Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

Tweleve; Markee

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, only to smack into Pete at the end of the stairs. "What the fuck Markee, watch where you are going," he yelled at me. I turned around and glared at him.

"Shut the fuck up, Wentz! We have bigger problems than me running into your dumb ass! William is here and I have a feeling that he's not alone. If i know Will like I do, he came with back up. Especially since he wanted to talk to me. We need to go like now," I yelled at him.

"Mar, you're not kidding are you?" Andy asked. I looked at him. Andy was always the calm one, the one anyone could talk to. I just nodded. I knew that Will didn't come alone; he's not stupid. He would have known I'd have screamed for help.

"We need to g-" I was cut off by the door being slammed down and about 25 of William's followers running in. "Shit!" I ran off and punched the one closest to me. It happened to be Jon Walker.

"You stupid bitch!" he yelled before tackling me to the ground. We flew through the kitchen wall and rolling across the floor before coming to a stop. I shoved him off just before he could hit me again. I jumped up and faced him. "Oh look isn't it little Markee! William has missed you so. What he ever saw in you, I will never know because to me all you are is a stupid little sl-" I did a round house kick in to his head before he could finish the sentence.

"Mar!" I heard Mikey yell. I ran to where I saw him fighting one of Will's stupid goons. The bigger of the two kicked him in the head and sent him flying through a wall. The force of the kick could have potentially crumbled the whole house to the ground, had Mikey not been smart enough to know how to land from a blow like that.

"Mikey!" I screamed as I watched my brother go flying. "You are so going to pay for that you stupid piece of shit!" I yelled throwing a huge wall of water towards him making him fly into Jon who had gotten up and ran to attack me. I ran over the where Mikey flew threw the wall. "Mikey! Mikey where the hell are you?" I yelled looking for him. I heard someone groan and I saw Mikey push some of the wall off himself. "Thank god your okay! Come on, we have to get everyone and get out!" I grabbed his hand and took off running back to where everyone was fighting for there lives.
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Ok people heres the new chapter!
We are gonna try to update as much as we can due to the new rules and stuff promise!!!!
Ok look can we please have some comments I mean really 12 chapters and not one singal comment. Gosh people!
