-Thank-you now stop texting and listen!!
I felt like sticking my tounge out at him...but he wasn't here, so I would've looked ridiculous. I walked through each of the churches on my best behavior and I was pretty proud of myself for not falling asleep standing up. On our way home, I took out my phone and it said I had three texts from each of the Jonas boys.
'Hey Alex!! How are you doing today! You should really come over later.' Joe's read
'ALEXXX! heyyy. I took your number from Joes phone. =p' Kevins said.
'What Nick?! your weirdly obsessive over socks?' I wrote back to Nick.
'She's over right now, you should come over ASAP and meet her.'
'Alright, I'm just pulling into my driveway.' As soon as I said that, we were in the driveway. I chucked my stuff into my room and went back over to the Jonases to meet the girlfriend. I walked through the door and Nick and Frankie were chasing each other and of course Denise was telling them to knock it off. As soon as Nick saw me, he stopped and tackled me into a hug.
"Hey Alex!" Nick said letting go of me.
"Hola Nicholas. Where is she?" I smiled widely.
"Living room, I'll come with you." Nick walked with me over to the living room. I saw a very pretty girl holding hands with Kevin on the couch watching TV. "Kevin, Lexi is here."
"Hey Lexi! This is Danielle, Danielle this is the neighbor girl, Alex" Kevin introduced us.
"Hi." I said shyly.
"Hello!" She shook my hand, She actually seemed pretty nice. Nick drug me upstairs and into his room. I sat on his bed and he sat on Frankies.
"I need your help..." Nick said.
"With what?" I asked.
"Asking a girl to homecoming."
"Who!!! Tell me please!" I got excited.
"Uhm. Ashley Peters...Don't make fun of me."
"Oh Nick, thats so cute!" I lied, I was really jealous. Ashley Peters is a total snob. Head Cheerleader, dates all the jocks, and is invited to every party. not to mention, she makes fun of me all the time. "Well, you could always just go straight up and ask her, Nicholas."
"But I don't wanna do that...What else?"
"Write her a letter, Oh! you have a pretty good singing voice, sing to her!"
"Thanks for the advise...have you been home at all today?" Nick asked.
"Eh. who needs home? Thats where all the lame kids go!" I laughed.
"Let's go to your place." Nick grabbed my hand and I refused to get up. "Alexandria, come on!" Then after about 2 minutes of refusing I finally got up and Nick fell over. I laughed really hard and he did also. "Let's just go..." Nick said after I was on the floor laughing.
"That's some good stuff." I giggled. Nick and I argued about what we were going to do and since it was about 6 o'clock we decided to go get something to eat. We went to Pizza hut and split a cheese pizza. Then she came in...Ashley. "Nick!! look over your shoulder." I whisper shouted. He cautiously looked over his shoulder than quickly turned away.
"Oh snap! what do I do? do I look okay?!" Nick started sounding like a girl once again.
"You look great, don't worry, just go talk to her."
"Wish me luck." Nick got up and walked over to her. I felt jealously rage all over me, but Nick looked like he really liked her, so I couldn't be too mad. A few minutes later, Nick came back with a huge smile on his face.
"What are you so smiley about?" I asked.
"I just got a date to the dance." He got a bigger smile.

The whole week was pure torture. Awful. Nick and Ashley were together ALL THE TIME. Nick didn't even call me Lexi anymore it was back to Alex. He didn't sit by me at lunch anymore, He said with Ashley and her possee, which left me to where I sat my whole freshman year. the tree outside. Since Nick and I were homecoming prince and princess, we had to dress up during all the days of the week. Monday was wacky wear day, Tuesday was dress up day along with our coorination, Wendsday was James Bond day which Nick loved, Thursday was Celebrity day, and Friday was finally Spirit day. A couple of days ago, the Jonases invited me to go up to their summer house one last time with them, which I accepted the invitation, but the thing was, Nick, Joe and I were going to have to leave the dance early, which was fine, less time Nick and Ashley had to dance...the better.

Joe, Jake and I hung out with eachother at the football game until Denise Picked Joe, Nick and I up to get ready for the dance. Of course, I took the longest to get ready because Denise wanted my hair to be just right...you can really tell she wanted a girl. By the time I was done, the boys were already playing their video games in the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas took lots and lots of pictures of Joe and I and Nick and Ashley. But, the worst part came, a picture with Nick and I...It was probably the most awkward picture ever, since he knew I didn't like Ashley and He did and Ashley was giving me sort of death glares. Mr. Jonas drove us back over to the school and Joe gripped my hand. He paid for us to get in and we went right to dancing. I kept looking around to see if I could find Nick but I never could. Finally we only had one more dance, it was a slow song to 'When You Look Me In The Eyes', but Joe and I just couldn't do it, we were laughing the whole time. So We went outside to wait for the family to come back. Nick came out shortly after and sat on the curb while Joe and I talked about some of the most random things like which type of Guitar was better; Gibson or Fender and Good bands. Nick looked a little sad and stuff when his parents came. All our stuff was in the back, so there was no need to go back to our houses, And we were on our way back to Maryland.