What Horrors Wait For Me

The Beginning

I am now 21, my dad has been in his depression for 2 years exactly now. It was the Fourth of July and my dad was in a much better mood. We were outside watching the fireworks when my dad came out with some sparklers. He lit one and asked if I wanted it, I said sure. I reached out to grab it from him and he jabbed me in the arm with the lit end of it.

In pain I screamed “What the hell was that for?!?!” He claimed it was just an accident, but how it happened, and by the look in his eyes, I could tell it was no accident. I went inside and ran some cold water over the burn mark and patched it up while him and my sister watched the fireworks. I came back outside and my dad quickly apologized. I shrugged off what happened and accepted his apology, part of me still believing it was done on purpose.

Turns out, it wasn’t because after that, “accidents started to become a more regular occurrence. Soon they would turn into just all out beatings, but not just on me, on Hannah too. We both were black and blue only a week after they started. I tried to fight back sometimes but my dad was just too overpowering for me to handle, so I just took the hits. Hannah unfortunately had it worst off since she was still so young, she was also fragile.

After only a month, she had suffered from a dislocated shoulder and a broken rib because of our father. They never ceased, no matter how much we pleaded. I didn’t work from the rest of the summer so I could try to protect her from him. By the end of that summer, I had 4 new scars and 2 untreated broken bones. We both got our savior once school started, she had somewhere to be where she could be protected and I could go back to work to try to avoid him. When we got home unfortunately the beatings became that much more severe, to make up for the lost time we weren’t there. I tried to call the police a few times but our phone usage was monitored by him so it was useless. It went on like that for a year.