I brought you my love, and you brought the bullets.


We ran, we ran as fast as we could, hand in hand down the deserted gravel road. We were only thirteen and fourteen, yet we left home. Sick and tired of us not allowed being together. A little ways down the road were the earsplitting sounds of gunshots. I felt your arms snake around my waist and we stopped. I looked at you puzzled. You shook your head and held up one finger to your soft radiant lips, obviously telling me to hush. You took both of my hands and started pacing back towards our houses. I dropped your hands and they landed at your sides. You tilted your head to the side, you did that often when you were confused.
"W-where are you going?" I spoke ever so softly.
"I'm not letting you do this, if you run, you'll never get to fufil your dreams. I'm not going to be blamed for that...Come back home with me."You could tell in his eyes he was begging, begging for me not to screw up my life, but I couldn't listen to him. I wanted this, I wanted to be with him no matter what happened.
"No, I'm not going back."My shoulders shrunk, and I looked down at my feet, not being able to make eye contact with him. He let out a huge sigh.
"Then this is goodbye." My head shot up at him when these words left his tounge and escaped threw his lips.
"What are you talking about? You told me you wanted to be with me forever.."
"I'm not running away, not now and not ever. Goodbye my sweet angel. I'll love you forever." He kissed my forehead and walked away from me. He left me on my knees in the middle of the dirt road.
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Next Chapter soon.