When Forever Ends


My life, let’s face it, is full of annoyances. There are a handful of things that just recently became annoying. Talking to people, boy was I sick of that one. Being blinding by camera flashes, really I could live without this one. Dave, simply put. The shitty band that’s playing. The fact that I cannot publicly drink because people from magazines are here and Dave says that being caught drinking underage will kill my career. Whatever.

Having just walked back inside the fucking hotel, I get two people running up to me instantly. Once male, one female. The female with a video a camera. Oh shit. What is this going to be? A fucking interview? Jesus Christ!

“Shayne!” The male calls. I plaster a fake smile on my face and look in his direction fully. Both the male and the female are clad in jeans and hoodies giving it away that they somehow snuck into this sad excuse of a party.

“Hey!” I greet still smiling. Actually, smiling for real now thinking back to the time Ace and snuck into the school and changed his English grade enough so he passed.

“Hi!” the male greets me with a smile. He looks no older than sixteen. “I’m Josh and this is Melissa” he gestures to the female with the camera. “We were wondering if we could interview you.”

“Sure.” I say smiling. “Just me or can I bring friends?” I ask being social for once this whole night. I blame it on the way these kids remind me of Ace and myself.

“You can bring friends.” Josh says grinning. Yay! Jake will be so happy to be interviewed.

“Alright, then I’ll be right back.” I say cheerily leaving the two in the hallway to go find my dumbass friends. “Hey. Go hang out in the hallway with the kids with the camera.” I say and slap Zack and Derek at the same time.

“Why?” they both ask touching the back of their heads where I’m sure they were feeling pain.

“Interview!” I clapped and walked away. To think that I wasn’t excited before. How things change! “Hey hallway.” I say and point Corey in the right direction. Corey doesn’t ask any questions. Good Corey.

Then it was torture to find Jake and Ace. I don’t know how they manage to disappear in when they’re wearing neon pink. I pretty much have to pry Ace away from Alice, little bitch. Jake was much easier. He ran happily once the word ‘interview’ left my mouth.

“Dude!” Jake yells pointing at Josh. “I know him! He lives next door to my mom!” Jake yells again.

The interview goes pretty good. Jake continues to ramble of the most random but true answers to the surprisingly good questions these kids ask us. I answer truthfully, not really caring what people think of me. Corey stays quiet as I expect. Derek adds a few words here and there and Ace pretty much stays completely silently. Only saying his name when asked. Zack and Jake rule most of the interview.

“Shit.” I curse upon noticing I left my phone outside. I swear if someone stole it I am going to go Mortal Combat on someone’s ass. “I left my phone outside.” I answer Jake’s silent question. He always turns his head to the side when he’s confused...sort of like a dog. I stroll out of the hallway and push the doors open to the little garden area. I shove people out of my way in order to reach my phone faster. I catch sight of phone and start to do a victory dance right there, in front of everyone.

The phone doesn’t even have one scratch, not one! Perfect! No one even touched it! I continue to do my little victory dance, turning around and feeling people staring at me but not really caring. Honestly, if they lost a three hundred and seventy-five dollar phone, and then they found it in perfect condition they’d do the same thing. After celebrating, I pick up texting Milo right where I left off, not watching where I’m going.

“Hey, watch yourself.” I seriously feel myself cringe. Her voice. I cannot stand that voice. If there were ever a voice that could kill puppies it would belong to Alice. I turn about to say some witty comment about how she is the product of a cow and pig’s one night stand but can’t even remember how to speak when I see her with some guy. Some guy who is not Ace! Sure, I’m not a fan of them being together again...because I’m positive they’re going to be but she’s already with another guy! The whore can’t even stick to one guy for a night!

“Ace would love to hear about this.” I say smiling victoriously.

“Oh, he won’t believe a single thing you say anymore.” she smirks at me.

“Why is that? Has your voice impaired his hearing so badly that he can’t hear properly anymore?” I ask faking shock.

“I showed him.”

“Showed him what?” I ask with a laugh. “The scars from your bad boob job?”

It’s really easy to tell when you piss Alice off. She puckers her lips and then presses them into a flat line. Her cheeks flush and her eyes do this weird thing where they half close and then re-open. It reminds me of a dying fishing. Obviously, my comment on her fake boobs made her mad. The dead fish expression wasn’t there too long before it was covered over with an evil smile.

“That yellow envelope that you keep in the bottom of your bookshelf under all those fucking stupid Harry Potter books.” I feel myself go white. How did she even find that? What was she even doing in my room? When did she show him? “He’s never going to trust you again, Shayne. Game over. I win. He’s going to be my ticket to fame and fortune.” Alice laughs her wicked, evil, puppy killing laugh and I lose it.

