Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

Seven; Blaire

I ran back to the house, stood under the window to my room, and looked up. I sighed, knowing there was going to be another rose on my pillow. I hadn't told anyone, not Bob, Frank, Gee, Mikey, Ray, or even Markee. No one but me knew about the roses. No one knew they were each a different color.

When I pushed my feet up off the ground and landed on my window sill noiselessly, I pushed open my window and slid into my room. Like I had said, there was another rose; this time it was orange with a red 'S' on the petal. Why won't he just give up one me? Doesn't he know I think he's a monster?

I heard a shark intake of breath from Markee. Her room was attached to mine through a bathroom we shared, and both of our doors were open. I could see her from where I was, standing over her bed with a black envelope in her hands. I quickly grabbed the rose and hid it, sliding it into my back pant pocket.

I walked into Markee's room through the bathroom, and she turned to look at me. "What is that?" I asked curiously. She looked down at the envelope, and then threw it in her garbage can. I looked down at it through the holes in the can, trying to see who it was from. "You can tell me, really."

She shook her head, running over to me. I embraced her, because she looked like she would have cried if she could have. Our cold skin collided, but neither of us felt cold to the other. It was great having Markee in my coven; before we joined the Chemical guys, we were a coven on our own. Either way, having my best friend as a coven-sister was great; we never got lonely, and we always knew we had each other to depend on.

"M., what's wrong?" I asked. She dug her head into my shoulder, taking in shallow breaths. I sort of....had this theory; maybe Markee could be the only crying vampire. She did posses the Water element, her strongest attribute. Though, then, the tear drops I felt weren't on my shoulder, but on my back. She was producing tears through her fingers, where her power was distributed.

"Bee, he knows. He's known since we left. Bee, we have to move; he'll know when they move in," she cried. My mouth dropped.

William Beckett, the leader of the Dandies, and the ultimate monster in my opinion, knew where our head quarters were located. His worst enemy, Pete Wentz, was moving in soon. He'd come here and destroy us all, except for Markee. No, he'd rather watch her suffer. And then Sisky would try to betray Will to save me, and then my soul sister and I would have to watch our loved ones die.

"You're right. We have to get out of the tri-city area," I said. I realized, after I had said this, that I was being rash. We just needed a new location, not an entire new county. "No, but we have to move. We can't risk defeat over location."

"Bee, I want him to leave me alone," she cried. My attention then shifted. I no longer cared about the five boys downstairs; Markee was by biggest concern. She was my soul sister, my power source, and my coven. I couldn't abandon her, and I never would. As of that moment, all I cared about was getting William Beckett off of her back. It was what she wanted.

"When order is restored, and Will is gone, you'll be free. I promise you, I will personally tare Will's body to pieces, just for you." I had to be protective over her. Out of the two of us, I was the more serious one, but not by much. I dealt with stress differently than she did. Markee was adventurous, and she placed fun in the spot of being under pressure. I usually dealt with what I was facing as pressure head on.

"Bee, I'm so scared. He still loves me, but he's so different. I can't go back with him," she told me. I nodded. I heard footsteps come up the stairs, and knew that Frank and Bob were both on their way to save the two of us. Such noble gentlemen; Markee and I didn't need it, though. We had each other, and for the most part, that was all we needed. When you live forever, the only thing that really matters is having someone to have your back for forever.

I looked back at Markee's trash can, glaring at the letter. It was from William, I knew. But....Sisky was coming here since the day we moved in. Did he betray me, breaking our promise that he wouldn't tell if I didn't. That's too late now. "Markee, I have something to show you," I said. She backed up enough so that she was only a few inches away from me.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the rose, showing her the 'S' on the specific petal. "He's been coming twice a week since we moved in. He promised me that, if I didn't tell anyone he had been here, that he wouldn't tell William where we were located. It seems to be that he had broken that promise a long time ago," I said.

Frank burst through the door, his eyes wide with intent on comforting Markee. Mikey and Gerard knew better; they were related to Markee, and knew when she needed them or not. Frank didn't care; it was obvious he had feelings for her. He saw her crying fingers and took her into his arms. "It's okay, Markee," he said. bringing her to her bed and laying her down.

Of course, because we couldn't sleep, we didn't need beds. They were leisure furniture to us, but I found them comfy for rest of one sort or the other.

Bob came over to me, and I nodded at Markee, signaling that I'd be back once I knew Frank was gone. Bob followed me into my room, and closed the door from the bathroom before sitting down on my bed with me.

He was so cute; his golden eyes that had replaced his beautiful blue ones shone in the dark light of the night. His pale skin contrasted his blond hair, but he still looked perfect. He looked down at my rose and pulled the petal with the 'S' off, throwing it in my trash can. "You can't seriously sit there and tell me he hasn't been here, Blaire."

I knew I'd been caught. There wasn't a point in fighting; Sisky had broken his promise, too.

"He's been coming here since the day we moved in. I promised him I wouldn't tell as long as Will never found out. But then Markee had the letter, and I knew he had broken more than just my heart." Bob flinched, taking me into his arms.

I felt a fire burn in me. Bot the usual burn in my throat, signifying thirst. No, this burn was different; it was my Fire element acting up. My element wanted to hunt down and kill Sisky, but I wouldn't let myself out of Bob's arms. "You're safe, Blaire. If he comes back, I'll be here with you."
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