What Horrors Wait For Me

By Accident

I got her cell phone number dialed on my cell. When she answered she had a confused tone in her voice, she must not have recognized my number.

“Hello?” She said.

“Hey girl, its Kyle. Mind if I stop by the bar for a bit? Got something to ask you.”

“Oh my god! I haven’t seen you in forever!! Yea, definitely, stop right over!”

“Alright” I said, “I’ll be over in a few.” WE hung up and I continued to drive. Her name is Nicole, I’ve known her for as long as I can remember and is pretty much the only person I trust. She is also the only one that believed me when I told her what my dad did to me. The only thing she didn’t know about me is that I have feelings for her, I have since I was about 11. Yea, kept them to myself for about 11 years now. I don’t know why I never told her, just to stupid I guess. When I got to her bar and walked in.
I hear her say “Damn, you look pretty banged up, here’s some ice.” She threw a bag of ice at me, since I wasn’t looking, it hit me right in the face. She started to bust out laughing.

“Very funny.” I reply.

“Aww, did your dad beat your sense of humor out of you too?” She teased. I laughed a bit and hopped over the bar to get what I wanted, a Sam Adams from the tap. She looked at me annoyed.

“What no payment first anymore?” she asked.

“Fine” I reply, and give her a kiss. She started that last year, since I was always scrapped for cash. I give her a kiss, I get free alcohol. I had no problem with it since I liked her, but my stupid ass didn’t realize why she chose that form of payment. At least, not until tonight. Tonight changed it because she made the kiss, a lot longer, and a lot more passionate then normal. Thank god it was past closing time already. I was loving every second of this kiss, but unfortunately the sound of my gun cocking abruptly stopped it.

“Oh shit!” I screamed when I pulled away. I took out the gun and realized I never put the safety on.

“Well that could have been bad” I mumbled. I put the gun back and turned my attention back to Nicole, she was still startled by the gun.

“Wh-what is that for?” she stuttered.

“Its for emergencies, don’t worry” I replied. She started to check around me, seeing if there was anything else I was hiding from her. She soon found the knife.

“Ok Kyle, what the hell is going on?” She asked. My next words, got to her.

“I’m leaving this rat hole town, to escape every bad memory that happened to me here…”

“Kyle, please don’t leave, I- I love you…” She interrupted. I was startled when she said this, but hearing that helped me realize the answer to the question I was about to ask her.

“Wow, didn’t see that coming” I said

“Why do you think I came up with that payment form dumbass?” She asked

“Eh, I sorta figured” I said.

“Whatever you say” She laughed.

“ So as I was trying to say before you interrupted me, that’s why I came here, I wanted to ask you if you would like to come with me.” her reaction was simply priceless, I loved it.

She jumped into my arms and said “Of course I will go with you! Just what are we going to do about the bar?”

“Oh, right. Um, I’ll think of something” I said. “But in the mean time, can I crash with you?”

“Of course you can” She said in a very sexy voice, god how it turned me on. We were just about to kiss again when I remembered about Hannah. I quickly took out my cell phone and frantically dialed.

“What’s wrong?” Nicole asked. I would have told her but that is when Hannah answered the phone.

“Did he do anything to you?” I asked quickly.

“No” She said shakily, “But I think he is planning something.”

“Hold on” I replied “I’ll call the police.” I hung up my cell.

“Kyle, please tell me what’s wrong.”

“Get in my car, hurry! I’ll explain on the way.” I said to her. Without hesitation she ran out to my car with me as I was calling the police.

“911 please state your emergency” They answer.

“I need the police to 5555 East 111th street. I think my father is going to do something horrible to my sister!” I yelled.

“Ok sir, calm down, we will send the police now.” The woman on the other end replied. I hang up, start the car and floor it back to my house. On the way I explain to Nicole that I had a hunch my dad would do something to Hannah, I just didn’t know what. I also told her what Hannah had said earlier on the phone. When we reached my house, the police still had not arrived.

“Nicole, wait in the car.” I said.

“Ok, don’t get yourself hurt in there.” She said, she kissed me before I left the car. I open the door to my house and slowly walk in, not wanting to alarm my dad. I see him in the living room, Hannah is sitting on a chair in the middle. He is circling her, with a gun in his hand.

“I told you not to come back here” He snapped.

“Don’t you dare harm her.” I snap back.

“Why should I listen to a punk ass like you?” He asked with a cocky tone in his voice.

“Because I have the police on the way.”

“What?!!?” He screams. He got the gun aimed at me, cocked it back, and put his finger on the trigger.

“I’ll give you a chance, if you leave now, I won’t kill you. It’s a great offer, I’d take it if I were in your shoes.” He warned.

“I’ll take my chances” I said. He slowly started to pull the trigger. I dove on the floor right before he pulled it. I managed to get my gun out and shoot him in the ankle while I am still on the ground. He let out a scream of pain and fell to the ground. I was about to go get Hannah but he started to stagger back to his feet, the blood from the wound was seeping through his pant leg.

“You know what?” He said. “I’ll help the both of us out right now, you don’t want me here and I don’t want to be here, so there is one easy way to solve that dilemma.” With that, he put the gun to his head, and pulled the trigger. The blood got splattered all over the living room, including Hannah and I. The police had just arrived. They came in, and asked me some simple questions. What happened, why, the basics. They told me that they were going to take Hannah to an adoption center so she could find a good family. When I got in my car, Nicole put her arm around me.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. At first I stared at her blankly, then I told her.

“I’ve now seen both of my parents die.” I replied weakly. I laid my head on her shoulder and started to cry, so she pulled me in closer. I knew she was there for me, so I let it all out. Just like old times, always there in each others time of need. Only one thing has changed, now are so much more…