When Forever Ends


Some people are open books. Jake for example, he’ll tell you his whole life story...and leaving out anything...not even the embarrassing things he’s done. Ace, he’s a semi-open book. He’ll tell you everything...except for the embarrassing things. Then we have me. I’m a closed book, wrapped in chains, locked up, and hidden in vault that is being guarded by a three headed monster. A few people know my history...my family, Marley, Marley’s parents. One person, knows my thoughts and feelings on things. Milo.

Milo is high for a good portion of the time I spend with him. I usually hang out with Milo once a week and just talk about everything. He’s a really good listener and he gives good advice...plus he’s happy with or without me buying him lunch. Milo is like a mix of between a friend, a shrink, and drug dealer. He can listen to me babble about nothing for two hours straight. He knows everything about my life. He knows who my friends are...even though I have personally never introduced any of them to him...except for Ace. About an hour ago.

I sit in one of Milo’s vomit yellow chairs that looked exactly like on my Grandma had in her living room. It’s scratchy and gross feeling...just like the one my Grandma had. I kept my eyes closed and listen tot he sounds of some Japanese cartoon as Milo deals with one of his costumers.

“Who’s the girl?” I recognize the voice. It’s the same guy who was here just half an hour ago. I was curious to know why he was back so soon. Milo wouldn’t ask, he never gets involved in anyone’s lives. Except for mine. “Did you find a girlfriend, Milo?” the guys asks in a teasing manner. I smile at the thought of dating Milo, I get the mental image of me bringing Milo to go meet parents. My mother would shit herself...maybe I should do that someday. Milo always talks about going to New York City...we’d stop off in Jersey and then go to the city. It’d be nice, going back to Jersey...I would be able to see Gavin again.

“Her name is Monica Steele, and she’s a prostitute I hired.” Milo says so seriously. I instantly start to laugh, kicking my feet as the hang over on the arm rests on the smelly, ugly, scratchy yellow chair. “Really man, stop asking questions and get out.” Milo says. I hear the door open and close and I finally open my eyes to look Milo as he locked his stash back into his safe.

I was honestly out of shit to talk about. Milo and I talked about the sexual activities Ace and I took part in the night prior for a long time. A long, long time. I actually spend most of my day with Milo. His words helped me feel at ease about the whole situation. “Just go with, Shayne. It’s like...don’t try to act like it didn’t happen, because it did. Be free with what you feel.”

I'm not really sure I want to let this emotion be free. I feel a mix of sickness and nervousness twisting my stomach every time I think about what Ace and I did. All in all, it's not a good feeling. It actually makes want to hide somewhere no one would think to look for me. Like Bosnia, how many people would search for me in Bosinia. Well, actually how many people would even attempt looking for me around here even? Marley, Ace, Jake...maybe Vince. I'd probably take Milo with me. He wants to travel the world.

“So...” Milo starts pausing to drink some sort of tea that smells like a boiling rat piss and moldy nachos.”Marley and Vince?” Vince and Milo were apparently, in some obscure way, related to each other. Milo told me this whole big story once. After about the Aunt twice removed I sort of stopped trying to follow.

“Yeah, they’re perfect for each other.” I say. They really are. They are everyone the other isn’t and that’s just what they’re looking for. Vince kills bugs, Marley cooks...not the dead bugs. That would be slightly on the disgusting side.

“What are they naming the kid, again?” Milo asks staring at Japanese girl in a tiny school uniform as she kicks some guy with a kickass headpiece.

“It’s a girl...” I say. “I don’t really know if there are any names yet.” I pause think about Vince’s role in this? Does he actually even have a say on the name? I don’t think so, it’s not like they’re married. They’re not even engaged or anything. He can’t possibly have a say on the name. “Does Vince really even have a say on what to name her anyway?”

“Well, it could be his kid right?” Milo asks.

“No, she belongs to Dylan or The Unidentified Variable.” That’s what I call the baby’s possible mystery father. It’s very fitting. “She fucked some guy at the party at my appartment.”

“Yeah, but that was Vince.” Milo says. What!?!?

“No! Milo, it was not!”

“No, yes it was too! I think I know my half-cousin twice removed from”

“Were you high?” I ask straightening myself to sit in the chair that way people were intended to sit it.

“No. I actually wasn’t. I had a piss test in the morning. And I saw them.” Milo says getting off his couch to hit the button that let another one of his customers into the complex. “Open.” Milo says into the speaker. “And they were all...” Milo trails off and leaves the thrusting of hips to answer my question.

“Holy shit!” I yell and jump up from the chair. “I have to go tell Marley! Thanks a ton, Milo.” I hug him loosely and scramble to get my things.

“Wait! Don’t you wanna hang out for a little while longer? I bought some eggs, we can go throw them at those boy scouts we say at the grocery store.” Milo asks. This is the only thing I hate about talking to Milo. He always seems desperate for me to stick around longer...like he’s lonely. Not in the sex hunger lonely...because he’s gay. But as in the he has no one to talk to lonely.

“You know what, how about tomorrow. It’s pretty late as it is.”

“Alright, you better call me...or I can call you.” I barely hear him as I push past the two girls entering Milo’s apartment to purchase their drugs.

I’m so excited to tell Marley. She’ll be thrilled! Vince will be thrilled! There is a fifty percent chance that it’s Vince’s baby! Well, hopefully. Milo is a wonderful person to talk to and take advice from but...his stories aren’t always completely accurate. Let’s hope it is this time!
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I like this chapter. It starts to answer some questions yet arises some new ones.
Like who the hell is Gavin!?!?
You continue reading to find out...and commenting!

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