“Fucking bitch!” I scream and lung at her. I have anger problems. I don’t know, I don’t think I ever said that before...but I do. When I lose my temper, people try to scatter. I’m like an un-stoppable force. It’s like once I start, I can’t stop until I’m ready to stop or until people drag me away. I grab Alice by her ugly hair and puncher her in the face. That’s all that happens before a bunch of guys rip me away from her. Alice starts to laugh cruelly and I struggle to get out of the arms of at least four of Dave’s skaters.

I don’t really remember details after that. Dave flipped the fuck out at me, go figure. Jake tells me I threatened to quit...not having a problem with paying my way out of the contract. Apparently, that sent Dave into a panic and her apologized profusely. I don’t know...I guess I have skills. Everything is a little hazy because after that party, I went to this party at Zack’s house. Well, I’m pretty sure it had to be his parent’s house because it was pretty nice. I drank more alcohol than I did the night Ace and I...you know.

I woke up laying on a pool table with Corey. I have no idea why, but we were both wearing party hats. I wasn’t worried that we did anything we shouldn’t have done because we were both dressed and my hair was drunk messy...not sex messy.

I had to wait around Zack’s house until he actually woke up. I had no idea where his house was, so I really didn’t know how to get home. I followed him in my car on the car to the party.

I really didn’t want to go home. Ace would be at home, and he’s sure as hell be mad. So I went to Marley’s. My plan pretty my gets ruined when I hear Marley yelling and then Ace yelling. Great. Perfect. I go to Milo’s. Milo will know what to do and how to make me feel better.

So here I am. Sitting in the ugly yellow chair, upside down, listening to another Japanese cartoon while Milo sleeps. My phone rings almost every ten minutes after I call Jake and he fills me in on what happened last night. He doesn’t know about the envelope, I don’t think. If he does, he isn’t mad. Finally, I get sick of listening to my phone...so I do the logical thing...I put in Milo’s toilet.

I really don’t expect to leave Milo’s. Milo and I actually plan on going to sleep for the night when angry pounding on his door echoes through the apartment.

“If this is another fucking angry shitface coming from Greg’s I’m gonna seriously...” Milo’s sleepy mutters can’t be heard any longer as he shuffles out of his room. I internally know that it’s probably Ace. I just don’t know how the fuck he found out where Milo lives. I pull the covers on Milo’s bed over my head and roll myself into a ball. Maybe if I play dead he’ll go away.

“Shayne.” Ace says eerily quiet. Calm before the fucking storm.

“No Shayne. You go way.” I say imitating the lady I spoke to when I ordered Chinese earlier. I guess I fail at that because he rips the covers off me.

“I need to talk to you.” again, his voice is way to calm.

“I don’t feel like talking right now.” I say not uncurling myself from the fetal position.

“Well, that’s just too fucking bad isn’t it?” Ace pulls me off the bed and out of Milo’s apartment completely.

“What?” I snap at him.

“What? I’ll tell you what! This!” Ace shoves the yellow envelop full of pictures and letters at me. Pictures of Gavin, letter’s about Gavin, letter’s from Gavin, pictures of me...pregnant with Gavin. “Did you find it okay to fucking hide this from me, Shayne? I thought I was your best friend and you didn’t even fucking tell me you have a fucking kid somewhere? I don’t know, maybe it’s my mistake but I didn’t think friends fucking lied to each other!” he’s really mad. You can tell Ace is so mad that he can barely function, his face is all red and the veins in his neck kind of pop out. Another sign that he’s really mad is the way he clenches his jaw and curls his hands into fists. Man, I made him real fucking mad.

“I never lied to you!” I yell in my defense. I never did! I just never told him about Gavin.

“You lied to me the other night when you said you were a virgin! Obviously, if you had a kid...you’re not a fucking virgin!”

“Shut the fuck up!” I scream him. “You don’t know anything about me so shut the fuck up!”

“Yeah, apparently I don’t!” he screams. “So why did you lie to me, Shayne? Did you lie to me just because you were desperate because no one else wants you because you’re a fucking dirty whore? Is that why you lied to me?”

“Fuck you.” I growl trying to told back the tears. I’m not going to let myself cry for him. I’ve done enough of that over the years of knowing him and putting up with all the shit he gives me.

“Oh! Hey! Guess what? You already did! Who knows what kind of diseases I have now! You’re fucking disgusting. Get your shit out of my apartment and don’t touch my girlfriend ever fucking again, you stupid bitch.” he spits and walks away. I watch him walk down the hall and once he’s out of sight, I can’t stop the sobs and Milo does everything possible to calm me down.

How did I not see what an asshole Ace Bennett really is earlier?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I re-read this after I posted it. Tons of mistakes. So I fixed it.
I really need to start proof reading before I post.

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