Hurricane (I'll Never Outrun)

Nine; Blaire

The sun had risen. Part if the downfall of being a vampire in Chicago was that we couldn't go out during the day most of the time. Like your typical vampire, we were damned to the dark shadows of night. I really sound like a downer, but it was sadly true.

I sighed. I had thrown on a purple flannel shirt, that tied at the waist, and a pair of skinny jeans. Markee knew how I loved walking around my home barefooted, so she didn't question me as I yelled at the boys to take theirs off.

Today was the day I was bringing Pete here, and then informing him of our move. We needed to get out of this place, since both Sisky and William knew where we were located. We couldn't risk the danger of anyone in the house. Not only were they close to our hearts, they were vital in our destruction of the New Volturi.

And, once again, Bob insisted I didn't go alone. I had to, though. If I didn't, Pete would hate me again, because I'd break another promise to him.

"Have you been getting letters, too?" I heard. I had plopped myself on the couch, though I really didn't need to. I looked up and saw Frank, clad in his usual black and white attire. He had a worried expression in his eyes, though his face was blank. He was so in love with Markee, and I knew he mean to interrogate me about what I knew about her letters from Will.

"No," I replied. He sighed, sitting down next to me. He seemed relieved that only Markee was getting letters, so I had to tell him the truth. "I keep getting roses. All of which are from Adam." Frank's whole stature changed instantly. He was no longer next to me, but halfway to the front door, his heavy stomps audible to everyone in the house.

"Frank!" I called after him. Though he was so deeply attracted to Markee, I was still one of his closest friends. I couldn't let him get out of the house and let Will know he knew. He'd be massacred by Will's lackeys; his Dandies. I couldn't let that happen to my friend.

"Blaire, I have to!" he called, once I had his arm in my tight grasp. I had been a vampire much longer than him, since Markee and I had been turned at the same time, and then turned the Chemical boys. Therefore, I had learned to be stronger than him, and faster. In fact, Markee and I were the fastest in the whole coven. At the time, Mikey was the strongest because he was the newest.

"No, Frank! You and I both know you can't take him on alone! That's why Pete is coming here, with his clan! Neither of us can take them all down by ourselves, especially someone who's new to this!" I sternly said, dragging him behind me while he still attempted to make his way out the door. "Frank!" I yelled.

"Jeez! Blaire, that hurts!" he said. I smirked a bit, not letting my ego get too much of me. I needed to talk some sense into Frank before I could gloat about my strength. I turned and gave him a very stern look, and he just sighed. "I give up," he said, taking a seat on the back of the couch.

"Good. You can't go out there on your own, just because the girl you have undying affection for is being chased by her psycho ex-boyfriend! One day, when we demolish them, we won't have to worry about that anymore. We can all be happy." I realized how true those words were. Once Sisky was gone, my heart could fully belong to one particular Chemical member. I could eternally love Bob, with no restrictions but the sun light in Chicago.

"Blaire!" I heard. I looked to the top of the steps and saw Markee tapping her wrist, as if to tell me it was time I go. I looked out the window and saw that the sun had set, knowing she was right. I nodded, grabbing my hoodie off the side of the couch next to Frank.

"I'll be back. Don't do anything stupid until Pete and I walk through that door, you hear?" I asked Frank. I hated being so hostile to my friend, but I couldn't let him walk out the door and right into murder on the hands of William Beckett and Adam Siska.

Frank nodded before I headed out the door, only to hear it open and close again. "Bob, please." I heard him sigh and I continued down the road, almost ready to take off before he had silently ended my stride. He had snuck up on me, and now he was standing before me. "Bob, you know I have to go alone. I can't risk you going with me," I said, knowing my eyes would be pleading him to go home.

"Blaire, I can't. Not this time. Let me go with you, please." His eyes were as pleading as mine were. I shook my head and looked away; if I kept gazing at him I wouldn't be able to deny him any longer. He took one step closer to me, though the step ended him so close to me, that we were almost touching. He cupped my stone chin in his equally stone hand. I was forced to look into his gold eyes, and a sadness I felt every time I found myself missing his blue ones filled my heart.

Within a few seconds, his lips were attached to mine. As much as I wanted him to kiss me, and as much as I wanted to kiss him back, I had to pull away. For all I know, Adam could have been watching, and Bob kissing me would be just as bad as Frank marching to attack William on his own. "Not now, Bob," I breathed. I felt like crying, though I knew I couldn't.

I pushed him, hard, and he flew backwards on impact. I let out a long breath, then took off in the direction of Pete's alley. When I found the particular scent of my ex-best friend, I entered the alley and saw all four of Pete's boys. "Blaire!" Patrick yelled. He attacked me in a hug, and I smiled. He looked way different; the venom had changed Patrick too much. He was no longer the pudgy, teddy bear Boy I used to know. Now, he was skinny and pale, with gold hair to match his eyes. Actually, his eyes were a dark brown color, on their way to becoming gold. He was so different, so perfect.

"Blaire, what's wrong?" Andy asked. He no longer needed his glasses, but I guess he figured, too, that he looked so much better with them. He looked so much more like a human with them. Which made me think...if he was a vegan as a human, what did he do to survive now?

I held my arms in each of my hands. Pete's stone face had turned back into the one I used to know; he was once again my friend. His hand reached out to touch my shoulder, and I forced a smile onto my face. "Nothing. But when we get to the house, don't get too comfy. We have to move."
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Paige here! She wants one of you subscribers to speak up and let her and Dev know what you think of the story!