When Forever Ends


Did you ever I really good news to tell someone...but you’re afraid to tell them. You know they aren’t going to be mad or anything...because it’s good news. Yet, there’s still something scary about telling them. Yeah, I feel like that right now. Shayne came home and told me that Vince could be the father to my unborn daughter. I was so happy I almost peed myself.

I’m afraid of saying anything to Vince though. What if Shayne is wrong? Then Vince will think I’m some sort of crazy person. That’s the last thing I want Vince to think of me. I would honestly be kind of lost without Vince. I know I haven’t known him all that long but I love him more than anything.

“You have call Dylan, right?” Shayne asks while apply make up to her flawless skin.

“Yeah.” I say making a disgusted face at the thought of having to speak to him. “I really don’t want to.”

“Well, I really don’t want to wear this monstrosity and I am...so you have to call Dylan.” Shayne says referring to the strapless neon pink knee length dress that I practically had to force her into. It’s really a cute dress, the pink looks great against Shayne’s tan skin and the black trim around her waist me so jealous that she actually had a visible waist line. Not like Shamoo over here. Plus, the black stilettos made her legs look amazing. I must say, I am surprised she still knows how to walk in them.

“Oh shut up! If you didn’t wear this Dave would throw a fit and we both know this.” I say trying to get one of her curls perfect. It wasn’t all that difficult being as Shayne was born with slight natural curliness to her chestnut brown hair. Dave would absolutely throw a fit if Shayne had opted out wearing the dress he had a stylist specially pick out for her. Of course the dress matched Jake, Ace, Zack, Corey, and Derek’s attire. They were dressed in black suits, with back shirts, black shoes, and neon pink ties. Shayne really stood out against the guys, which is exactly what Dave is trying to do. Draw attention to Shayne...and she’s not all that happy about it.

“Hah, I should show up in fucking sweat pants. Maybe he’d have a heart attack and drop dead.”

“Shayne!” I scold her. “That’s not something nice to say about someone who’s helped you out tremendously!”

“Eh.” is Shayne’s only reply.

“Hey! Come out now! We’re gonna be late!” Jake yells from the other side of the door.

“Oh, we’re coming! Calm down!” I yell back and fuss with Shayne’s hair for another minute before I’m satisfied.

“Thanks.” Shayne smiles at me.

“No problem!” I grin at her and hug her.

“Bitch kicked me!” Shayne accuses and points at my belly. I roll my eyes and head out of the room.

“We’re going to be fucking late! Where is she?” Ace asks as Alice clings to his arm in a plain black dress. Dave made sure all the guy’s dates were not to out shine Shayne. Hah, take that Alice.

“Calm down, I’m right here.” Shayne growls at him. Tension. They still have yet to talk about what happened between the two of them.

“Oh my God!” Jake screams and points at Shayne. “Shayne got a boob job!” I laugh. Of course there was no way Shayne could hide her assets under three sport’s bras tonight.

“No! She definitely stuffed!” Corey says. Shayne scowls at both of them and flips them off. They only continue to laugh and make comments about her chest. Jenna constantly tells Jake to shut up, knowing how uncomfortable Shayne is with the being in the dress. Zack just keeps eyeing Shayne with this smirk on his face, the one that pretty much says ‘Oh yeah, my date is hot. You’re jealous.’ Corey’s date stays quiet, the whole thing has got to be kind of weird for her...she never met any of the people in the room before...other than Corey of course.

Then there is Ace. He has this slightly stunned look on his face. I really sort of don’t understand it. They had sex...he saw her naked before. Though...maybe he was too drunk to remember that Shayne actually had boobs. I can’t completly sure with those two anymore. No matter what put the dazed look on Ace’s face Alice slapped it off. Not litterally.

“Finally, can we go now.” she sneered at Shayne.

“Alice, sweetie. Do not piss me off tonight. Remember what happened the last time you did that? You had a pretty bad night, didn’t you?” Shayne said overly sweet and took Zack’s arm and walked out of the house.

“Meow!” Derek called. “Cat fight!”

