Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

Two; Markee

I watched Blaire walk away with Pete before going over to Mikey. "What was that Mikey?" I asked glaring at him.

"Like I said before, I wasn't going to let the girls get all the action," He said smirking. That was when I lost it. I grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"OK you little prick. I am so sick and tired of your stupid attitude! You might be my twin brother but that wont stop me from kicking your sorry ass!" I yelled still holding him against the wall. There has only been one other time I have ever lashed out at Mikey like I did. Mikey and I were always inseparable growing up; we did everything together. I loved him to death and would do anything to keep him alive and even Gerard alive, but when I do loose my temper it isn't pretty sight.

"Mar let him down," Gerard said from where he was standing. He knew all to well how I got when I lost my temper.

"NO! He needs to learn his lesson!" I replied not once taking my eyes off Mikey. "He needs to learn that even though he is stronger than everyone of us right now he has no right to be cocky about it." Right after I said that Mikey punched me in the face. I flew back and hit the wall on the other side of the alley.

I looked up to where Mikey stood. His new born eyes were glowing a bright red color. I stood up before tackling Mikey to the ground. I had him pinned under my body growling in his face warning him that if he didn't stop now he would be sorry. He pushed me off him and started to repeatedly to attack me. I jumped up and hit him with a wall of water sending him flying into the wall. I was about to attack him again when someone grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall.

"Get off me. Let me the fuck go!" I screamed at whoever was holding me.

"No Markee. That's enough, you had enough. Stop fighting me I am not going to let you go and you know that," Said Bob. I stopped struggling and looked up at him wondering when he got here. "If I let you go are you going to attack Mikey?" He asked. I shook my head no. "OK," He said before letting me go.

"I'm sorry Mikey," I said looking up at where Ray had Mikey pinned against the wall.

"I'm sorry, too. It was my fault to begin with. I am not good with controlling my temper yet and-" He ended what ever he was going to say there.

"I get it Mikes. I Get it," I said. I looked towards the end of the alley seeing Gerard standing there looking like he was in pain. It made me cringe. I know he hated to see us fighting. It always has been for hard for him. I also noticed Frank standing there with his mouth hanging open, like he couldn't even figure out what he just saw.

I just smiled over at them letting them know that everything was over know. I looked over to where Blaire walked off with Pete.

"Bee-Bee were leaving. We will meet you back at the house," I yelled down the alleyway, before grabbing Mikey and Gerard's hands and walking out of the alley towards home.
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Like the wonderful Paigey said before we are working really hard on this.
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