Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

Five; Blaire

I slipped out of the house from my bedroom window. If I had gone through the front door, someone was liable to follow me. Like Bob. Or Markee, but her I wouldn't have minded. She could hold her own with her Water talent, and Bob, poor Bob, was talentless.

Anyway, I slipped out my window the very next night, and ran back to the alley. I had mapped exactly where Pete would be waiting for me; he had a favorite spot in his favorite spot. Yes, Pete Wentz had always been that complicated. But I wasn't, so we fit together like puzzle pieces. Unfortunately, the pieces fell apart.

"You're alone? Markee isn't in the bar across the street with her hearing tuned to us?" he asked. His voice was husky, but I rolled my eyes. Pete Wentz tried to hard to be overly sexy, when he was already perfect. No one could deny that all of us, the vampires, were physically perfect. High cheek bones, smooth, flawless skin, beautiful, unusual golden eyes, and the ability to to anything physical very easily. And still, Pete Wentz was trying too hard to be overly sexy.

"Yes, Pete. I'm alone. I slipped out my window to come see you," I said. He chuckled as I did, thinking the exact same thing as him.

"Same old Blaire," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. In the dark of the alley, I could see him almost perfectly; but that was because of my impeccable vision. He was trying to lighten our mood; as if cracking jokes about our tactics from being younger and human would heal our wounds. They almost did, too.

"So, what details do you need to talk over with me?" I asked. Pete and I both knew this was coming, and that I was the only one that could ration him enough to get a deal. He sighed, and I could see that his legs were tightly pressed to his chest with his stone arm wrapped around them.

"What's the deal?" he asked. I sighed.

"You and I both know that neither of us can take down the Dandies without the other. And I can't do it without Markee, who won't do it without her boys. We have enough room at our place for the four of you to move in, and it's a location that only we know. We're pretty much secluded. But....if we all live in close proximity to each other, it will be easier, and more surprising to William-"

"If we all plan together," Pete said, finishing my sentence. I was so used to him doing that, and I smiled when he did. "Deal," he said. We both knew he was being irrational and fast, but it didn't seem to phase him much.

"That's it? Nothing to hold you back, nothing to think about?" I asked. Pete smiled, shaking his head. I sighed. "Still the same Pete," I mumbled.

"I'll talk to the boys, and we'll let you know when we're ready to move in," Pete said, I sighed and stood up.

"Pete, how do you plan on getting in contact with me? We haven't spoken since.....him, and the only place I knew you'd be was here!"

"The same way we've been since last night. You come alone, except once every week, and I'll report my boy's progress." I absolutely hated how Pete a) called our friends his "boys," and b) how he talked about them like he owned them. He wasn't the king of the Dandies, just the leader!

"Sounds good," I lied. "I'll see you next week, but as for now, I have some people that will be sending out a search party for me," I shrugged. Pete stood up, too and smiled. He was smiling at me like he used to, and that really surprised me.

"Bye, Blaire," he said. Once again, he was gone before I was. I sighed and ran past the end of the alley, and out to the house. Our hide out was...hidden, way out of the Chicago city limits, but still not too far for us to run.

I snuck back into my room and sighed. The black rose was still laying on my mattress, and I held my hand to my mouth to keep myself quite. Because, sitting next to the rose, was Adam Siska himself. He turned and smiled at me, the way he did when he wasn't a vampire. His red eyes, in contrast to his baby blue ones, were horrifying, but he was perfect in every other sense.

"Blaire, my love," he whispered, getting up off the bed (one that I obviously didn't need; it was for leisure) and coming to stand before me. He was like....well, he was perfect. "I've come to-"

"No, Adam. I'm not going with you. You've chosen, just as I have."

"You're eyes. You were so pretty with the red, but the gold suits you just fine. How did you get them that color?" he asked, oblivious to my recent objection to him taking me back to William Beckett.

"I don't drink human blood. I refuse to. As for you, I can't say the same."

"Blaire, please forgive me, love! I...I can't go on anymore without you!" he pleaded. I glared at him gain. "Please love, don't look at me that way. It kills me too much," he said.

"Sisky, you're already dead. And you deserve the way I look at you, for being a monster that drove me away! Now, if you'll kindly leave and promise not to tell Will where this place is, then I might just spare your life," I said. I was completely prepared to rip his limbs apart and burn them in the middle of my room. He wasn't having it.

"I promise, as always. Because I love you, I won't tell." I knew what this would do to him if Will found out he was keeping our location to himself. Sisky would loose his immortal life.