‹ Prequel: Camp Richland

Starlight Addiction

Chapter 9-Mommy and Daddy

The car ride home was a lot more fun than the ride there. Nick and I figured out that if Nick is Elvis’ dad, I am his mother. Joe gave us some funny looks for that assumption but it was fun. The ride seemed a lot shorter thanks to conversations. Nick helped me walk over my stuff and brought Elvis along to so Annika can see him because she loves dogs.
“Dad! I’m home!” I yelled. I put my stuff upstairs and quickly went back down stairs where Annika was already playing with Elvis. My dad was in the kitchen so I quickly went and gave him a hug and went back over to Nick. We watched Annika play with Elvis for a good hour and a half until Nick had to leave. I walked him out and kissed him goodbye. I went back inside and had to give a full description as to what I did over the weekend. Which also meant, telling him Nick and I are together once again which he wasn’t too pleased about. He didn’t like Nick that much. I went back up to my room to begin unpacking but then, my phone started ringing.
“Yellow?” I answered.
“Hello, Beautiful? How’s it going?” I immediately knew it was Nick.
“Super. How’s it going for you lovely?” I asked.
“Great. I just wanted to know if you wanted to do something tonight? Say around, 6-ish.”
I quickly looked up at my clock and it said 4:30.
“Are you not getting sick of me yet? I just spent the ENTIRE weekend with you?”
“I would never get sick of you Aly. Be ready by 6 sharp, and dress Formal. Love you.”
“Alright. Love you too.” I threw my phone onto my bed and contemplated what I was going to wear. I had no idea, so I did my last resort, called up Cindy. She picked out a pair of white heals she got me a forever ago but never wore, and a White and Black dress. Right when I was about to do my hair, the doorbell was ringing. I checked the clock and it was only 5, I still had an whole hour. Who could it have been? I ran down the steps and it was Denise.
“I thought you might want help with your hair.” She smiled widely.
“Please help. I’ll kill myself if I do it myself.” I confessed. She laughed and I showed her to where I was going to do my hair. She pulled up my desk chair and began working. After about a half hour, she was all done. My hair had some pretty wicked curls in it, but it looked amazing. “Thank you so much Denise, I owe you one.”
“Your welcome, Have fun tonight too.” She smiled and gave me a hug. I changed back into my dress and put on my shoes. They were killing me already. I waited downstairs where Annika was playing with her Barbie’s and watching the Disney Channel. Then, the Burning Up music video came on. I laughed at Nick for his weird red wetsuit, Joe for his funny mustache and Kevin, for just being Kevin. At exactly 6, Nick came through the door and blindfolded me.
“You can’t know where we’re going until we get there!” He said.
“Alright…” I began to panic. Apparently he felt my arms beginning to shake, so he told me to calm down and “Nothing we’re doing tonight is illegal.” he brought me outside and into some car. I could here Joe and Kevin talking about which is better a Ninja or Jedi. Of course, I sided with the Ninjas and Nick was claiming he was a ninja…I’m dating a dork…After what felt like a couple hours in the car, Nick finally un-blindfolded me.
“We’re here!” He said excitedly. We were in a limo and him and his brothers were both dressed in their normal red-carpet wear.
“Oh crap…are you serious?!” I screeched.
“Very much serious, lets go…” He smiled and took my hand. Joe went out first, the Kevin and Nick and I was last.
“I thought you wanted to keep this all a secret.”
“Honestly, I don’t care anymore…I want people to know you. You are talented.” He smiled and moved his hand from my hand to around my waist. Of course, loads of celebrities one in particular I noticed was Taylor Lautner, my favorite actor.
“Holy crap Nick, that’s Taylor Lautner…he’s pretty much my favorite!” I whisper-shouted while we were getting our pictures taken. Nick glared at me. “Besides you…of course!” I quickly finished so he wouldn’t get mad at me.
“Haha. I’ll introduce you to him if you would like…” He smiled knowing how much I would love that.
“Alright.” I began to slowly freak out. It looked like he had a date too. A girl who looked about my height, short hair…as we got closer she began to look extremely familiar. “ALLIE! OH MY GOSH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” I pretty much yelled.
“ALEX! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” She immediately gave me a tackle, not a hug. “Oh! Alex, this is Taylor, Taylor this is Alex the guitarist in my band you know?” She smiled introducing me to thee ever amazing Taylor Lautner. He shook my hand and Nicks. “This is her boyfriend?” She asked and I gave her a quick yes nod. “Yeah, boyfriend Nick Jonas.” She giggled a little and I did too. She gave me another hug and Nick and I went back over to his brothers where they were taking a bunch of silly pictures, they thought it would be fun to do the High School Musical jump and Ninja moves and stuff. I just laughed at them while they made fools of themselves in front of the press. We eventually got into the theater and the movie what they were premiering was High School Musical 3: Senior Year. I was kind of excited because I’ve always kind have been a fan of the movies. We sat thru the movie and did not talk once. As soon was it was over, it was already 10 PM. They took me home and I went to sleep peacefully in my own bed.