I brought you my love, and you brought the bullets.


I was in much of a shock, I couldn't think, speak, nothing.
"Laura?" His voice as soft as it always was. Because I couldn't say anything, my only response was me shaking my head.
"Please, say something? I was kind of hopeing something along the line of, oh my god you're back!" My only response again, was me shaking my head, I also took a step back and his arm fell. He looked at me, questions filled his eyes.
"Laura, what's wrong? Aren't you happy we're together again?"
"N-No, I'm not. Goodbye Brandon." I wispered. I turned away and let tears escape and dance down my cheeks. He left me, left me on my knees. I progressed through life without him for five years, I can do it for the rest of my life.
My right hand covered my mouth and tears blurred up my vision as I ran along the sidewalk. Strangers yelling in my direction for running into them.


What did I say wrong? Did something happen and was this just a bad timing thing? Would she ever talk to me again?
Thoughts raced through my head, new ones popping up every second. I turned and sat on a bench, my hands on my knees.
She didn't say anything, she wouldn't let me touch her. What happened?
"Darling, what's wrong?" I looked up at my fiance, Maribel. Her eyes filled with worry, her hand caressing my cheek.
"Nothing dear. Don't worry." I grabbed the coffee out of her hand and took a swig, the warmth of it slithered down my throat.
"Who were you planning on meeting up here anyways?" She cocked an eyebrow in my direction.
"No one important, they didn't even show.." My wisper was to soft that Maribel couldn't make out the words coming out of my mouth, I couldn't even comprehend the words.
She grabbed my hand and we walked through the rest of the park.


I got to my apartment building and slammed my door, sliding down to my knees. I wiped my eyes and sat there for the longest time ever. He can't just waltz back into my life and expect me to be completely estatic about it. He broke me in half, I had to live on my own for five fucking years. He doesn't know how scary that was for me. He doesn't know anything about me anymore. When I gained back some self control, I stood up and went into my bedroom, not caring to take off my shoes, or change clothes. My head slammed into the pillow and I covered my head with blankets and fell asleep. Dreading tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
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