When Forever Ends


I honestly try to be a good mother. It really, honestly do. That’s why I get so pissed off when some soccer mom gives me dirty looks and mumbles about how bad of a parent I am. Why? Because I am letting my son pick out a horror movie as a gift. Well fuck them! Seriously. At least Gavin won’t grow up with a load of lies that I told him just to make him feel better. I would never want to be lied to, I’d want to know the truth. So when Gave asks me who and where his dad is, I tell him the truth. His dad is a very bad man and I don’t know where he is.

“Mom!” Gavin runs up to me holding a DVD. I scan the cover quickly to make sure he isn’t exposed to graphic sexual content. I check the rating and see in fact there is sexual things in the movie.

“Nope. Not this one, Bud. Pick another one.” I ruffle his mop of black hair.

“Why not?” he whines.

“There’s icky stuff.” I say honestly. No one wants to see two people going at it. Plus...those ones always die.

“Please!” he pouts and gives me puppy eyes. I swear this kid is my exact copy...except for the hair.

“Nope.” I say firmly.

“Yes!” He yells and stomps his foot down.

“Gavin Alexander.” I say in a warning tone.

“I want it!” he yells and continues to stomp his feet. One thing I cannot stand is when children cause scenes because they don’t get what they want.

“Okay then. No movie. We’re going home.” I place the DVD back on the self and grab his hand and start to pull him out of the isle. He throws himself down on the floor and starts to cry. “Get up.” I say trying to keep my cool.

“No! I want that movie!” he screams. I pick him up and carrying him out of the store, he screams and cries the whole way.

“Keep it up. It’s not too late to call all your friends and tell them you’re not having a party anymore.” I say driving back toward the apartment. That silences him.

The party goes smoothly. As smooth as a party of twenty, seven year old boys full of sugar can go. For most of the party I sit and talk with Marley while keeping an eye on all of the kids. Thankfully, some of the parents don’t trust me with their precious little angels so they hang around and “help out”. I don’t care. Less work for me. I’m completely over trying to impress on son’s friend’s snobby parents.

Every Sunday night Gavin and I go to Marley’s and watch some kiddie movie. Once Gavin and Gia fall asleep Marley and I usually watch a comedy or some sappy romance movie. Gavin is asleep before we even get to Marley’s. I guess the party took a lot out of him.

“Hey, I’m pulling into your driveway now.” I say into my phone. I always warn her before I actually get to her house. I don’t know why. I just do.

“Okay. Um. I met someone and he’s here.” Marley says nervously. She’s always nervous when she introduces me to new guys. She thinks I have this gift where I can instantly tell if someone is good or bad. Not that it ever stops her from going after someone...even if I say they’re bad. But whatever. That’s why she sounds nervous.

“Ooh la la. I’ll be right in. I have to wake up Gave.”

“Alright.” I hang up and shake Gavin awake gently. He walks in zombie like state to Marley’s front door. I open it and let him wander inside. I follow after him carrying a bag containing everything either of us could need over night. I throw the bag onto the wooden floor in the hallway and venture further into the house. Going straight for the kitchen, Marley is usually in the kitchen.

I want to throw up as soon as I walk in. He’s there. Sitting at the table with her and him! Marley is sitting at her table with Vince and Ace. Gavin stood next to me staring at them through sleepy eyes.

“What the fuck is this?” I growl drawing all of their attention to me.

“Shayne, let me explain.” Marley starts.

“Yeah, why don’t you do that!” I snap at her. She frowns.

“I need to talk to you.” he says getting out of his chair. How could she do this? She totally stabbed me in the back! She knew how much I didn’t want to see him ever again! Why would she lead me blindly into seeing this asshole again.

“Shut the fuck up!” I roar. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you. I don’t even want to see your fucking face. Fuck you, Marley!” I hiss and grab Gavin’s hand and pull him through the hallway and out the door. I buckle Gavin in, sadly it gives him enough time to catch up to me.

“Shayne! Please! Just stop and talk to me!” he yells running out of the house and across the small lawn. I slam the back door shut.

“Talk to you? Why the fuck would I want to talk to you? You’re the whole fucking reason why I left California! Do you not understand I hate you?” I scream at him. Gavin peers out of the back window with big eyes.

“No! I don’t understand that! Why do you hate me? Because I fucking caught you in your lies?”

“See! That! That right there! That’s why I fucking hate you!” I yell and fling the door open. He always assumes! He never asks questions! He just makes these assumptions!

“Shayne!” he catches my arm.

“Don’t you fucking touch me you piece of shit.” I seethe and pull my arm away from his grasp. I throw myself into the car and slam the door. I don’t even put my seatbelt on until I’m on the highway. I was in such a rush to get away from him
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait. The weekend was insane.
And my grandma is in the hospital. =[
So...I'm sorry if this chapter is short and boring.
I'm still in shock a little.