Be the Music That Saved Me


You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It’s the morning of your very first day

I had my iPod in my ears as I walked through the door, this school was big, and I didn't have a good sense of direction, this was going to be a nightmare.
I glanced down at my new uniform, a pleated black skirt, with white socks, black shoes, and a grey jumper, in my last school I didn't need a uniform.
A group of guys walked past, well pushed past, I growled lightly, at least my last school was a girls school.
I rolled my eyes, there was no point in living in the past now, this was present, and this was hell.

I walked into the office, and the receptionist looked up, she smiled, "Hello dear." Her english accent was so much different to me, me with my Irish accent that is.
"Hi.." I mumbled.
"You're Lucy?"
"I am."
"Come here dear."
I walked forward slowly.
"I don't bite." She said, her voice was amused. "Ireland right?"
I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"England must be different for you, then. Do you like Durham?"
I nodded slowly, "Yeah..It's different." But I liked Wicklow too, I liked my friends.
She could sence I wasn't talkative.
"Well, then..Here's your time table, the map and bring this sheet back signed to me, please."
I nodded, "Okay, thank you."
She smiled, and nodded, and looked down to her work again.

I walked up the stairs, I wanted my friends more than anything now, I could hear people whisper as I passed them, they looked me up and down,
"Anorexic." One English voice sounded from behind me,
"Nah, I'd say she is bulimic."
I rolled my eyes, and walked quicker up to my first class, trying not to cry.
"Ew." I heard someone whisper as I walked past.
I finally found the room, and practically ran in, there was only one person there, i looked at my watch, then the bell rang, I sighed, and the class started to fill up, leaving me at the very top.
The teacher walked in then, and looked me over, I saw her purse her lips. She signed my form with a flourish, and pointed next to the boy that had be here before me, "Sit down by Stephen." She said lightly, I walked down, trying not to trip over my shoes, I sat beside him, he looked at me briefly, great I thought. Another one that will think I'm a weird Irish person.
I took out my books, and stared in confusion, okaaaay, I thought. I need serious help.

As the bell jarred me out of my concentration, I stood up slowly, and put my bag on the table to pack the books into.
And with me being me, I would have to drop my open pencilcase to the ground.
"Fuck it." I muttered, bending down,
He was there, already packing everything back into my pencilcase, i felt the blush run to my cheeks, and I tucked my hair behind my ears, I looked at him, he was looking at me.
"Hello." he said pleasently.
"Hi" I said lowly.
He laughed lightly, "Here." He said, handing me the pencil case.
"Not a problem"
I let a laugh sound through my lips, something I hadn't been able to do in a while.
He smiled at me, "Where's your next class?"
"Um..Maths." I groaned.
He smiled, "me too."
I stood up, and walked beside him, I saw he had earphones, a smile crep over my lips,
"You like music?"
"Yup, you?"
"it saved me."
He glanced at me, his eyes full of questions.
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