When Forever Ends


I can’t even describe the way my stomach feels right now. Kind of like it’s twisting into knots. Kind of like it’s going to fly away. Kind of like it’s filled with feathers. There is nothing there that doesn’t feel right. I know this is right so I’m not surprised.

“Okay, Ford. Calm down. You look like you’re going to throw up!” Jake says laughing a little and slapping my shoulders.

“I’m calm.” I reply instantly.

“Real calm.” Ace adds joining in Jak’s laughter.

“No. Don’t relax. Be nervous as hell!” my brother blurts out.

“What? Why? What happened?” I ask in panic.

“Nothing, reverse psychology.” he says with a grin.

“Wrong!” Jake slaps him across the back of the head.

“That’s not what your mom said last night.” Kyle said smirking.

“Don’t talk about my mom!” Jake screams and he and my brother start to wrestle. Not what I need right now. Really not what need.

“Cut it out, guys.” Ace says lounging in a chair more relaxed than anyone in the room.

“Bennett’s just mad that he’s not getting married.” Jake manages to say even though Kyle has him in a headlock.

“Why the fuck would I want to get married? I’m twenty-two! No offence, Ford. I’m not ready to give up all the woman in the world and be happy with just one.”

“Yeah...you would if it were Shayne.” Jake says again. I don’t know why he has to do this. He hasn’t shut up about how much Ace wants to be with Shayne since they got here. I can tell that every time he brings her up that Ace visibly flinches a little bit.

“Jake, stop.” I warn him. Why did I have to pick these assholes.

“Fuck off! At least my girlfriend isn’t a leech!” Ace really must have hit a nerve because Jake threw Kyle off to the side and lunged at Ace.

“Can you all just fucking stop, please!” I yell over the angry words my two best friends are exchanging.

“Sorry.” Ace says and straightens out his tie and hair.

“Me too.” Jake agrees.

“Good.” I say anxiously. There is nothing more in the world that I want other than to marry Marley. To have her as my own for the rest of our lives.

“You guys ready?” Shayne asks poking her head into the room just enough that you could see her bare shoulders and a bit of her blue dress. Her hair was pulled back and curled kind of and her make-up was done nicely. I look to Ace quickly before and see this lovesick expression wash over his face. He notices I’m looking at him and he puts on this stony expressionless face.


“Kay.” she says with a smile and leaves.

“Keep that shit up and you’re going to get no where.” I tell Ace.

“Shut the fuck up. I have a girlfriend.”

“That you really, really love huh?” I ask.

“You’re all assholes.” Ace grumbles and walks out into the hallway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter. Can't help it.
I never know what to make Vince say.

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