Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

Eleven; Blaire

"You can't honestly say that Adam's watching you, can you?"

Patrick had always been that naive. He'd always been the one that needed to know everything about everyone, always the brains of the team but never the brawn. So when I turned around to face him with a slight glare on my face, he shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, Patrick. I never know if the kid's following me or not. I'm not a tracker."

No; the tracker was Joe. He was the one that could catch anyone just by knowing what their scent was, even if he'd only caught it from a mile away and years ago.

"Sorry," Patrick muttered as we came up to the house. I sighed, knowing we'd have to move soon. But either way, it would be good enough. For now. It would suffice until we could find a safer place, one that William and Adam didn't know about. But, like Joe was the Noose tracker, they also had a tracker. Brendon Boyd Urie.

I sighed again, which I did a lot, and quickened my pace. I could feel all four sets of eyes on me and my vibrant purple hair, but whatever. I just neeeded to get home before the sun came up again. "Blair, why do you over worry?" Of course it was Andy. He was the one of the boys that I could tell anything to, even things I'd never been able to tell Pete. Like the fact that Adam and I fucked each other senseless many a time. (You didn't need to know that, sorry!)

"Why wouldn't I? I have a psycho ex boyfriend after me, Dev's psyhco ex to kill, and five very hyper, very complicated boys that I already live with." I stopped, thinking about Bob and that kiss he'd given me before I'd pushed him away to come find my Noose boys. It pained me to know that Bob had been hurt-if not physically, then mentally-by me pushing him away, because I really did like him. I really did want someone that wasn't Adam in my love life, and Bob seemed to fit that description to my likings. And he tried and worked so hard to get there, all for me.

"You need to chill. There are now eleven of us and only nine of them." Joe might be a tracker, but he's not the brightest bulb in the pack.

"And that only makes us two people stronger, which makes up for William being the leader. Technically, they still have the upper hand when their leader stands for two of us, Trohman." I walked up the drive way to the house, unlocking the door and bursting into the house where Frank was seen on the couch. I threw my keys on the little table we had next to the door and headed up the stairs. "We only have a few rooms left. Gonna have to share, Wentz."

I knew full well that Pete was the brute force of the team, and that he didn't like being in the same room as someone for too long. He'd just have to suck it up for now. "Blaire!" Mikey seemed to come out of nowhere, and with his sheer newborn force, he had me on the ground within a half a second flat. I giggled and pushed him off of me, standing up and rubbing any dirt or dust off of my clothes.

"Careful, Way." Patrick gave a slight giggle from behind me, then walked around and did one of those weird 'bro-shakes' with Mikey. It was all nice until someone was screaming. Or maybe Markee was just......scared or something, but it sounded like screaming to me. "Be right back," Frank and I said at the same time. We both raced up the broad stairway, running at the same speed to Markee's room.

"You okay?" I asked her, moving closer to her as Frank haded to the window. He crused under his breath and mounted his body on the window sill. "Frank, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked. He glared back at us, then jumped. I looked out at what might have been outside, and besides the lake there was......William. Fuck.

"Markee, go downstairs. Patrick's here, and you might have to save him from your crazy twin." I nearly pushed her out the door then, before turning around to head back to the window to jump out myself. I ran after Frank, straight for William as fast as I could. The smug look on his face was making me infuriated; he thought he was better than us. And maybe he was, but there were two of us and one of him.

"Nice to see you, Blaire. I bet Sisky would love to see this, as I tear you to shreds." I didn't stop my charge, nor did Frank. But at the very second my body would have collided with his, he moved. It was too late for me, and I reazlied that as my body was catapulted right into the tree. It took me too long to retaliate, and William had his hands on my waist. He pulled me off the tree and flung me back towards the house, leaving Frank againt the tree to fend for himself.

I groaned as my body hit the ground, bounced off, then landed again. I pushed myself as hard and fast as I could to get up again, but Frank had already attacked William. Suddenly, there was a petite black and pale orb flying in my direction. But Frank was agile, and as he literally flew threw the air, his body twisted so that he landed behind he, his feet on the ground and his hands keeping him still.

I looked back at him, but he just nodded at William. When I turned around, Beckett was gone.
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