Don't Get Lost in Heaven

Chapter 1

"Misa, do you want to get some pizza?" Shika suddenly asked.

"Yeah, um I don't have any money on me."

"Good, I won't let you pay any way. I am paying"

So we walk to the pizza place from the library. I cling on to Shika as if he would disappear. I hugged him as we walked.

"Ah-gr! Misa you're walking me into a tree" Shika said.

"OH! I'm sorry that tree attacked your face!"

Shika laughed deeply, I could feel the vibrations in his chest.

"It's OK Misa." Shika reaches out his hand to hold mine. My hand fits nicely into his.

I am so oblivious to whats going on around us because I am insanely happy to be with my boyfriend. When Shika suddenly turns around and yells, "GO AWAY!"

I jump. I turn around to see nothing but the trees that have lost their leaves and a few Evergreens bordering the walkway. He tells me to stay here for a moment. I listen as he runs off in his ninja speed and grace. He jumps into an Evergreen tree and suddenly I see a body falling out of the tree. It was one of the boys I had glimpsed at in the library. The other on came hoping out of the tree with a girlish scream when he hits the ground he tries to run but falls in the ice. Shika hops gracefully out of the tree and starts laughing hysterically at the boy who fell on the ice. I start laughing too.

Shika comes running back to me, putting his arm around my shoulder again. There is a patch of ice that I almost fall on I squeak. Shika grabs my arm and put it around his waist. He tells me not to fall. I school my expression into one of concentration instead of oozing joy. We get in the pizza place and we order 2 slices of cheese pizza. We eat talking little. When we go back to the library we stop to throw my soda can in the garbage in the playground. Shika hugs me for a good 3 minutes asking if we could just stay like that. I was cold so I disagreed though I was not happy about letting the hug end. He tucked me into his side with his arm hugging my shoulder. We both pause to look at each other. He leans his head down toward my head with is nice lips puckered. He pecks my lips. and for that very short moment the world dropped away from us leaving us in a quiet,peaceful darkness. Then, all too soon, reality came crashing back when he pulled away. I wanted it to last longer. I stepped closer to him and hugged his arm resting my head on his shoulder. He broke my happy shocked thoughts of nothingness. when he whispered, "Your first kiss."

I just nodded my head. I was very content. We walk again inching our way to the library.
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