Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

One; Blaire.

Somehow, I knew he'd be there. It used to have been his favorite place, and he never shared it with anyone but me. I'm his has-been best friend; or at least, I was.

Markee looked around for something familiar. Something that would help her understand just what we were doing there. I couldn't tell her, yet, even if I depended on her with my life. I just had to let her think I magically knew where Pete would be. I kind of did, though.

I could hear him sigh from across the alley; he had caught a whiff of my scent. And, he hated me. I couldn't blame him, though. I'd be mad, too, if my best friend fell in love with a power-hungry monster that used her to create an army.

"Peter," I called. I saw a foot step into the dim light and smirked.

"What's going on, Blaire?" Markee asked. She grabbed my arm as another foot from the same person stepped farther into the light. "Bee bee?" she asked again.

"Come out and see me, Pete," I called. The feet took two more steps towards Markee and me. "We need to talk." I heard another sigh as he fully stepped into my vision.

His glare was burning a hole through me; his golden eyes sparking the hate he felt for me. "What did you bring her here for?" he asked, nodding in Markee's direction. Pete never seemed to mind Markee much, but he was never this mean to her, either. "She has no business with us."

"Peter Wentz, Markee is my friend, and you'll respect her like you should any other woman."

"Any other woman isn't here, in an alley, trying to talk to her ex-best friend. Any other woman isn't with you," he said, a blaming finger pointed at me. I glared back at him, and I was sure my own golden eyes would turn black soon. I didn't have as much control over my anger as Markee did.

"I brought her so I wouldn't be alone. Is that okay with you?" I asked. Pete started fuming at my response. "She's here because we can take you down together if need be."

"Ha! That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long while, Blaire! Take me down? You two? Not in a million years," he said. Markee started glaring, too. I took a deep breath to calm myself, since I wasn't in a dark alley to fight with Pete Wentz. I was here to make a deal.

"Maybe we can't take you down," I started, before being interrupted by Markee's, "Lie." I glared quickly at her, then turned back to Pete. "But you need help taking down Will. I know you do," I said. At the sound of William Beckett's name, Markee winced. He was a...touchy topic, and I knew that first hand. "You can't do it with only you and your three friends. No one can do it."

Pete turned his head away, a stubborn move on his part. "Typical Pete," we all heard. I rolled my eyes as I heard Markee sigh.

"I thought I told you to stay hidden!" I yelled at Mikey. He was vulnerable; he was a new born. He could easily be distracted, and we needed him to stay with Gerard for his own safety. "You can't be out here."

Mikey chuckled nonchalantly. He used this life like it was nothing. His red eyes, only from being a new born, glistened in the dim moon light. Pete smirked, knowing he was our weakness. But I knew Pete; if he was your friend once, no matter how stubborn he could be, he was your friend for ever. "Don't worry. I just...couldn't let the girls get all the action," he said.

Markee glared at him. Sure, at the moment he was stronger than her, but she knew how to control her anger and strength much better than he did. She could have him pinned in under a sixteenth of a second.

"Michael James Way! Get your skinny ass back here!" we heard. Next thing we knew, there was a fro sticking out the side of the end of the alley. Ray Toro was the baby sitter of the Chemicals. Don't ask why; he just was.

Mikey turned around and stuck his tongue out at Ray. I rolled my eyes again and pushed Pete into the darkness, so we could talk without having to deal with them. Out of the Personas, Markee and I's clan, I was the deal maker, and she was the one that carried them through. She was my wall, and I was her cement. Done deal.

"We need to get Will out of Aro's chair just as much as you do. So, our covens had a deal. We want to join your coven, take over the New Volturi, and then relocate back to Volterra. If you agree, and we all make it out alive, we're willing to give you Aro's position."

I knew Pete. He didn't want fame or power, but I couldn't really trust anyone else with a position as high as Aro Volturi's.

"Deal. Now get lost, meet me back here tomorrow night, alone. We'll go over details then." And with that, he was gone.
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Dev and I are working hard on this one!