‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 7-I've waited a long time to do that.

The car ride was long and boring. Joe kept snapping in my ear, and Nick was super quiet. Danielle came with to keep Kevin company, so Joe and I were placing bets on who could catch them making out first. Since there were only 3 rooms, Joe, Kevin and Danielle were going to share a room and Nick, Frankie and I were going to share one. Big Rob was going to be there also, but He left earlier just to make sure, no creep-o's were lurking around. As soon as we got there, Nick walked off to the lake. I brought my stuff in and Joe showed me around. I was still in my dress when I got a text from Nick telling me to go down to the Dock. I walked down there and Nick was sitting looking sad like he had all night.
"Hola." I smiled at him.
"Hey." Nick cracked a half smile.
"Whats up?"
"I broke up with Ashley..."
"Why? I thought you liked her?"
"I did, but she pretty much just used me for the dance, we didn't even dance, she sat and talked with her friends the whole time. I was bored out of my mind!"
"Oh Nick, I'm sorry." I gave him an awkward side hug.
"Thanks. But you know what. I'm going to do what you told me about Miley, Surround myself with Postitive people and keep the negitive people far, far away."
"Good plan."
"So, since I didn't dance with anyone at the school. May I have this dance?" Nick asked standing up and holding out his hand.
"Yes you may, but one question. Wheres the music?"
"We don't need music." I got up and he pulled me in close to him. Big Rob was close by the dock watching us, so It was a little uncomfortable. "You get used to it, don't worry." Nick must of figured that out. I relaxed a little and Looked out into the water. Everyone, including the Jonas' had beautiful white, ball lights hanging on their docks. After about what felt like an hour of swaying back and forth, Nick let me go. "When do you think we can date again?" Nick asked as we walked back to the house.
"Uhm. I really don't know. When do you think?"
"Now." and He pulled me in and kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss back. "I've waiting a long time to do that." He fully smiled.
"Me too." Nick grabbed my hand and we walked to the couch where Joe was half asleep watching TV. "Whats on the Agenda for tomorrow Joe?"
"Uh. Ask dad. I don't know." Nick got up to find his father.
"Sooo. How are you and Nick. he seems talkative again."
"He is amazing. We're dating agian." I smiled at just the thought of it. Joe immediatly perked up out of his slouch and hugged me.
"YAY! I knew you two were going to get back together soon." Nick came back shortly after that spasum and said that everyone else was sleeping, so tomorrow was going to be a suprise for us. We all went to bed after we watched TV for about an hour.

Nick woke me up at 7:30 because breakfast was going to be served at about 8.I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a pink tank-top.Nick waited for me outside our room and walked with me down the hall to the kitchen. I'm glad he did walk me down there, or else I would've gotten lost, the House was that big. The smell of Pancakes engulfed me, Denise was such a lovely cook. We ate and Paul told us what we were doing today. Our agenda included Boating, Barbeques and Fireworks. First Nick, Frankie and I were going to go swimming in the lake, but since I hated swimming in lakes and I couldn't swim, the other two went in the water and I would throw a football to them. That game went on for about an hour, until they had to go change back into their clothes so we could join the neighbors for a boat ride. Their names were John and Beth and they had a daughter-Melanie-about Frankie's age. Paul and John both fished while Denise and Beth talked about some new resipes they've gotten over the past summer. For the most part, it was really fun. I was getting to know Danielle really well and she was really nice. When we got back to the house, Nick wanted to go swimming again. We both put on our swimsuits and went off to the dock. Nick immediatly jumped right into the water, but I just sat with my feet hanging off the dock.
"Will you please come in Lexi?" Nick pouted.
"I guess." I said, I wanted to slowly make my way in, but Nick got a little excited and pulled me in. "So not funny Nicholas! I can't swim!"
"Aw. I'm sorry Lexi." Nick said and kissed the top of my head. "I will hold onto you, don't worry." I was still a little worried knowing Nick, but I trusted him. Then we had to go back inside and get ready to go to a Barbeque and fireworks, I was absolutly thrilled for both.