Be the Music That Saved Me

Music class

I walked into my first music class, I had just learnt that Stephen wasn't in all my classes, which was really good, he hadn't talked to me since, so I guess that he believed Anna, I hope they're happy.
I walked into music class and sat down, there was no one beside me, so I just took out my books and looked out the window, waiting for the teacher to come.
Then I heard the chair beside me being pulled back, and a guy sat beside me, I turned my head to see if I knew him from any other classes, but I didn't really.
But my eyes widened momentarily anyway, he was very very good looking. No exageration.
His hair was jet black, cut in a way that would lead to the 'Emo' stereotype, he was pale, and his uniform actually looked cool on him, unlike other guys.
I couldn't helo the smile that crossed my lips momentarily, it wasn't like there weren't plenty of seats, he had chosen to sit beside me.
I looked down at my book, at loss to what to say.
"Hey" He said casually.
"..Hello" I said quietly.
"Let me introduce myself, mo chara" He said lightly, letting a light accent run through, my eyes widened, someone like me.
"You're Irish?" I asked, i couldn't help but smile, ever so lightly.
"I am, but I moved here a year ago, parents." He muttered, "I'm Shawn." He said quietly.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Lucy, although I guess you knew that."
He nodded, "But it's nice to meet you anyhow."
I smiled lightly, wondering why he had actually chosen to sit beside me, it was a first I guess.
"The music teacher's always late." He said quietly, sighing, generally peeved. He liked music.
"That's a pity."
"It is. So what everyone's saying, is it true?"
"It's not."
"But really?"
"Okay, well lets just say, us Irish stick together, eh?"
I smiled lightly, even though I was quite annoyed. "Yeah, that sounds like the best offer ever."
"Good." He sounded smug.
"Very." I wasn't one for conversation.
"So what's with you and that Stephen guy, are you two actually going out like everyone says?"
This took me off guard, going out, hah. "No..We don't talk anymore, he's went with the 'she-devils' words." I muttered.
He nodded, understandably, "You like him?"
"Not anymore."
"Cool." He said happily.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "If you say so."
"I do."
I laughed lightly.
"So how are you?"
"I'm better, now. You?" I asked.
He smiled, "I'm quiet good too, go raibh maith agat."
I smiled, the use of my home language, that meant nothing to anyone here, was comforting, like on nights my parents would help me with my Irish, it made me feel good, if only for a while.
The teacher then walked into the class, in a fluster, and Shawn winked at me, as if to say 'Told you'
I had to hide the laugh that was forming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Translations; Mo Chara = My friend
Go raibh maith agat = Thank you.
A massive thank you to Rachael, she got me out of writers block with the awesome idea!
Thank you to who have commented, it means a lot to me :)