I brought you my love, and you brought the bullets.


5 years later.

I woke up to the alarming noise that rang in my ear. I shifted to my left side and slammed the snooze button. I quickly raced to the bathroom and turned on steaming water, I stripped down and hopped in. Today was the day that five years ago, I left my house, and the love of my life; Brandon. I don't know how I made it through life at the age of thirteen, but I did and truely, I was proud of myself. I lived in a small apartment in the crazy city of New York. I worked minimum wage at the corner coffee shop. No, I wasn't happy, and I wonder how everything would've been if I listened to Brandon, if I would've gone back to my house. Where would I be now?


"Laura! You're late." My manager; Mr. Turners had a deep intimidating voice, and was yelling at me to take the cashregister. I walked to the back and hung up my scarf and warm black jacket. Walking down the hall to the front of the coffee house, you could hear my deep breathing and the clugging of my ugs.
I took a seat at the cashregister and took the next person's order. I pushed a couple of buttons and gave the young man the change. He had sorta long hair, it swayed down just above his shoulders, it was a dark brown and his eyes were unexplainable. They were amazing ice blue with green and gray mixed in. I've seen this boy somewhere, I remember him, his eyes. I was in deep thought for a second, but soon shrugged the thought off.

After about an hour, I watched the boy waltz out of the coffee shop giving me a nod goodbye. I finished the day off by cleaning all of the tables off and helped washing the dishes. I put my scarf and my jacket on and walked into the chilly breeze.


After work I usually stroll down the park, thinking over things. About half way through my walk a hand landed on my shoulder. I reacted fast and turned so quickly. My eyebrows pulled together, it was the boy from the coffee house.

"M-may I help you?" My words were shaky, but you could understand them.
The boy shook his head. "I guess you don't remember me? What'a shame."
"What do you mean I don't remember you? Would you like to tell me who you are?"

He sighed so deeply and placed a hand on my cheek. "Five years ago, to this day, I left you on your knees in the middle of a road, hopeing everday that you'd return to your room."
My jaw dropped.

I took in a deep shaky breathe. "Brandon?" He nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of boring, but it'll get somewhere.