“Oh you have no idea.” I say. “This is only how they greet each other. Have fun.” I smile sympathetically at the rest of the guys. Alice sends me a nasty look before sticking her nose up at me and walking out with Ace. I personally never had any falling outs with Alice, so I really don’t understand why she hates me. I think it’s because I’m friends with Shayne. I don’t know. Alice is crazy.

I get back to my apartment and start to make diner. I have an hour before Vince gets home from work. I might as well call Dylan and get it over with.

“Hello?” He answers.

“Hey, It’s Marley.”


“Yeah, I need to tell you something.”

“Listen, if this about what happened between us I”

“No. Listen.” I cut him off.

“I found out I was pregnant a month after we...uh...yeah. So, I pretty much just called to let you know that you could possibly be father, sometime in March.” I say.

“Possibly? What do you mean possibly?” He asks in kind of a bark.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I really don’t like telling this part of the story. “Two days later, I got drunk and had sex...so it’s either your’s or his.”

“Who’s?” Dylan asks, taking this more calmly than I expected.

“None of your business.” I say.

“You don’t know, do you?” he asks with some laughter.

“No. I’m pretty sure I know. So that’s all I wanted to tell you.”

“Hey, listen...if you want to come over sometime we could just hang out and spend some time together. Just us.” the tone of his voice makes me sick. It’s the come hither tone.

“Um, yeah. I dunno. I’ll think about it. I’ve gotta go...my boyfriend is home. Bye.” I rush and hang up the phone. It wasn’t completely a lie. I wasn’t ever going to think about it but I did hear Vince unlocking the door.

“How was work?” I ask Vince while struggling a little to pick myself up from the couch. We have one of those couches that you just kind of sink into. You know the kind that are pregnant woman’s worst nightmare.

“Lame.” he answers and pecks my cheek before pulling me up from the couch.

“Thanks.” I say grinning at him.

“You’re welcome.” he grins back at me then continues to go after my lips. It’s starts to get pretty steamy until my daughter decides to start kicking the crap out of me and Vince. “Ah! Abuse!” Vince jokes after pulling away from me a little.

“I swear, every time I get close to someone she gets mad and tries to kick them away. I hugged Shayne today and she kicked harder than she ever has before.”

“Oh, I bet she made some sort of comment about that.” Vince says smiling, knowing Shayne.

“Her exact words were ‘Bitch kicked me!’ if you can believe it.” I say with a laugh.

“She would.” Vince says and kisses me quickly one more time. “So, how did the whole dressing Shayne up like a girl go?” he asks with a smirk.

“Hey!” I smack his arm lightly. “She looked stunning. Seriously, that dress looked so good on her! Of course, they guys all made comments about her chest because there was no way she could have flattened them down in that dress. I really also think that Alice is going to get herself killed tonight. The first thing Shayne said to her was a threat.” Vince stares at me blankly.

“Wait. Shayne has boobs?” he makes a face that says he doesn’t really believe me.

“Yes! Shayne has boobs! What is so hard to understand about that?” I throw my hands up in the air.

“I don’t know. It’s...weird.” he answers making the most disturbed face. I laugh and head off toward the kitchen to resume cooking.

“What are we making?” he asks and presses his chest against my back, leaning his head onto my shoulder while one hand is around my waist...under my belly and the other is resting on my belly.

“We’re making pasta.” I say and turn off the boiling water.

“Wonderful. I can’t screw this one up.” he kisses the skin behind my ear. “You go sit down and I’ll finish.” I actually listen to Vince’s wish of having me sit down today. Every other day I just laugh and continue to cook, today I feel way too exhausted.

“So, I’m going to see my mom tomorrow. She wants to meet you.” Vince says setting a plate of food down in front of me. He talks to his mom about me? Aw! He’s so cute! “So I was hoping you’d come with me.”

“Sure, I’d love to meet your mom.” I say smiling. Vince smiles back at me. He loves me, he’s taking me to meet his mom. So why can’t I build up the courage to tell him the good news. It’s good news for God’s sake!
♠ ♠ ♠
AHH! I am in such a good mood!
I don't even know why!
The song My Sharona by The Number Twelve Looks Like You and I started to just smile like a fool. I have no idea why. =D

Anyway, Comment and Subscribe!
It'll bring an end to World Hunger!
Or just keep in this perky mood.
Still, both are pretty nice.