The Life And Times of Zombeeboi

Chapter Two

Saturday. Saturday Saturday Saturday. I bounced my small basketball against the wall. I had won it at a carnival when I was pretty young, five or six. This basketball has survived the tests of time.

Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.

I stared as the small orange ball bounced off the wall and back into my hands from my position on my bed. I was truly and officially bored out of my skull.

My things were unpacked.

The dog was fed.

I still had no idea what Mara's username was on instant messenger.

And it was cold outside. Very, very cold outside. I grimaced out the small window on the wall and shook my head. Snow was definitely not my forte.

"Char! Cut that out!" My mother screamed upstairs. The smell of blueberry muffins wafted into the open door of my room. She was making muffins. She always made muffins when she was bored. She must be unpacked now.

If I couldn't mindlessly bounce the basketball on the wall what could I do in this wretched town. Well, it really wasn't wretched. I've only been here for three days, and so far all I've been treated with is kindness. Well, kindness and snow. Did I tell you I hate snow? It snowed in Iowa too. Eew snow.

"OH!" I yelled, tumbling, and then nearly getting tangled in my unmade bed. Draven. I could bug my newly made British friend.

I booted up my new computer (An iMac. My mom felt bad for making us move. Although, I'm not sure I really needed a new computer. The old family one was good enough for me. There were only two of us though.) and opened AIM.

[zombeeboi has signed in.]
zombeeboi: hey.
Draven774976: Howdy.
Draven774976: You know I'm still not this Mara creature, right?
zombeeboi: I do, yes. But I'm bored out of my skull!
Draven774976: That's not my fault! Why are you yelling at me?!
zombeeboi: …
zombeeboi: I'm not?
Draven774976: Oh! Haha. I was just kidding.
zombeeboi: Sure…
Draven774976: If you don't mind me asking, what time is it where you are?
zombeeboi: 2 pm good siiiir
Draven774976: Now you're making fun of my nationality?!
Draven774976: This is madness.
zombeeboi: …
Draven774976: You're not very good at taking jokes.
zombeeboi: OH. I get it now.
zombeeboi: Yeah well I don't know you, I don't know if you're insane or react weirdly to things. What time is it there?
Draven774976: 8 o clock on the dot
Draven774976: What are you doing?
zombeeboi: singing. Duh.
Draven774976: That's weird.
zombeeboi: no, you're weird.
Draven774976: Why are you picking on me?
zombeeboi: because you're British
Draven774976: …
Draven774976: Well…
Draven774976: You live in Minnesota, you like cheese.
zombeeboi: actually, that’s Wisconsin that likes cheese. Rumor has it that Minnesota likes cows.
zombeeboi: and gophers
zombeeboi: and Justin Pierre
zombeeboi: and snow.
zombeeboi: lots and lots of snow.
Draven774976: That sounds… catastrophic
zombeeboi: tell me about it. But Justin Pierre is pretty adorable.
Draven774976: Who is Justin Pierre?
zombeeboi: he's the singer of a band.
zombeeboi: Motion City Soundtrack
zombeeboi: ONE SECOND. Ill find you a picture
Draven774976: Alrighty
Draven774976: AWW! CUTE!
zombeeboi: I know, right? My ex girlfriend got me into them. They played this tiny gig in Iowa years ago. Madness. Now they've kind of blown up.
Draven774976: I just want to wrap him in kittens! And give him a hug!
zombeeboi: haha.
Draven774976: Where do you live?
zombeeboi: what?
Draven774976: Where do you live? What city. I'm on the phone with my pal Frank. I want to see if there's a possibility that you two would ever meet each other.
zombeeboi: oh.. St.Paul. But if I end up with a stalker I'm suing your ass.
Draven774976: oh no, don't worry. Frank won't stalk you.
zombeeboi: how can you be so sure?
Draven774976: trust me I just know.
Draven774976: Frank lives in Minneapolis! You guys should meet each other some time.
zombeeboi: that would be weird
Draven774976: It would, yes. It would be awkward. Kittens would probably squelch in fear.
zombeeboi: what?
Draven774976: You know, I'm not really sure myself. *squelch*
zombeeboi: that’s weird
Draven774976: *squelch* *squelch* *squelch*
zombeeboi: stop that

"CHARLIE! COME GET SOME MUFFINS!" My mother screamed up the stairs.

"Okay! One second!" I called back.
zombeeboi: ow. Im deaf
zombeeboi: I have to go eat muffins
zombeeboi: ill talk to you later?
Draven774976: sure!
Draven774976: *squelch*
[zombeeboi has signed off.]
And so it began.
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Dear god, i'm so sorry guys! I've been inactive for a very long time. I'm sorry. i've been busy with stuff.
Yay for motion city soundtrack love!
Please read and review! Thanks so much if you've stuck with me!